10-04-2004, 14:30
On this ( screenshot we see something like a relation-bar.
Europa Universalis II had the same thing, ranging fromn -200 to +200.
The flaw with this relation-bar is that it doesn't guarantee that a good relation is maintained by both sides.
For example: When in EUII my relation with someone rose above 50+ I could offer him a military alliance and he would usually agree and engage in my wars. A while later, when the relation rose to 190+, I could offer him to become my vasall. 10 years later I could annex him.
And that all without doing him any favor.
So an idea came up in my mind:
Why not exchange this "relation-bar" with "goodwill" (I don't know if this is the right word... I mean 'his readiness to do me a favor').
When I'm in war with another nation it's king will have no 'goodwill' towards me.
But I can give him a gift (provinces, money, etc.) to have him do me a favor. For example accept peace.
(You see: This model includes peace-treaties without any enhancement/exlusions)
On the other hand my allies won't declare war on all my foes without something in return. Either I alrady have a lot of 'goodwill' from him and he engages in the war or I have to get more 'goodwill' by marrying one of my daughters to his sons, or money, or engaging in his wars, etc to make him enter my war.
With this model you can have a friend without having an military alliance, so you can even ask members of your enemy-alliance to not engage in a war etc.
It simply enhances your diplomatical options without making the game very complex for the player or the developers.
This ( Screenshot proves that the bar above was ment to be a relation-bar.
Europa Universalis II had the same thing, ranging fromn -200 to +200.
The flaw with this relation-bar is that it doesn't guarantee that a good relation is maintained by both sides.
For example: When in EUII my relation with someone rose above 50+ I could offer him a military alliance and he would usually agree and engage in my wars. A while later, when the relation rose to 190+, I could offer him to become my vasall. 10 years later I could annex him.
And that all without doing him any favor.
So an idea came up in my mind:
Why not exchange this "relation-bar" with "goodwill" (I don't know if this is the right word... I mean 'his readiness to do me a favor').
When I'm in war with another nation it's king will have no 'goodwill' towards me.
But I can give him a gift (provinces, money, etc.) to have him do me a favor. For example accept peace.
(You see: This model includes peace-treaties without any enhancement/exlusions)
On the other hand my allies won't declare war on all my foes without something in return. Either I alrady have a lot of 'goodwill' from him and he engages in the war or I have to get more 'goodwill' by marrying one of my daughters to his sons, or money, or engaging in his wars, etc to make him enter my war.
With this model you can have a friend without having an military alliance, so you can even ask members of your enemy-alliance to not engage in a war etc.
It simply enhances your diplomatical options without making the game very complex for the player or the developers.
This ( Screenshot proves that the bar above was ment to be a relation-bar.