View Full Version : Day and Night...

Duke of Shropshire
14-04-2004, 14:31
The alternate of day and night is really a great feature. I loved to play a game of strategy involving the night attacks too!
But some concerning question:

Night and day alternate also in the world (stategic) view or only in the closest view?
Could be trimmed the speed of the game and therefore the day/night altenance?
Again, there'll be a continuos transaction from light to dark (I mean something like sunset light) or not (light or dark; no middle level)?
Llast (but not the list)...I saw that in some scrshoot there is snow covering terrains. Does'it mean that we could expect also changing of seasons? :) :) Ohhh...it would be so nice!!! :)

Bye bye Lords....and thanx for replying.

Kuno of Gersenau
14-04-2004, 14:35
Some answers I know, I think...

1. I would say in world AND close view.
2. I don't know, but I think you can't change the speed
3. Good question :go: it's the best if we wait for the devs!
4. No seasons, some terrains in the North have snow and this all the time...

Duke of Shropshire
14-04-2004, 14:46
Originally posted by Kuno of Gersenau
Some answers I know, I think...

1. I would say in world AND close view.
2. I don't know, but I think you can't change the speed
3. Good question :go: it's the best if we wait for the devs!
4. No seasons, some terrains in the North have snow and this all the time...

So rapid to answer Lord of Gersenau? :) Thx.

Good! This is a good news!
Bad. :( It means that if the game is too slow or too fast (I prefer too slow) we cannot modify the speed. Mmm...I hope that it 'll be not too fast. I hate to "pause" my realm and my people! :D
We'll be waiting together for them!
Mmmm...not so good....but it'snt an heavy problem.

14-04-2004, 15:06
@ 1.
I don't believe that there will be a day-/nightcycle in WorldView, but the devs never said something about that. Just my opinion.
@ 2.
Some months ago we asked for that time-setting, but there was no answer, I think.
@ 3.
If there is no day-/nightcycle in WorldView the Closeview doesn't need a slow change of day to night.
If there is a day-/night-cycle it would surely be a nice feature.


Duke of Shropshire
14-04-2004, 15:33
Originally posted by Angryminer
@ 1.
I don't believe that there will be a day-/nightcycle in WorldView, but the devs never said something about that. Just my opinion.
@ 2.
Some months ago we asked for that time-setting, but there was no answer, I think.
@ 3.
If there is no day-/nightcycle in WorldView the Closeview doesn't need a slow change of day to night.
If there is a day-/night-cycle it would surely be a nice feature.


@3....personally I hope for the second one! ^_^ It's more realistic. ;)

14-04-2004, 16:02
1. devs never said anything about it, but there are some screenshots of night World View, so it's very probable IMO.

2. I'm not sure if we can slow or fasten the game. But I'm sure we cannot pause/stop it to do some micromanagement, everything is happening on one gamespeed. But I hope player can choose from some of 2-3, to protect the problem of too fast/slow game

3. would be very very beautiful, but I really doubt of it. I hope for nice surprise ;)

14-04-2004, 16:19
Due to this (http://www.knights-of-honor.net//gfx/screenshots/scr_koh_0081.jpg) screenshot all parts of my previous posts asuming that there is no day-/nightcycle in WorldView loose validity.
Or shorter:
Yes there is Day-/Nightcycle in WorldView.


Duke of Shropshire
14-04-2004, 16:26
Originally posted by Angryminer
Due to this (http://www.knights-of-honor.net//gfx/screenshots/scr_koh_0081.jpg) screenshot all parts of my previous posts asuming that there is no day-/nightcycle in WorldView loose validity.
Or shorter:
Yes there is Day-/Nightcycle in WorldView.


This is really a good thing...don't you think?
Now it last only the question about transiction from day to night and viceversa. Hoping for a romantic sunset and daybreack!!! ;) I love to see all my realm at the sunset from my Hightower!! Ahhh.....so nice! :p

14-04-2004, 16:39
Originally posted by Duke of Shropshire
This is really a good thing...don't you think?
Now it last only the question about transiction from day to night and viceversa. Hoping for a romantic sunset and daybreack!!! ;) I love to see all my realm at the sunset from my Hightower!! Ahhh.....so nice! :p

and screaming roosters, singing birds...

Duke of Shropshire
14-04-2004, 16:52
Originally posted by timurlenk
and screaming roosters, singing birds...

...exactly! :D

Lord Sandman
15-04-2004, 10:21
2. I'm not sure if we can slow or fasten the game. But I'm sure we cannot pause/stop it to do some micromanagement, everything is happening on one gamespeed. But I hope player can choose from some of 2-3, to protect the problem of too fast/slow game

Are you sure in KoH will not be possibility to pause game and giving orders for micromanagement while game is paused? Maybye only in Close view, when battle occurs pause will not be? maybe in World view we will have possibility to pause the game?

15-04-2004, 12:24
it was discussed somewhere else.

As far as I remember Frujin said it's like when you lead a battle, the world goes on (and that's because the battles don't last so long) and if something else happened somewhere else, you'll get notification and if it's for you more important than that battle, you can leave it to your knight.

They promissed this is absolutely new kind of RTS-absolutely real realtime :cheers:

15-04-2004, 13:17
On average how long will the games last, do you have to upgrade to get a new set of units, or will they all already be able to use once you build certain buildings?

It would be good if there was a day/night feature, makes the game involved with a higher level of real time strategy skills, trying to cope with, as the Duke said night time attacks, skirmishes and other fighting commands.

16-04-2004, 17:46
I assume this is something like EU then, as far as operating in rt. One thing that it seems is a question for KoH is seasons. Am I right to say there isn't any?

That would be a shame since seasons played a big role in warfare (Still does though not as much). Spring for war, winter for hunkering down and drinking.:cheers:

Much higher army attrition rates in winter, which EU portrayed well, though I'm not a fan of how their battles are resolved:yawn:

Frank Fay
16-04-2004, 17:55
yes no seasons...

Duke of Shropshire
16-04-2004, 21:18
Originally posted by Frank Fay
yes no seasons...

Sad...but True! :(

The Duke.

20-04-2004, 03:27
Thnx for the reply, though I am sorry to see no seasons take place:( I still think it would add a lot to the game and maybe it might be considered for a future upgrade?:)

Duke of Shropshire
22-04-2004, 01:16
Originally posted by Wallenstein
Thnx for the reply, though I am sorry to see no seasons take place:( I still think it would add a lot to the game and maybe it might be considered for a future upgrade?:)

I hope too! :)

The Duke.