This document traces the full production history of a perfectly equipped Quantar Typhoon. It is designed to demonstrate the importance of 'the economy' to maintaining a fighter. It may also be used for strategic planning in the event of faction-wide war, where we can assume maintaining an operational fleet of 'phoons would be the first objective. On this page:


There is no such thing as a "perfect 'phoon", since every pilot has their own slight setup variation; but there are certainly common configurations that most pilots would be happy to fly. We will assume a laser configuration - the most popular for Player vs Player (PvP) combat, thus:

During a sustained war, Purgatory missles need to be replaced after every attack. Everything else will on average need to be replaced after every second attack.

The following codes are used in the tables below to denote stations:

The term 'all/any faction station' excludes storage depots.

Although the tables sometimes show commodities may be transported to more than one station, the entire set of commodities required to produce the next item need to be brough to the same station, and then the resulting item transported onward from that station.

Items noted in the table using bold face will normally need transport as indicated after the item name to get them to the next production point shown in the next box to the right. Items in italics will not normally need transport as noted after the item name.


Pints are produced at Great Pillars and Outpost, using Chemicals, Lithium, Magnesium and Rubber. Rubber needs to first be produced at Quantar stations using Antimony, Chemicals and Synthetics. Synthetics needs to first be produced at Octavius stations using Carbon, Chemicals, Chromium, Silicon and Zinc. Yes Chemicals are used three times at separate stages in production. Required transport runs are:

Chemicals (at GP or OP)Pint GP or OP to Any Quant
Lithium Any Quant to GP or OP
Magnesium Hyp to GP or OP
Antimony Aman to Any QuantRubber Any Quant to GP or OP
Chemicals GP or OP to Any Quant
Carbon LL or Aman to Any OctSynthetics Any Oct to Any Quant
Chemicals (at GP or OP) may need GP or OP to OC
Chromium (at OC) may need OC or SC to OP or GP
Silicon GBS or KH to Any Oct
Zinc Any Quant to Any Oct

2x Guzzler

Guzzlers are produced at Octavius Core, Great Pillars and Outpost using Cobalt, Copper, Gravitational Components and Titanium. Gravitational Components first need to be produced at Quantar stations using Cesium, Gallium, Phosphorous and Silicon. Required transport runs are:

Cobalt (at Any Oct)Guzzler Any Oct to Any Quant
Copper EE or GBS to Any Oct
Cesium Aman to Any QuantGravitational Components Any Quant to Any Oct
Gallium (at Any Quant)
Phosphorous EE or LL to Any Quant
Silicon GBS or KH to Any Quant
Titanium SC to Any Oct

4x Thorn

Thorns are produced at Quantar stations from Laser Components, Optics and Xenon. Laser Components are made at Quantar stations from Gallium, Helium, Nitrogen and Xenon. Optics are made at Quantar stations using Erbium, Fiber Optics and Silicon. Fiber Optics are made at Solrain stations using Silicon and Synthetics. Synthetics are made at Octavius stations using Carbon, Chemicals, Chromium, Silicon and Zinc. Required transport runs are:

Gallium (at Any Quant)Laser Components (at Any Quant)Thorn (at Any Quant)
Helium Any Oct to Any Quant
Nitrogen (at Any Quant)
Xenon Any Sol to Any Quant
Erbium Any Sol to Any QuantOptics (at Any Quant)
Silicon GBS or KH to Any SolFiber Optics Any Sol to Any Quant
Carbon LL or Aman to Any OctSynthetics Any Oct to Any Sol
Chemicals (at GP or OP) may need GP or OP to OC
Chromium (at OC) may need OC or SC to OP or GP
Silicon GBS or KH to Any Oct
Zinc Any Quant to Any Oct
Silicon GBS or KH to Any Quant
Xenon Any Sol to Any Quant (already transported to produce Laser Components)

3x Purgatory

Six purgatory missiles may be assumed, not three, since 'phoons need to re-equip missiles after every combat. On average an entirely new set of phoon equipment is only needed every second combat.

Purgatory missiles are made at all Quantar stations using Barium, Electronics, Explosives, Fuel Cells and Synthetics. Electronics are made at Amananth using Aluminum, Chemicals, Copper, Gold and Silicon. Explosives are made at Octavius stations using Barium, Chemicals and Magnesium. Fuel Cells are made at Octavius stations using Chemicals, Gallium, Phosphorous and Silicon. Synthetics are made at Octavius stations using Carbon, Chemicals, Chromium, Silicon and Zinc. Required transport runs are:

Barium KH or LL to Any QuantPurgatory (at Any Quant)
Aluminum Any Oct to AmanElectronics Aman to Any Quant
Chemicals GP or OP to Aman
Copper EE or GBS to Aman
Gold Any Sol to Aman
Silicon GBS or KH to Aman
Barium KH or LL to Any OctExplosives Any Oct to Any Quant
Chemicals (at GP and OP) may need OP or GP to OC
Magnesium Hyp to Any Oct
Chemicals (at GP and OP) may need OP or GP to OCFuel Cell Any Oct to Any Quant
Gallium Any Quant to Any Oct
Phosphrous EE or LL to Any Oct
Silicon GBS or KH to Any Oct
Carbon LL or Aman to Any OctSynthetics Any Oct to Any Quant
Chemicals (at GP or OP) may need GP or OP to OC
Chromium (at OC) may need OC or SC to OP or GP
Silicon GBS or KH to Any Oct
Zinc Any Quant to Any Oct

4x or 3x FlashFire

FlashFires are produced at Amananth using Cesium, Chemicals and Phosphorous. That's it. Required transport runs are:

Cesium (at Aman)FlashFire Aman to Any Quant
Chemicals GP or OP to Aman
Phosphorous EE or LL to Aman


Duelist are made at Great Pillars using Copper, Electronics and Gallium. Electronics are made at Amananth using Aluminum, Chemicals, Copper, Gold and Silicon. Required transport runs are:

Copper EE or GBS to GPDuelist GP to Any Quant
Aluminum Any Oct to AmanElectronics Aman to GP
Chemicals GP or OP to Aman
Copper EE or GBS to Aman
Gold Any Sol to Aman
Silicon GBS or KH to Aman
Gallium Any Quant to GP


Instigators are made at Amananth using Erbium, Fuel Cells, Indium, Matter Converters amd Uranium. Fuel Cells are made at Octavius stations using Chemicals, Gallium, Phosphorous and Silicon. Matter Converters are made at Amananth using Gravitational Components. Laser Componts and Vanadium. Gravitational Components need to be produced at Quantar stations using Cesium, Gallium, Phosphorous and Silicon. Laser Components are made at Quantar stations from Gallium, Helium, Nitrogen and Xenon. Required transport runs are:

Erbium Any Sol to AmanInstigator Aman to Any Quant
Chemicals (at GP and OP) may need OP or GP to OCFuel Cell Any Oct to Aman
Gallium Any Quant to Any Oct
Phosphrous EE or LL to Any Oct
Silicon GBS or KH to Any Oct
Indium QC to Aman
Cesium Aman to Any QuantGravitational Components Any Quant to AmanMatter Converters (at Aman)
Gallium (at Any Quant)
Phosphorous EE or LL to Any Quant
Silicon EE or LL to Any Quant
Gallium (at Any Quant)Laser Components Any Quant to Aman
Helium Any Oct to Any Quant
Nitrogen (at Any Quant)
Xenon Any Sol to Any Quant
Vanadium GP to Aman
Uranium Any Quant to Aman


Knockers are made at Solrain stations using Germanium, RF Transceivers and Silver. RF Transceivers are made at Solrain Core and Wake using Electronics, Germanium, Magnetics, Palladium and Silver. Electronics is made at Amananth using Aluminum, Chemicals, Copper, Gold and Silicon. Magnetics are made at Solrain stations using Cobalt and Iron. Required transport runs are:

Germanium Any Quant to Any Sol (maybe already transported to produce RF Transceivers)Knocker Any Sol to Any Quant
Aluminum Any Oct to AmanElectronics Aman to SC or WakeRF Transceivers (at SC and Wake) may need SC or Wake to Corn
Chemicals GP or OP to Aman
Copper EE or GBS to Aman
Gold Any Sol to Aman
Silicon GBS or KH to Aman
Germanium Any Quant to SC or Wake
Cobalt Any Oct to Any SolMagnetics (at SC and Wake) may need Corn to SC or Wake
Iron (at Wake) may need Wake to SC or Corn
Palladium Any Quant to SC or Wake
Silver (at SC) may need SC or OP to Wake
Silver (at SC) may need SC or OP to Wake or Corn (maybe already transported to produce RF Transceivers)


Haven shields are produced at Quantar stations using Composites, Gold and Magnetics. Composites are made at Solrain Core and Cornea using Aluminum, Chromium, Indium, Iridium and Iron. Magnetics are made at Solrain stations using Cobalt and Iron.

Aluminum Any Oct to SC or CornComposites SC or Corn to Any QuantHaven (at Any Quant)
Chromium OC or Wake to SC or Corn
Indium QC to SC or Corn
Iridium OC, OP or Wake to SC or Corn
Iron Wake to SC or Corn
Gold Any Sol to Any Quant
Cobalt Any Oct to Any SolMagnetics Any Sol to Any Quant
Iron (at Wake or already transported to make Composites)


Ironically the only things we can always be sure of having is the 'phoon itself, albeit one on stock equipment and so in practical terms useless.

The first thing to note is the 'inter-connectiveness' of trade routes between different faction space. Certain items tend to focus on one, for example Knocker production is heavily reliant on Solrain trade routes. However none is entirely self-contained.

Secondly there is a lot of 'back and forth'. Pints require Zinc from Quantar to Octavius space, back with Synthetics, up again with Rubber, and finally home with Pints.

There is a large reliance on commodities only supplied by neutral stations. Only the Haven can be made without them. Silicon is required in seven out of nine items; several times in some cases. Amananth is also significant, required for seven out of nine items.

Fascinating stuff, huh?