View Full Version : Realtime happening in battles?

16-04-2004, 17:03
Hi everybody i couldn't find a thread on this so I'll start one :)
Anyway during battles will the rest of the world keep going so if you are fighting a battle for 10 minutes armies you have sent somewhere are still moving during that time period. This really will make it a non-stop real time game if it is like that.

16-04-2004, 17:11
Absolutely non-stop.


16-04-2004, 17:18
yeah, its non stop real time.

but there are messages during battle, if something important happens.

also, you must not fight the battles by yourself, but by one of your marshals / knights. there can take two or more battles place at the same time.

16-04-2004, 17:35
He means "also, you don't need to fight the battles by yourself".


16-04-2004, 17:40
Originally posted by Angryminer
He means "also, you don't need to fight the battles by yourself".


ups. :blush:

of course you are allowed to battle yourself!

thanx, angryminer :cheers:

also, you dont need to fight the battles by yourself, but by one of your marshals / knights. there can take two or more battles place at the same time.

Frank Fay
16-04-2004, 17:55
there was a change mates, we will make it optional for the player to decide to pause the world view during battle or not.

16-04-2004, 18:12
Originally posted by Frank Fay
there was a change mates, we will make it optional for the player to decide to pause the world view during battle or not.

surprise, surprise :confused: :scratch:

16-04-2004, 19:24
I don't think people will choose for the non-stop option then, I don't see any advantages in it... But realistic, because time in the WV goes a lot faster than in CV. If you wouldn't do it, a battle might take half a year or something like that, while it's over in 10 mins...

Frank Fay
16-04-2004, 20:26
i think they will because the game experience will be completely different and the player's time comes as a valuable resource into play and it is more king'ish.

16-04-2004, 21:39
Originally posted by Frank Fay
there was a change mates, we will make it optional for the player to decide to pause the world view during battle or not.

i think ist good idea. when you play the game the firts time you maybe wish a pause-option ;)

17-04-2004, 00:01
The problem with the pause feature is always when there are several human players. What do the others do while two or more but not all make a battle?

It becomes even more delicate when the World view has a different speed than the Close view. It is not un-resolvable, but has to be thought about carefully.

Please, state for me that the game is a multiplayer game, isn't it!! It would be a very bad solution to eliminate the multiplayer mode just to have computer players that don't get bored while the only human player pauses the game to better manage the battle he fights...:confused:

17-04-2004, 10:51
Read about the Multiplayer here (http://www.knights-of-honor.net/english/gameinfo/faq/features.php).


Lord Sandman
17-04-2004, 13:58
Originally posted by Frank Fay
there was a change mates, we will make it optional for the player to decide to pause the world view during battle or not.

WHHOOOAAAHHH!!!! GREAT NEWS!!!!! At least!!!

17-04-2004, 14:14
Well ty for the answers guys but like some of you I don't think I will use the pause option unless there is special circumstances :viking:

Duke of Shropshire
17-04-2004, 15:31
Originally posted by Frank Fay
i think they will because the game experience will be completely different and the player's time comes as a valuable resource into play and it is more king'ish.

...but I agree that is not realistic to have the same scale of time for battlòe and straytegic management view!
It could be good if when in battle time in the WV would be more slow.

So I think that having the possibility of stopping the time in the WV is really an important and good feature! I'll always use it! ;)

The Duke.

17-04-2004, 16:52
"Is there a multiplayer mode?
Multiplayer matches in KoH are planned to be fast-paced and limited to battle only. Players can play historical battles like the Battle of Hastings or random maps in skirmish mode. KoH can be played by up to 6 players via LAN, Modem or Internet."

Well, thank you for the information, Angryminer; however, this will not be a game I will play, if it stays like this. This is not a multi-player, just has a feature where yu can connect more than one computer and play a battle. You always told, here you have to be a king. But I will ever only appear as a war lord for others.

Playing alone? Hmmm. Well, there is no AI that can act compareably to a human payer. It is like playing chess alone, and try to make draws with the 'other' player that 'seem more or less valid". Has no sense except for passing time when your network is cut for some reason or prepare yourself for the multiplayers trying out some actions (without supposing the AI acts like your human adverser will)

I am disappointed