View Full Version : More players on 1 island?

07-08-2006, 18:23
Hello there, are there still possibilities to have more than 1 player settling on 1 island, like in Anno 1503? Because with the fog of war, you can't see everything, so you may sit on an island already captured by another player. This would sometimes happen in Anno 1503 without you even knowing it. Thanks for the answer

08-08-2006, 01:02
Well, the islands will be explored with the ship as they were in 1602(the scout from 1503 is history), I cannot say with a surity, but it is my understanding that all resources and other aspects about the island such as native cultures and other inhabitants will be revealed with that exploration just as it was with 1602. I am sure someone will correct me if that is not a true assumption.

08-08-2006, 09:30
On the other hands side I would consider it great fun to explore your new home further - acoss the mist- by placing marketplaces/centers and then suddenly reach the area of influence of another player ..but only for those, who love to fight..for those who like quiet playint it would be annoying :biggrin:

08-08-2006, 15:30
Hi guys and girls:hello:

I read there will be no scout anymore, how can you explore the island to find out if there's marble or salt or iron?In anno1503 you just send the scout to a mountain to see what's there.in this game you use a ship but can you discover all those things with that?

Dobber and LadyH, nice to meet you again and to the other members who came from the anno1503 forum.

08-08-2006, 15:55
The ressources will be explored automatically as soon as you discover the island and move your ship near enough.

08-08-2006, 16:15
and click the "explore" icon I guess :biggrin:

08-08-2006, 16:48
Maybe they did away with the explore button and all you have to do is sail near the shore to reveal all the resources.

*And nice to see you as well, Alizéefan!*

08-08-2006, 18:02
I would prefer the old style witht the explore icon....maybe you do not want to explore every island you are passing by....imagine an AI settling there..if you explore his island he may react aggressiv or stop trading with you :...

11-08-2006, 17:20
it would be hard to believe that by sailing close to their island and auto exploring the makers will have the bots get angry at you.

That would be a major bug.

14-08-2006, 09:10
I don't think that either.They will only get angry when you pass they're island with an armed ship or a warship.

I believe you can live in peace on one island together with an opponent as long as you don't attack him.Just like in anno1503.

Will there be an endless game avalable and how many inhabitants can you have in your city?In anno1503 you could have up to 200.000 people but i don't think that's possible in this game.:rolleyes:

14-08-2006, 12:02
According to what I have read, endless game is a big part of this game, endless game and a few scenario's. There is no Campaign.