View Full Version : in 1 clap dead soldier

de graaf van vlaanderen
03-04-2004, 23:07
if soldiers are in one clap dead(you know,one sword hit)than what is the usefulness of heavvy soldiers if any soldier is dead by one sword hit?than you just can take the cheapest unit to destroy an army in place of the expansif heavy soldiers

03-04-2004, 23:20
Uhm, maybe they have better armor? So that you have to hit them in exactly the right place to get them killed. Or perhaps the light knights will be slower, so that the heavy knights will hit them first...
At least that is what a think.

03-04-2004, 23:49
I think one hit is more precisely =

1) Hit the target (% chance to miss too)

2) Penetrate the target's armer (lower % with heavier armor, modified by penetration power of the attack)

3) Above two true?--> dead.

04-04-2004, 00:29
Originally posted by dearmad
I think one hit is more precisely =

1) Hit the target (% chance to miss too)

2) Penetrate the target's armer (lower % with heavier armor, modified by penetration power of the attack)

3) Above two true?--> dead.

yeahh, that looks like it would work - although i think they use a few more parameters to calculate who stands and who die.

04-04-2004, 02:53
Originally posted by de graaf van vlaanderen
if soldiers are in one clap dead(you know,one sword hit)than what is the usefulness of heavvy soldiers if any soldier is dead by one sword hit?than you just can take the cheapest unit to destroy an army in place of the expansif heavy soldiers

Maybe I'm wrong but I think more heavy = faster to kill enemies.

04-04-2004, 10:17
Guys, it will be more difficult I think;)

Let's wait for Frank or Frujin to explain more:)

04-04-2004, 17:05
maybe is a % that troops have dependin on what unit they are, experience, and what they r wearing.

for exp. a templar has a higher % of stoping an attack than a swordman do, a unit with a good shield and heavy armor has les % of been hit then a men that has no shield and a bad armor.
remember that a man with a shield can block an attack but a man without it cant.:viking:

06-04-2004, 14:02
if you read the description of the units in the "showscase" you also find something about armor and weapon. some units there have none, light or heavy armor. so that must have an effect on the fight itself. i dont know if the units have a kind of "blocking" system with teyre weapon, but it must be definitly so that the armor helps that the unit is not dying after one hit