On this page:

4.1.1 What do the symbols and ratings on the initial player menu mean?
4.1.2 What are the differences between 'endless' level difficulties?
4.1.3 Can you play as native races or pirates?
4.1.4 Can other players be made less aggressive?
4.1.5 Are the endless play mode maps random?

4.1.1 What do the symbols and ratings on the initial player menu mean?

Star ratings indicate difficulty, where one star is the easiest and four stars the most difficult. Half moons, circles, and circles with numbers in indicate the estimated length of the scenario. Use these as a relative guide.

4.1.2 What are the differences between 'endless' level difficulties?

Based on the writings of LadyH, augmented by my own observations:

Endless Level Difficulty
LevelStarting CashIslandsNativesTreasuresRatingNotes
In the original game:
With the expansion pack:
Brilliant Architect10,000,000235?*[2]
Estate Owner300,000295?***[3]
Master Strategist23,000125?****


  1. Cannot be customized.
  2. No AI players can be included. All buildings available from the start.
  3. AI player cannot be customized.

Pirates can be toggled on/off at the start of the game (unless otherwise noted).

Citizen is slightly different from the other difficulty settings, because the Citizen game occurs on a fixed map with no customisation or variety in resources. It is designed primarily as a training level. Zomby Woof comments: "Originally 'Baron' was the easiest level in the German version, but the more easy 'Citizen' was added later."

The number of different resources in each of the main endless levels are listed by BaldJim and Günter (based on table found at http://digilander.libero.it/anno1503/ ), augmented by my own observations:

Resources by Endless Level Difficulty
Resource/LevelOriginal Game:Expansion Pack
BaronViscountCountMarquisDukePrinceKingEmperorBrilliant ArchitectEstate OwnerMaster Strategist
Number of Deposits
Iron Ore262822222020171660792
Raw Salt766544431191
Number of 100% Islands

Game difficulty also varies in a number of less obvious ways. Balou notes: "The prices at the booths change with the difficulty level: the easier the game, the more money you make selling stuff to your own people." BaldJim writes: "The rate at which the AI advances varies with the level of difficulty of the game. In the Single Player/Endless Games, the AI players are programmed to advance at different rates depending of the number of stars showing the level of difficulty. In the Citizen level, the two AI players will do nothing until _after_ you have done it. This level is better termed an Advanced Tutorial. The Baron, Viscount, and Count levels at the one and two stars, are set to match your pace. At the three star levels, the AI advances more independently. If you just want to practice war, skip the other levels and go to King and/or Emperor at the four star level. I think you will find that the AI players do _not_ wait around for you. However, the AI will still not be as brilliant as you. The AI will not build more than it needs to survive and doesn't do Aristocrats."

Is there a level which is so difficult as to be impossible? Jochen Bauer writes: "No, they can all be completed - I tried it myself."

4.1.3 Can you play as native races or pirates?

No. Although in the expansion pack you may capture enemy ships, allowing piracy.

4.1.4 Can other players be made less aggressive?

BaldJim writes: "There are 3 or 4 AI players in each game. You may turn one or more off. Alternatively, you may change their profile from the default profile. A list of the profiles least likely to cause you war problems: The Trader, The Timid One, The Reluctant One, The Quiet One, The Just One, The Introvert." Changes are made under the customize button (not available at Citizen level).

4.1.5 Are the endless play mode maps random?

The Citizen level map is not random. On other levels, Badcat109 writes: "The islands are all in the same spot and basically the same size, just different shapes. Also resources are randomly placed."