On this page:

8.10.1 Introduction
8.10.2 Strategy overview

8.10.1 Introduction

Skip preformatted map

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8.10.2 Strategy overview

At the beginning of the scenario an earthquake will strike your colony and destroy some of your houses. There is nothing you can do to prevent this. The colony will need some tweaks to bring it into profit and provide a basis further growth. In particular, start Tool production, rationalise Food and Leather production, and build a coastal warehouse to allow Spices to be imported from your supply island.

The total population of your colony is restricted by the power of a native Medicine Man. This power can be broken by finding and destroying pieces of an artefact. The following restrictions apply, depending on the number of pieces that remain in existence:

There seems to be no restriction on population with only one piece remaining.

What happens if the population restriction is exceeded? Further earthquakes will destroy your houses as before. In addition hoards of Undead will rise from a series of hidden shrines that surround your colony. These hoards will attack any ground troops on the island and attempt to destroy buildings (although they appear not to achieve this, and spend a lot of time fighting one-another). The shrines can be found by Scouts, and are sometimes revealed by placing buildings. Destroying the shrines is possible (using Catapults or similar), but if you attempt to destroy them all at the start the natives become outraged, and you fail the scenario. You do not need to destroy the shrines to complete the scenario.

While the artefact pieces remain you cannot expand your population. Low populations make it more difficult to fund the infrastructure and supply chains required by Citizens and Merchants. It is therefore useful to destroy easiest of the artefact pieces early in the scenario. Each piece belongs to a different native settlement. The pieces can be destroyed thus:

Once all four pieces have been eliminated, destroy the Native American settlement on your main island ("g" on the map above). Finally advance to 1,500 Merchants to complete the scenario. The scenario cannot be completed by only achieving 1,500 Merchants - all aspects of the artefact storyline must also be dealt with.