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1. 1. Important installation notes for Windows® 95 with Active Desktop and Windows® 98. 1.1 If your CD-ROM drive's AutoPlay function is active If, while installing "1602 A.D.", you get a message showing the space required to be "0", exit the installation. Now open and close the drive's drawer. After the "1602 A.D. CD" initialisation, click the "Install" button. The required space will now be correctly displayed and you can complete the installation. If your CD-ROM drive's AutoPlay function is not active If, while installing "1602 A.D.", you get a message showing the space required to be "0", exit the installation. Make sure the "1602 A.D. CD" is in the drive. Click the "Start" button in the Windows® task bar and choose the Control Panel in the "My Computer" menu. Now double-click the Software icon. Click "Install" and then "Next". Follow the onscreen instructions. Window® should now find the "1602 A.D." installation program. If this doesn't happen, enter your CD-ROM drive's letter. 2. Settings before starting play 2.1 Video quality Click "1602 A.D. Settings" in the "1602 A.D." program group if you wish to change the video quality before starting "1602 A.D.". We recommend the high video quality setting for 8x CD-ROM drives or faster. 2.2 Cursor Click "1602 A.D. Settings" in the "1602 A.D." program group if your cursor shakes, stutters, or disappears. Deselect the option "Hardware cursor". Exit the configuration program and start "1602 A.D." as always. 2.3 Music and sound effects Click "1602 A.D. Settings" in the "1602 A.D." program group if you wish to turn off the music and sound effects before starting "1602 A.D.". 2.4 Screen resolution I If you receive the message "SET DISPLAY MODE FAILURE", or one similar to this, choose "1602 A.D. Settings" in the "1602 A.D." program group and set the screen resolution to 640 x 480. 2.5 Screen resolution II If you've set the screen resolution to 1024 x 768 and can't play any longer because the screen is filled with lines, or the picture is distorted, choose "1602 A.D. Settings" in the "1602 A.D." program group and reset the resolution to it's old value. 3. Starting the game Please exit all other programs before starting 1602 A.D.! 4. DirectX6® "1602 A.D." supports DirectX6® and thereby offers you the opportunity to install DirectX6® on your computer. This can eventually lead to problems if DirectX6® is unable to find certain drivers or if it overwrites others. Online addresses:
You can find more information on DirectX" here:> ![]() ![]() ![]() You can find the latest drivers for your sound and graphic cards on the Internet under the following addresses:
All information subject to change Question?: After successful completion of the installation and starting "1602 A.D.", the following problem occurs: The cursor jumps and stutters so badly that it's impossible to play. Answer!: This happens often with graphic cards that use S3 chips (especially Vision 964, 968). Follow the DirectX installation instructions exactly and only use the original S3 Inc. driver. You can find this driver on the S3 website (see table above). 5. Notes on use 5.1 Please insert the original CD! If you receive the message "Please insert the original 1602 A.D. CD!" when starting the game, make sure your computer isn't running in "compatibility mode". Right-click the "My Computer" icon, choose Properties, and then Performance. If the sentence "Your system is optimally configured" does not appear, and you see a note referring to compatibility mode, reinstall you CD-ROM drivers. If this doesn't work, consult your computer dealer. 5.2 Saving games In order to save a game, you first have to type in the name under which you wish to save it, then press the "Enter" button, and lastly click the Diskette Icon marked "HD". A voice message will the confirm the save. 5.3 Keyboard or mouse control "1602 A.D." is fully mouse-driven. Inasmuch as many players prefer to use the keyboard, or both, Appendix D in the handbook (page 77) shows a table of keyboard commands. When using the mouse, the following rules generally apply: the left mouse button opens menus, clicks icons, and performs any actions taken on the game screen. The right mouse button takes you back one menu level higher. When you are already in the topmost menu layer the right mouse button has no function. 5.4 PC-Dash Graphic Command Pad If you own a PC Dash Graphic Command Pad the PC Dash Graphic Command Card included will make playing "1602 A.D." easier and more enjoyable. Do not use the bar-code on the accompanying PC Dash Graphic Command Card as described in the PC-Dash Graphic Command Pad handbook. Due to a problem with the barcode you should use the PC-Dash Graphic Command Pad configuration file for "1602 A.D.". You can find the necessary configuration files in the "PC-Dash" directory on the "1602 A.D." CD-ROM. 6. Questions about the start phase of the game ?: I want to erect a building on my island, but I can't. It just keeps blinking, instead. Why? !: It could be any one of a number of reasons. First of all: did you already build a warehouse on the island and unload your construction materials from the ship to the warehouse? ?: What do the revolving question marks above my workshops and farms mean? !: The revolving question marks are a sign that something is wrong with the current workload of the building in question. To find out more about the current situation, click the large question mark icon in the menu to change to Info mode and then click the building concerned. You will now see a the buildings' current workload displayed in percent. If the percentage is very low, check to see if the building is getting enough raw material and if it has road access so that the handcarts can take the finished products to the marketplace. Keep in mind that only some agricultural products can be grown on each island. For example, if conditions for growing grapes on your island are shown as only being 50% suitable then your harvest, and the your winerys' workload will be that much poorer in respect to an island where conditions rate 100%. ?: I want to build some of the buildings shown on the Production Cards, but I can't find them in the Construction menu. Why not? !: Most of the buildings in "1602 A.D." can first be built when your citizenry have reached a certain level of civilization and satisfaction, and when they have enough technical know-how. The further your people progres, the greater the number, and variety of buildings available becomes. These buildings automatically replace the empty squares in the building menu as they become available. Keep in mind that larger buildings take more money and building material to erect, and need a larger population to support them. ?: "Storehouse full" keeps appearing over my buildings. What can I do? !: It is impossible to produce anything more until a handcart picks up the goods from the storeroom and brings the to the warehouse or a marketplace. Make sure that the access road reaches all the way up to the building so that the handcart can reach it. It is also possible that the building produces which is currently not needed, and that the warehouse is already full. In this case you should temporarily shut down the building (a rotating "Zz" symbol will appear over it), to save costs, and try to sell any surplus amounts of this product which you cannot use. In the long term it is generally a good idea to build workshops which can further refine the product in question. Don't forget to start the building back up when the bottleneck is over. ?: Although I keep building houses, and have enough money, some of the houses in my settlement are collapsing. Why? !: Check your settlers' level of satisfaction by changing to the Info mode and clicking one of the houses. The facial expression of the settler pictured there reflects the general level of satisfaction. The bars and icons show exactly what your people want and need. In order for your settlement to be successful, it is absolutely necessary to keep your settlers happy. Otherwise they will move away and your houses begin to collapse. Always make sure that there is enough food for everyone! 7. Questions about advanced play 7.1 Settling ?: Do I have to settle every new island I discover? !: No. You only have to settle one island so that your settlers have a place to live and you have tax revenue. You can use the other islands you have discovered as you see fit. What you do with them depends upon your own personal strategy. ?: How do I find out how many settlers live in my city, on my island, and in my domain? !: The total population of your island is displayed in the status bar at the top of the game screen. You can find out the total population by right clicking with the mouse until you reach the uppermost level of the Info mode. Here you can see the total population of all your islands. ?: When, and under what conditions, can ore be mined? !: Ore can only be mined from mountains where ore deposits have been located. Ore deposits discovered during exploration of an island are represented by two hammers revolving over the mountain where they are located. The symbol underneath the hammers indicates the type of ore found. Ore may first be mined when your settlers have reached a certain level of technical sophistication and when enough of your population have reached "Citizen" status. ?: I've just been told that my ore mines have played out. What are the consequences? !: If you've been informed that your ore deposit has played out, check to see if the hammers still appear over the mountain. If they have disappeared this means that the deposit was limited, and you have no choice but to shut the mine down or demolish it. ?: What should I do when my island is too small and I need more food? Is it better to settle another island, or to buy food from my computer opponent? !: That all depends on your strategy. If you want food fast you can initiate diplomatic relations with your computer opponent, close a trade agreement, and trade with him for it. It's even easier to buy food from the free traders who call at your port. This usually turns out to be an expensive alternative, however. If you value your independence, you're better off settling other islands where you can grow, or produce, food. ?: What's the difference between dirt roads, cobblestone roads, and squares? !: The speed of transportation depends on the road surface. Dirt roads are slowest and squares are fastest. ?: Sometimes my canefields, grapes, etc., grow at different speeds on the same island. Why? !: Some islands not only have fertile topsoil, but also desert and steppes. If you plant crops in one of these areas they will grow more slowly. ?: I planted a huge tobacco field, but it isn't being harvested! !: Did you also build a tobacco plantation so that the tobacco can be harvested? Also keep in mind that only the tobacco inside the service area of the plantation will be harvested. Make sure that the plantation has an access road! ?: How come my settlers aren't advancing to the next level of civilization even though I've fulfilled all their wishes (all the bars are full to the top? !: Check to see that you've built enough houses, and make sure you haven't forbidden your people from collecting building materials. This stops them from expanding their houses. You can find more information about collecting building materials in chapter 6.7.2 of your handbook ?: What's the difference between a small shipyard and a large one? !: A small shipyard can only build small ships while a large shipyard can build ships of any size. 7.2 Trade ?: How do I activate the buying and selling settings once I've chosen the products from the inventory and used the sliders to set amounts and prices? !: Your settings are automatically activated when you leave the buying or selling menus. Just right-click with the mouse ?: How do i cancel a setting in the buying or selling menus if I don't want to buy or sell that product anymore? !: Just go into the buying or selling menu and click the product you don't want to buy or sell anymore. This will activate it (yellow frame). Now click the bucket in the lower right-hand corner of the menu and the settings for this product will be canceled. ?: Is it only possible to put three items up for sale to the free traders? !: At the start, yes. The number of products you can put up for sale depends on the size of your warehouse. There are four different sizes of warehouses. The first, and smallest, can only offer 3 items for sale. The next offers room for four products, the one after that for 6, and the largest can offer 8 products for sale at the same time. ?: What do the colored arrows in the inventory mean? !: You can see from whether the arrow points towards, or away from, the product whether it is being bought or sold. An arrow pointing towards a product means you are buying, and an arrow pointing away means you are selling that product. The color of the arrows corresponds to the color (price) set on the price slider. Green represents low prices, and red high prices. ?: How can I remove products chosen by mistake from the ships' or market wagons' autoroute menu? !: Click the product you want to remove. When the inventory appears just click the empty field. 7.3 Special events ?: What can I do about the plague? !: A doctor helps. Large communities can sometimes need more than one doctor to keep your people safe from the plague. Keep in mind, when building your residential areas, that the doctor can only visit houses that have road access, and that he can only operate effectively within his service area. ?: What can I do against drought? !: Exactly the same as in real life: nothing. ?: What can I do about the fiend who keeps attacking my citizens and handcart operators?? !: Building a gallows scares off the robbers and the riffraff. 7.4 Combat ?: Training soldiers: when training soldiers in the castle, what does the number in the top right-hand corner of the menu mean? !: This is the countdown timer for the training period. When it hits 10, and the bar is red, the soldier is finished his training and can now leave the castle ?: My soldiers have finished their training - the countdown timer has reached 10 - but they still won't leave the castle. Why not? !: It could be that your unit doesn't have the appropriate weapons. You can see this by looking at the bar: if it is orange, you don't have enough weapons to arm them. Either buy some weapons, or produce them yourself. Make sure that the type of weapon is appropriate to the type of unit, as an artilleryman can't do much with a sword (for example). In order for the unit to get these weapons they either have to be stored in a warehouse within the castles' service area or the producer of that weapon has to be within it. ?: How can I see how badly wounded my soldiers are after a battle? !: The green bars above your soldiers indicate the amount of health left. Soldiers with levels of health under 50% can be selected by clicking the red cross icon in the combat menu. You can now send them to the doctor. After a certain period of time the soldiers are healed and can once again be sent out. 8. Scenarios In addition to continuous play, "1602 A.D." offers scenarios for both singleplayer and multiplayer modes. The scenarios offer exciting assignments with pre-set goals. The single player mode first offers you one scenario (besides the five tutorials) at the "easy" level. Once you have successfully completed this assignment you will receive the next, which is somewhat more difficult. The more scenarios you successfully conclude, the more difficult the next will be.
. 9. Multiplayer mode You can also play "1602 A.D." with up to four players over a network (LAN) or with two players per modem or null-modem. To get set up for multi-player mode you should first designate which computer will be used as the server. Use whichever computer is fastest and has the most RAM. You only need one CD-ROM, which stays in the servers' CD-ROM drive, for the network game once everyone has installed the game onto their hard drive. Using this method means that only the player on the server will have music and video. We therefore recommend that all players keep an "1602 A.D." CD-ROM in their CD-ROM drive so that everyone has both music and video. 10. Service and contact (Hotline) If you have any technical questions about, or problems with, the program please contact the INFOGRAMES DEUTSCHLAND hotline.
For questions from Austria or Switzerland, please contact the DYNAMIC SYSTEMS Hotline. They can be reached Tuesdays and Thursdays between 3:00 p.m. and 7.00 p.m. under the following numbers:
You can also send your written questions to: If you want to send your questions over the Internet, or if you would like up-to-date product information you can find the INFOGRAMES website at: Further information about |