View Full Version : What is so different about this game?

15-04-2004, 21:17
since I'm a medieval fan, I'm following this game for a while now. I've played quite a number of medieval rts games, like Lords of the Realm 1/2/3, Age of kings, Medieval Total War, Castle Strike and more.

Over and over I do read in this forum and on the KOH website, that this will be a totally new type of game, not comparable to all the others. But somehow I do fail to see the major difference between all of the others. There for sure are some new elements to this game, but to me it looks like that it fits in with all of the rest of them. After playing Lords of the Realm and Castle Strike, I must say this game looks like LOR3 a lot (but on a bigger scale), but has some of the Castle Strike elements in it too.

Perhaps someone can just clearly explain to me what will be so unique about this game?

15-04-2004, 22:02
Well its just the subtle differences on the all the best things from other games slightly tweaked. The castles are like stronghold (but not built the same, they just look the same and are sieged in the same way), the battles are like M:TW etc.

16-04-2004, 15:43
Well it should be mostly like MTW, except a bit different here and there.
It seens to be pretty unique, as far as such things go.

16-04-2004, 15:49
@benjamin Don't compare this game with other games. And it most defenitly does not look like LOR3. LOR3 is a 3d game and this is a 2d game. Also LOR3 ****s. This game is genne be the best ever RTS game. You will just need to stick around and try it when its released to find out how different it is.

16-04-2004, 16:01
@Cork2 What else can I do but compare the game to others to find out it's uniqueness? Btw, did you extensively play LOR3? I'll for sure stick around to see how this game will develop!

@ rado907 if it's mostly like MTW then it for sure isn't unique.

So, my question still stands, perhaps someone can just clearly explain to me what will be so unique about this game?

16-04-2004, 16:08
My answer will be: have a look around this forum if you want to find something. Everybode here want's to get more information and everybody must search a little. It's very easy. Ask and wait till somebody answers...

16-04-2004, 16:12
I think it isn't that unique. I'm a great fan, but good games don't need to be unique.

I'm quite new to this forum aswell, but as far as I've seen the game so far there are no really surprises in it. To me it just looks like the perfect combination of all good factors of other Medieval games. But, again, I'm quite new, I don't know that much about this game.

16-04-2004, 16:22
@ Elewyn, I've searched the forum a lot already, been haning around here for a while now, just never bothered to become a forum member until now. Read lot's of posts on this game, read almost the whole website, faq, looked at screenshots and so on. I've already got a lot of info on the game, but more can't hurt. My question is related to the uniqueness of this game, which I fail to see.

@ SumatroX that's what I've been gathering too......

16-04-2004, 16:34
OK. I don't know many other games. Never played MTW, so I can't compare, I don't know what's there, but IMO it's total realtime with no possibility to stop and enlarged diplomatical system with much wider options than no game before has(maybe games like EU) together with warfare comparable with MTW or RTW, only in 2d.

As discussed before, you can't make up totally unique medieval RTS. You can't make no absolutely unique game of any style. There can be only one game of that style and it influence all games of that genre comming after.

Largness of the map is also unseen before (IMO). So what is unique? The best features from other games are put together into one, some of them improved also, some totally new details added (total realtime)

17-04-2004, 16:16
One thing that looks different to me is the fact that diplomacy looks to be more of a factor in KoH. I've played MTW almost since it came out and the biggest problem I have with it is that there really is no diplomacy. That to me is a big problem (I like as close to reality as possible). KoH looks like they include it as an important factor in the game, which EU does, though the the way they resolve battle is very boring.:yawn:

17-04-2004, 17:58
The "uniqueness" is what’s still in progress right now I think. The difference between this game is that its taking the good aspects from other games and trying to tie them together in this game and that is what makes this game unique.

20-04-2004, 00:01
Originally posted by rado907
Well it should be mostly like MTW, except a bit different here and there.
It seens to be pretty unique, as far as such things go.

sorry, is a bit wrong, the game has a lot more to show then mtw.

much more and important diplomacy and spionage.
differmnt troop and population management.
diferent tax system.
different way of recruitment.
there also will be possible that a single province/region becomes indepnedent and builds a "kingdom" of its own.
for me very important is that you can pass thru allied territory without causing a war between you and your allie.
rebels can claim a kingdom.
sieges are more importnat then in mtw.
there is a day&night cyclus.
the mercenaries are used and hired different from mtw
the loser of a war must pay a penalty (can be money, a province and many other things)
there is vasality in the game.
the game is teoreticle endless.

well, there is a lot more then in mtw.
mtw had left big footsteps, but KoH will fit them more then good.