The diagrams below are based on in-game screens. The first line contains the name of the research, which is also often the name of the thing the research produces. The second line gives the Knowledge Point (K) and Gold coin (G) requirement. Where the research requires a University, this is indicated *U*. The third line contains the name of any building that this research makes available, or a short description of what the research does if this is not obvious from its name.

Weapon Production

Skip preformatted data

.--------------------.    .-------------------.    .-----------.
|Swords              |--->|Catapult           |--->|Siege Tower|
|  7K/ 100G          |    | 15K/ 200G         |    |  5K/ 100G |
|Small Weapons Smithy|    |War Machine Builder|    '-----------'
'--------------------'    '-------------------'
  |      |
  |      \      .--------------------.    .----------.
  |       '---->|Lances              |--->|Cavalry   |
  v             | 10K/ 200G          |    |  7K/ 100G|
.----------.    |Large Weapons Smithy|    '----------'
|Bow       |    '--------------------'
|  8K/ 120G|
|Bow Maker |
.---------------------.    .---------------.    .----------.
|Hardened Arrowheads  |--->|Feathered Shaft|--->|Crossbow  |
| 10K/ ???G           |    | 10K/ 250G     |    | 15K/ 150G|
|Increase arrow damage|    |Increase Range |    '----------'
'---------------------'    '---------------'      |
  |                                               v
  v                                             .-----------------.
.------------------------.         .------------|Range of Crossbow|
|Flaming Arrows          |        /             | 20K/ 150G       |
| 20K/ 250G              |        |             '-----------------'
|Archers attack buildings|        v
'------------------------'      .----------.    .----------------------.
                                |Musket    |--->|Wheellock             |
                                | 30K/ 500G|    | 40K/ 500G            |
                                |Gunsmith  |    |Increase musket damage|
                                '----------'    '----------------------'

Military Enhancements

Skip preformatted data

.--------------.    .-----------------------.
|Armor Infantry|--->|Stronger Armor Infantry|
| 25K/ 100G    |    | 50K/ 300G             |
'--------------'    '-----------------------'

.-------------.    .----------------------.
|Armor Cavalry|--->|Stronger Armor Cavalry|
| 25K/ 100G   |    | 50K/ 300G            |
'-------------'    '----------------------'

.--------------.    .---------------------.
|Cannon        |--->|Standardized Caliber |
| 60K/1000G *U*|    | 70K/1500G *U*       |
|Cannon Foundry|    |Increase Cannon Range|
'--------------'    '---------------------'
.----------------------.    .--------------.    .----------------------.
|Explosive Projectiles |--->|Mortar        |--->|Mortar Powder         |
| 80K/1800G *U*        |    | 80K/1200G *U*|    |100K/2000G *U*        |
|Increase Cannon Damage|    '--------------'    |Increases Mortar Range|
'----------------------'                        '----------------------'


Skip preformatted data

.-----------.    .--------------.    .--------------.
|Ship Cannon|--->|Medium Warship|--->|Large Warship |
| 18K/ 300G |    | 40K/ 600G    |    | 60K/1000G    |
'-----------'    '--------------'    |Large Shipyard|

.---------------------.    .------------------.    .-----------------.
|Medium Trading Vessel|--->|Large Trading Ship|--->|Strengthened Hull|
| 25K/ 400G           |    | 50K/ 800G        |    | 70K/1000G *U*   |
'---------------------'    |Large Shipyard    |    '-----------------'

Large Shipyard may be gained from either trading or war ship research.


Skip preformatted data

.----------.    .--------------.
|Well      |--->|Deep Well     |
|  5K/  50G|    | 20K/ 200G *U*|
'----------'    '--------------'
|Fire Brigade|
|  5K/  50G  |

|Weaving Mill|
| 20K/ 300G  |

|Stone Bridge|
| 30K/ 200G  |

.-------------------------.    .--------------.
|Doctor                   |--->|Fast Healing  |
| 50K/ 200G               |    | 60K/ 500G *U*|
|Medicinal Herb Plantation|    '--------------'

|Library                       |
| 60K/2000G *U*                |
|Adds 10 to Max Research Points|

|Large Ore Mine|
| 40K/ 500G    |

|District Court |
| 30K/ 200G *U* |

District Court only functions in the expansion pack.