On this page:

8.2.1 Introduction
8.2.2 Strategy overview
8.2.3 When I try and capture a Main Market, the replacement building is aligned wrongly. How can I capture the territory?

8.2.1 Introduction

Skip preformatted map

                                    . '' .
                                . '    (a) ' .
                            . '                ' .
                        . '                 _.-''-.' .
                    . '      _.__         -'    b  '.  ' .
                . '        :'    )_.-.     '---._.--'      ' .
            . '       _.---'          '-__                     ' .
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                      ' .   '-'      _       _       . '
                          ' .       (g)     (h)  . '
                              ' .            . '
                                  ' .    . '

The map below shows the main city island ("c"):

Skip preformatted map

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            '.                     I  __.'
              '.__  __.-.__ ___  .-'-'
                  ''           ''

8.2.2 Strategy overview

The first two parts of this mission must be accomplished within 85 minutes, however the mission can be completed easily in half that time. Take a moment to organise your units.

I suggest grouping up the majority of your Cannon and Mortars, and using them to attack enemy towers. Support the artillery with other land units, because from time to time the enemy will send out small groups of foot soldiers. Defensive Towers are particularly deadly to artillery and should be approached with caution. In particular, avoid Defensive Towers firing down onto your forces from a higher level - the enemy fire can be devastating and only Mortars can effectively return fire. Defensive Towers are weak if attacked from the rear, since they only fire in a 180 degree forward arc.

Almost any military strategy will work: You have a large army, and the enemy is poorly organised.

To capture the palace, first destroy all the enemy units and towers surrounding it. Destroy the two Main Markets either side of the palace. Capture one of these markets using a Scout - load the Scout with Wood and Tools, and as soon as your units stop attacking the building, use the Scout's 'build warehouse' command to build a Main Market over the existing enemy market. You will not be able to capture both - only one is required. If you cannot capture either, check carefully that all nearby enemy towers and units have been destroyed.

Once the palace as been captured, you are instructed to "kill them [the henchmen] and regain their houses as well as rare ornamental buildings." There is no need to capture all the houses in the city. The instruction refers only to the two ornamental gardens (marked "3" and "4" on the island map above). In order to reach the eastern gardens ("4" on the map above), you may need to blast a hole in the rocks (use Cannon or Mortars). The ornamental gardens contain a few hidden enemy units which are only visible when your units get close. Destroy the Main Market overlooking the gardens, and then use a Scout rebuild the Main Market and claim the territory containing the gardens.

The second objective can be completed before the first, in which case you will jump straight from objective 1 to 3.

The final part of the mission involves locating, and dealing with, your brother. Ignore any demands your new city has (assuming there was any city left to capture). Load a Scout onto a ship and sale to the Polynesians' island ("g" on the main map). Move your Scout to the centre of mountains on the southern side of the island. You will find "the treasure", and your brother will join the party. This act may trigger the Polynesians to declare war on you, so leave the island quickly. Head to the southern-most island ("h" on the main map), and deposit your brother on the island to complete the mission.

8.2.3 When I try and capture a Main Market, the replacement building is aligned wrongly. How can I capture the territory?

If you encounter a problem whereby enemy Main Markets cannot be captured because the replacement building is aligned the wrong way, an alternative approach is to build one or more new Main Markets surrounding the territory, such that when the original Main Market is destroyed, the territory falls entirely within the control of the new Main Market(s). In this scenario you already have a Main Market on the island, so will need to build out from this or any Main Markets you are able to capture.