The majority of technical data is contained in BC3K's manual appendices and is not repeated here. On this page:

A. Acronyms
B. Hidden Flux Field Links

A. Acronyms

BC3K uses a *lot* of acronyms and shorthand, both in documentation and in the game. Often one is left flicking through 140 pages of manual trying to find the one line where the acronym is explained, so here is a list:

B. Hidden Flux Field Links

This appendix lists the hidden links between systems that may be of use when moving around the galaxy. It is based on a map by Pugwash - . Links are shown in the format, Region - Link - Region - Link - etc. These routes may be used in either direction. Some routes have intermediate supernovas (SN-n), commonly regions of space with nothing except flux field(s) leaving them. All flux fields links (FL-n) have a chance of either not changing location or jumping to the next region shown. Where there is a chance of an alternative location being reach, these are shown in brackets:

For example, LV-115 - FL-11(*!) - LV-130, shows one can jump from LV-115 to LV-130 via flux field FL-11, however there is a chance of reaching another supernova or a blackhole.