On this page:

6.9.1 Introduction
6.9.2 Objective: Build 700 Citizen city
6.9.3 Objective: Trade 20t Medicinal Herbs to Native Americans
6.9.4 Objective: Destroy all houses on the Isle of the Dead
6.9.5 Single-ship strategy

6.9.1 Introduction

Skip preformatted map

                                    . '' .
                                . '.  (a)  ' .
                            . '. b _)    _     ' .
                        . '  _  '-'     (d)  _.-._ ' .
                    . '     (c)        _    '-.e__)    ' .
                . '                   (f)                  ' .
            . '      _                                         ' .
        . '_        (g)     _                   .---.              ' .
    . '__.' '---.         -'k'-.      _          'i-'            _     ' .
. ' ..'     j    '-. @    --.-' _    (h)                        (l)        ' .
.    -'._       .-'            (n)                      ___.----.            .
  ' .    '-----'  _                   _                (    o   _)       . '
      ' .        (m)           _     (p)         _      '.   __:     . '
          ' .            _    (t)               (q)       '-'    . '
              ' .      _(s) _     _                          . '
                  ' . (r)  (2)   (v)           .--'--.   . '
                      ' .           .'.   .-.  '--l--. '
                          ' .      -' '-'-'  '   . '
                              ' . '-..-._x_.-. '
                                  ' .    . '

6.9.2 Objective: Build 700 Citizen city

By this stage in the game, you should have no problems creating a Citizen level settlement. The large island in the west ("j" on the map above) is ideally suited. The only difficulty is in avoiding Waltharius's warships - the best tactic is to hide your ship in a quiet corner of the map until you need it. It may be possible to trade Spices or Tobacco with Buccanon, but the trade route is long and runs past Waltharius's islands, so is not recommended. Instead settle some of the vacant islands on the western side of the map ("k" on the map above for Spices, "m" for Tobacco), and try and stay away from Waltharius's hostile shipping. You must have at least 700 Citizens, not Merchants (you may have Merchants, but they must be in addition to 700 Citizens).

6.9.3 Objective: Trade 20t Medicinal Herbs to Native Americans

This is a straight-forward case of growing the goods, if you have not done so already - research the Doctor first. Trade them with the Native Americans on the island marked "1" on the map above. You will need a Scout to trade.

6.9.4 Objective: Destroy all houses on the Isle of the Dead

The mission description implies you should attack and destroy the colony on the Island of the Dead (marked "2" on the map above). If you listen carefully to the words spoken when you are given the mission, you will get an indication of the minimum required: removal of all houses and population from the island.

The obvious strategy is to invade the island. One look at its 27 cannon towers and 10 watchtowers built liberally over the entire island and its heavily defended narrow channel approach to its warehouse, might reasonably lead you to conclude that you need some combination of several Warships and/or Mortars or similar before attacking. This will entail additional expense and military facilities, so you should seek to expand your population and/or supply additional goods such as Silk Cloth and Lamp Oil (both of which will require additional islands to be settled). There aren't any enemy ground troops on the island, so you should not need to bring anything other than Mortars, Cannon and/or Catapults.

An alternative strategy is economic warfare. There is no Food or Leather production on the Island of the Dead, so it is feasible to completely eliminate all the housing by destroying its supply lines. Destroy Waltharius's weakly defended supply islands from the sea, using a single ship. Target the group of small islands around the Isle of the Dead - "r", "s" and "v" on the map above. You should also destroy the Warehouse on the remaining island ("t"), to stop him restarting Food/Leather production here. Dodge the occasional warship Waltharius patrols the area with - it normally patrols the Island of the Dead itself and is easy to avoid. Although Waltharius has food production on his larger island to the east ("o" on the map above) and has one ship running between the two colonies, he does not seem to be able to accommodate the new shortages you have just created on the Isle of the Dead. Simply wait for Food to run out: The houses on the island will disappear in a puff of smoke. There is no need to destroy the infrastructure, so you need never physically invade the island, so you never need to build an army or navy, or develop your colony beyond those first 700 Citizens.

6.9.5 Single-ship strategy

This strategy completes the scenario very rapidly, and only ever uses one ship. You will need the benefit of hindsight, but it is an interesting strategy to adopt if you are perhaps playing a second time. At the start of the scenario, off-load your Scout on the island you will be settling and let him explore. Head south and destroy the three or four islands required to complete the economic warfare strategy of the Objective: Destroy all houses on the Isle of the Dead. Now head north and settle a colony. Use your large starting capital to discount early loses and jump quickly to Citizen level. Once you have met the first population objective, grow and stock Medicinal Herbs. Once you have the herbs, ignore the needs of your colony and sail to trade with the Native Americans. By this time the Island of the Dead will have lost all its population, so you will complete both the last two objectives at once.