On this page:

7.6.1 Introduction
7.6.2 Strategy overview

7.6.1 Introduction

Skip preformatted map

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7.6.2 Strategy overview

This scenario is a good introduction to building colonies in unfavourable circumstances. The map is small, and the only island suitable for city building is the large southern jungle island ("e" on the map above). In addition, there are no Venetians, so you must build up your own Tool production early in the game.

Tool production can be started with as few at 60t of Tools, so 100t gives some flexibility, but care is still needed. Develop up to Settler level, providing only essential infrastructure. Once 80 Settlers have upgraded, stop supplying construction materials, and build a Brick and Tool chain. Once Tools are being produced, you can restart house upgrading and/or build additional facilities.

Jungle islands mean that you either need to settle a second Hop growing island to produce Alcohol (which is inconvenient), or build many Small Farms (which are not very efficient). It is probably easier to stick with Small Farms than settle a Hop island. Starting capital is relatively tight, so you may not be able to jump straight to Citizen level before going bankrupt. Once your economy is stable, settle the Tobacco ("b" on the map above) and Spice ("c") islands. Build basic production facilities (just one plantation will be sufficient, plus a factory on the Tobacco island). Stockpile these two goods until you have about 10t of each. Build a Church and a Tobacco/Spice stand. The first house to upgrade to Citizen level completes the scenario.