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07-04-2004, 13:55
think of "viking invasion" ;-)
i think its good if there are so many nations you can play.
and finally a game where scottland is playable and not only declared as a "rebels" with a very weak army

07-04-2004, 14:22
Yes, playable scotland (and Ireland) will be very nice for a change.

the knightly sword
07-04-2004, 16:26
great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!

great news !!!!!!!!

its always great to here news . now i know more about the game i sound like an 7 year old boy hehehehe

08-04-2004, 01:05
As I said. I prefere combination of about 850 on west and south, but 950 on east With Vikings, Charlemagneand Abbasid Empire, but also Kiev Rus and Novgorod on the other side

15-04-2004, 23:16
Nice start dates just a quick question will England be Anglo Saxon and be very similar to the scandanavian realms because thats where they have originated from? Or will they be more Norman like even though the Norman invasion hasn't happened? On the subject if its the first option will the invasion take place and you can fight it yourself and change history or you can just let it pass and you lose access to the scandanavian stuff and get Norman stuff instead?

16-04-2004, 00:37
You won't loose any stuff. There is one thing that units in realms are allthesame in all periods, so you'll have longbowmen in Anglo-Saxon Englans as well as in late Plantagenet England. So no Scandinavian factor probably.

To Norman invasion, it can happen if ruler of Normandy will be programmed to tend to attack England. But if you start your game by having good diplomatical relations with Normandy, the invasion may not happen. I forgot how is it by those fetures like Norman invasion or English invasion to France in late period orReconquista in Iberian peninsula. It depends on AI.