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27-08-2006, 23:48
Few days ago for a minute or so.

When was the last time you spent alot of money?

27-08-2006, 23:54
A lot - lot? Years ago. I'm a cheapskate. :smile:
(Actually I'm planning to use the money on a car...)

When was the last time you did something absolutely useless? (Like walking a path twice for some reason)


27-08-2006, 23:56
I tried to colour some big map in only four colours a month ago...

When was the last time you felt useless?

28-08-2006, 00:39
Six or seven hours ago.

When was the last time you... felt fear?

28-08-2006, 10:25
When I punched a guy who's sronger than me two or more years ago. It all worked out well in the end, but the thought of getting beaten up... There was more probably after, but I don't remember.

When was the last time you punched somebody?

28-08-2006, 10:52
Three years ago.

When was the last time you... couldn't stop laughing at some idiot you saw (except me)?

28-08-2006, 11:14
I can't remember such a thing.

When was the last time you didn't get a joke which everyone else got?

28-08-2006, 11:36
I don't remember such a concrete case.

When was the last time you... said a joke, which noone understood?

28-08-2006, 13:02
Happens alot.

When was the last time you fixed something?

28-08-2006, 13:32
Last week, I think.

When was the last time your... eyes were red?

28-08-2006, 14:34
I don't know, I can't see them.

When was the last time you fallen asleep in front of the computer?

28-08-2006, 15:07
Never done that, altough sometimes I've been pretty close (yesterday f.e.).

When was the last time you... had to clean something in the house/appartment?

28-08-2006, 15:45
Never, because it always looks fine to me.

When was the last time you were called lazy by everyone?

28-08-2006, 16:16
Yesterday (well, not everyone - there probably are some people in Timbuktu, who don't think so). :wink:

When was the last time you... read a thread outside the Colosseum?

28-08-2006, 16:57
Today about the patch and stuff.

When was the last time you wished for a second patch to KoH?

28-08-2006, 17:49
Today, before and after I read Frujin's post.

When was the last time you... saw Frujin or some other of the old admins (i.e. Frank Fay, Nadine Knobloch and Morgot) posting (besides today)?

28-08-2006, 18:18
Nadine - something related to Paraworld, I think, Frujin - in that thread of that Macedonian kid.

When was the last time you mistaken another forum for this one?

28-08-2006, 20:29
Never done that.

When was the last time you... danced?

28-08-2006, 20:36
I don't like dancing, almost two years ago.

When was the last time you broken your or somebody else's glasses?

28-08-2006, 20:51
I once stepped on my glasses years ago (don't wear glasses anymore), but they were fancy flexible lenses and the didn't take a scratch.

When was the last time you miserably failed at something?
(Tried to jump on something, but didn't make it by far, etc.)
