The majority of technical data is contained in BC3K's manual appendices and is not repeated here. On this page:
A. Acronyms
BC3K uses a *lot* of acronyms and shorthand, both in documentation and in the game. Often one is left flicking through 140 pages of manual trying to find the one line where the acronym is explained, so here is a list:
- A - Autopilot
- A/B - Afterburner
- ACM - Advanced Campaign Mode
- AD - Advanced
- AG - Agriculture
- AGG - Aggressive
- AI - Artificial Intelligence
- AIR - Air Scan
- ALS - Auxiliary Life Support
- APD - Armor Protection Display
- ARM - Armor Protection Status
- ASL - Advanced Seeker Logic
- ATA - Air to Air
- ATL - Automatic Tracking Logic
- ATL/V - Automatic Tracking Logic with Video
- ATS - Air to Surface
- ATV - All Terrain Vehicle
- AUTONAV - Automatic Navigation Computer
- BA - Bombing Accuracy
- BC - Battlecruiser
- BC3K - Battlecruiser 3000 AD
- BLK - Blackhole
- BRV - Bridgeviewer
- CAM - Camera
- CAP - Combat Air Patrol
- CAS - Combat Alert Status
- CB - Cargo Bay
- CDISP - Cargo Displacement
- CE - Chief Engineer
- CENTCOM - Central Command
- CK - Combat Kills
- CLK - Cloaking System
- CLOAK - Cloaking System Status
- CM - Combat Mission
- CMA - Court-Martial
- CMDR - Commander
- CMO - Communications Officer
- CO - Combat Officer
- COL - Colonist
- COM - Communications Computer
- COMMLINK - Communications Computer
- CP - Command Palette
- CRE - Credian
- CRI - Criminal
- CSAD - Critical Systems Analysis Display
- CSD - Crew Status Display
- CTL - Continuous Tracking Logic
- CVD - Computer Video Display
- DEL - Delete
- DF - DogFighting Skill
- DIP - Diplomat
- DRO - Droidan
- EARTHCOM - Earth Command
- ECV - Earthcom Command Vessel
- EJT - Eject Warning Indicator
- EMD - Electro Magnetic Disruptor
- EMP - Empirian
- ENG - Engine
- ENM - Enhanced Navigation Module
- EP - Experience Points
- ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival
- EV - Escape Velocity
- EVA - Extra Vehicular Activity
- EVAC - Evacuate
- EXP - Experience Points OR Explorer
- FAL - Falkerie
- FATAL - Fast Target Acquisition and Lock
- FF - Fatigue Factor
- FL (FLX) - Flux Field Link
- FO - Flight Officer
- FP (FPD) - Flight Path Designator
- FPI - Flight Path Indicator
- FT - Fuel Tank
- FTOL - Forward Take-off and Landing
- GALCOM - Galactic Command
- GAM - Gammulan
- GBS - Game Builder System
- GCV - Galcom Command Vessel
- GHQ - Galactic Command Headquarters
- GND - Ground Scan
- HAG - Heavy Assault Gunship
- HAR - Harmless
- HAZ - Hazard
- HID - Hull Integrity Display
- HJ - HyperJump
- HSD - Hyperion Subspace Device
- HSI - HyperJump Status Indicator
- HT - High Technology (electronics)
- HUD - Heads Up Display
- HUL - Hull Integrity Status
- ICV - Insurgent Command Vessel
- IFF - Identify Friend or Foe
- ILD - Inbound Launch Display
- INFL - Inflation
- INS - Insurgent
- INT - Interceptor OR Integrity
- IOD - Ion-Disruptor Array
- JAC - Just Another Cyborg
- JMP - Jump Point
- KAN - Kandorian
- KIA - Killed in Action
- LAG - Light Assault Gunship
- LAS - Photon Laser Array
- LCK - Lock Warning Indicator
- LF - Life Factor
- LNCH - Missile Launch Warning Indicator
- LNH - Launch Warning Indicator
- LOCK - Radar Lock Warning Indicator
- LOG - Logistix Computer
- LPD - Laser Power Display
- LS - Life Support Systems
- LTA - Laser Target Acquisition
- LTD - Laser Target Designator
- MAN - Mandorian
- MAX - Multi Axial (Phased Array Ion Disruptor)
- MEDIBAY - Medical Bay
- MER - Mercenary
- MFS - Multi Function System
- MIA - Missing in Action
- NIR - Navigation Information Relay
- MIL - Military
- MIN - Mine Bay
- MISCAM - Missile Camera
- MISCON - Mission Control
- MLS - Main Life Support
- MN - Minerals
- MNC - Main Computer
- MO - Medical Officer
- MSL - Missile Stores Depleted
- MTAR - Missile Target Acquisition Reticule
- MTD - Missile Tracking Designator
- MTI - Missile Tracking Indicator
- MUL - Multinational
- NAV - Navigation Map/Computer
- NAVITRON - Navigation computer
- NAVMAP - NID mode
- NAVSCAN - Default probe mode
- NID - Navigation Interface Display
- NIR - Navigation Information Relay
- NO - Navigation Officer
- NRE - Nuclear Reactor Status
- NTD - Navigational Target Designator
- ODS - Orbital Defense Satellite
- ODSML - Oribital Defense System Missile Logic
- OPR - Orbital Plane Reference
- ORB - Orbit Approach Indicator
- ORBSCAN - Orbital Scan (probe)
- OTS - Orbit to Surface
- OV - Orbital Velocity
- P - Pilot (Autopilot off)
- PAD - Phased Array Ion Disruptor
- PLS - Probe Link System
- PRB - Probe
- PRO - Probe Bay
- PTA - Passive Target Acquisition
- PWR - Power Level Warning
- PZ - Patrol Zone
- QTRS - Quarters
- R/R - Retro Thrusters OR Rockets
- RAI - Raider
- RCU - Radiation Control Unit
- RE - Research Engineer
- REC - Reactor Core
- RET - Retired
- RITL/V - Redundant Independent Tracking Logic with Video
- RO - Robotics
- RPD - Reactor Power Display
- RTB - Return to Base/Battlecruiser
- RTM - Radar Target Mask
- SAD - Search and Destroy
- SAL - Surface to Air Laser
- SAM - Surface to Air Missile
- SAS - Ship Alert Status
- SC - Supreme Commander OR Shuttle Craft
- SCI - Scientist
- SEAD - Suppress Enemy Air Defenses
- SEC - Security
- SH - Shuttle
- SHD - Shield
- SHE - Shield Protection Status
- SHI - Ship Heading Indicator
- SID - Systems Integrity Display
- SLD - Shield Level Display
- SMD - Stores Manifest Display
- SN (SNV) - Super Nova
- SOS - Emergency Signal
- SP - Solar Panel (1 or 2)
- SPC - Space Scan
- SPD - Speed OR Shield Power Display
- SRE - Solar Reactor Status
- SSR - System Status Relay
- SSS - Support Ship Status OR System Status Schematics
- STS - Space to Space
- SUL - Support Unit Locator
- SVI - Ship Velocity Indicator
- SYR - Syrion
- SYS - Systems Failure
- TAC - Tactical Operations Computer
- TACLINK - Probe mode when linked to TACOPS
- TACOPS - Tactical Operations Computer
- TACSCAN - Tactical Scanner
- TAR - Target Acquisition Reticule
- TDD - Transporter Deployment Designator
- TER - Terran
- TLD - Target Lead Designator
- TLL - Target Locator Line
- TLM - Tactical Launch Menu
- TMCD - Trans-Matrix Cloaking Device
- TO - Tactical Officer
- TOD - Tour of Duty
- TOM - Tactical Orders Menu
- TRA - Tractor Beam Control OR Trader
- TRACK - Radar Tracking Warning
- TRANS - Transporter
- TRB - Tractor Beam Indicator
- TRK - Track Warning Indicator
- TTD - Tactical Target Designator
- UFN - United Free Nations
- VAL - Valkerie
- VES - Vesperon
- VID - Video Link
- VIO - Violations
- VITL - Visual Independent Tracking Logic
- VSL - Visual Seeker Logic
- VTOL - Vertical Take-Off and Landing
- WB - Weapons Bay
- WD - Waypoint Designator
- WEP - Weapons Computer
- WHI - Waypoint Heading Indicator
- WRM - Wormhole
- WSS - Weapons Select System
- WTS - Waypoint Tracking System
- ZEL - Zelon
B. Hidden Flux Field Links
This appendix lists the hidden links between systems that may be of use when moving around the galaxy. It is based on a map by Pugwash - . Links are shown in the format, Region - Link - Region - Link - etc. These routes may be used in either direction. Some routes have intermediate supernovas (SN-n), commonly regions of space with nothing except flux field(s) leaving them. All flux fields links (FL-n) have a chance of either not changing location or jumping to the next region shown. Where there is a chance of an alternative location being reach, these are shown in brackets:
- * = Chance of arriving at a supernova on route. You can re-jump without causing problems.
- ! = Chance of arriving at a blackhole on route. Your ship will rapidly be destroyed.
For example, LV-115 - FL-11(*!) - LV-130, shows one can jump from LV-115 to LV-130 via flux field FL-11, however there is a chance of reaching another supernova or a blackhole.
- Sol - Polaris - Trenis:
- Mars - FL-02(!) - SN-03 - FL-07(*) - Darain
- Mars - FL-02(!) - SN-03 - FL-07(*) - Polaris-1
- Darain - FL-07(*) - Polaris-1
- Sol - Alpha Centauri:
- Pluto - FL-03(!) - SN-01 - FL-05(!) - Tramis
- Mercury - FL-04(!) - SN-01 - FL-05(!) - Tramis
- Sirius - Omicron Eridani - Alpha Majora:
- Sygan - FL-06 - Ramis
- Sygan - FL-06 - Majoris
- Ramis - FL-06 - Majoris
- Xyon - Cyrian:
- Chanis-1 - FL-08(*) - Capella
- Gammula - Alpha Cygni:
- LV-115 - FL-11(*!) - LV-130
- Regulus - Alpha Cygni - Omega Eridani:
- Regis-IV - FL-09(!) - SN-06 - FL-12(*!) - Ylisia
- Regis-IV - FL-09(!) - SN-06 - FL-12(*!) - LV-104
- LV-104 - FL-12(*!) - Ylisia
- Omega Eridani - Omega Centauri:
- Mondial - FL-10(*) - Otura-6
- Vega Eridani - Alpha Canis:
- Droia - FL-15 - Alteris - FL-14 - Obsidia - Wormhole - SN-10 - FL-13(*!) - Tarean
- Garidian IV (Xtreme Carnage):
- XC1 (Farstar) - XCF1 - XC3 (Hellseye)