Originally written by AgamenonWhen-Gunaydin.
The Quantar Calendar
The Quantar Calendar months are all named after Prophets:
Month name: | Named after prophet: | Sex: | Quote from scripture: | Associated with: |
Feirona | Feiron | M | "that was the wisest & eldest" | Wisdom |
Chonanei | Chonane | F | "unsurpassed in Her way with words" | Art & Literature |
Neridia | Nerida | F | "She was the most inventive" | Invention |
Ovarona | Ovaron | M | "who was able to see the future" | The Future |
Wardoka | Wardok | M | "skilled in the sword" | War & Conflict |
Zarinai | Zarine | F | "who was the Keeper of memories" | The Past |
Kardarona | Kardaron | M | "who knew all ores and minerals" | Mining |
Jintarai'a | Jintara | F | "who was one with the flora and fauna" | Nature |
Jekara | Jekar | M | "who placed the lives of others before his own" | Health & Medicine |
Zulufa | Zuluf | M | "who thought nothing of toil" | Strength & work |
Feraini | Faraina | F | "devoted her life to scripture" | Religion |
Zantora | Zantor | M | "tall he was, the better to guide others to Heaven" | Death |
Days of the week:
- Hamalzajan - Hamalzah's Day. Morning prayers give thanks for Creation. Evening prayers praise Hamalzah's Glory. Every Hamalzajan is a public holiday.
- Rohajan - Roh's Day. Used to be 'Horrijan' but this is no longer used, for obvious reasons. Morning and evening prayers praise the strength of the Quantar. Priests are traditionally ordained on a Rohajan.
- Hidwajan - Animal's Day. Morning and evening prayers give thanks for Flora and Fauna. Hidwajan's main meal traditionally many small dishes of meat, fish, vegetables prepared in different ways.
- Quarajan - Quantar's Day. Morning and evening prayers devoted to praising Hamalzah. Attendance at Temple is mandatory for the non-fighting Faithful. Quantar particularly resistant and agressive towards incursion on any Quarajan. First Quarajan of the year is a public holiday.
- Khefe'jan - Day of Lamentation (Hamalzah withdraws his Blessing). Fasting from sunrise to sunset. No work after sunset. Morning prayers stress adherence to Quantar law. Evening prayers personal and reflective. If you commit a crime in devout Quantar enclaves... you'd better not do it on Khefe'jan.
- Jihadjan - Day of War. Morning and evening prayers exhort Quantar to defend the Faith. Quantar warriors again particularly agressive on Jihadjan. First Jihadjan of Wardoka is a public holiday with games of skill and exhibitions of martial arts etc. It is considered a good omen to start military campaigns on Jihadjan, especially in Wardoka!
- Rashfajan - Day of Victory. Morning and evening prayers give thanks for Hamalzah's victory over Horridahl. Every Rashfajan is a public holiday.
Quantar Public Holidays & Religious Festivals
Important tourist information. Please take note if you are travelling to any of the Quantar worlds.
1st Quarajan in Feirona: Quantar's Day
A day of prayer and celebration, giving thanks to Hamalzah for His gifts of ore, water and air. Traditionally, the Quantar exchange gifts on Quantar's day at morning prayer, in memory of this. Priests generally offer three objects to the Temple altar at morning prayer: A stone, which they must have collected themselves; A cup of water, which they must have given by another; and a leaf from the P'ahn tree. After prayers, there is usually great feasting (The Breaking of Quantar's Fast), music and dancing. Tribes decorate their villages and cities with P'ahn fronds and chains of polished metals. The rules about wearing personal adornment are relaxed on Quantar's Day and men & women are allowed to wear decorative brooches, made out of the same metals as the chains. The metals used are wrought-iron (for strength), copper (for energy), aluminium (for speed), steel (for health) and gold (for good fortune). All except the wrought iron are polished brightly. Often chains and brooches are family heirlooms and some are said to date from before the Great collapse. The day culminates with a well-attended prayer meeting at the Temple at sunset.
The following two days are also public holidays:
Khefe'jan: Quantar's Rest
A much needed day of recovery. There are no morning prayers on the Khefe'jan after Quantar's Day! A quiet day, normally spent at home with the family. All attend evening prayers, where it is traditional that Quantar children take the ceremony, and they put on a play usually based on one of the stories of the Prophets.
Jihadjan: P'ahn Jihadjan
A final day of revelry before returning to normal. The castes parade through the streets with music & drums - the Working Caste carry ceremonial shovels, the Priesthood carry P'ahn fronds, the Warrior caste carry Shishliks, the Scientific caste carry decorative metal staves. Spacebound Quantar (Mashaafirah) parade around their home stations with mining lasers on to provide a spectacular display.
1st Jihadjan in Wardoka: War Day
The day usually begins with a blessing of swords at Temple. The traditional Quantar Shishlik sword, held by the head of the family, is taken at sunrise to the Temple for blessing by the Priests. The Warrior Caste today are all treated like heroes, and will not have to barter for food or drink on this day - It is considered good luck if a family gives sustenance to a Warrior on War Day. The warriors too take their Shishlik swords to Temple for blessing. At noon, the Warriors gather for Arena, and play traditional games of martial skill. There is swordsmanship with rebated Shishlik swords covered in a sticky dye (this way, the spectators and Priests know who's hit who), archery contests (and, increasingly these days, plasma-weapon sharpshooting), pod races and wrestling. At sunset, the combatants and spectators gather at Temple to remember the Dead of War, and offer their prayers to those who have gone on to Hamalzah when fighting for His name. Then War Day Pyres are lit, and effigies of the black and red demons of Horridahl are burned on the pyres as green-coloured plasma discharges fill the sky in celebration!
3rd Rohajan in Kardarona: Miner's Day
The Miner's Day parades during the month of Kardarona are always a spectacular sight. Miners from all over Quantar usually "down tools" for the day, and march through streets and stations singing traditional miners reels, and carrying a ceremonial shovel, chisel or pick (which are often heirlooms handed down for generations). It is a day of good-natured revelry, with much drinking and feasting. Retired miners are given small chips of ore wrapped in silk to remind them of their days at the face. Evening prayer usually consists of a reading of the Parable of Kardarona from The Book Of Prophets, and thanks are given for His safe return. Some spacefairing Quantar have been known to "bless" other factions stations with their mining lasers on this day - and gain some notoriety for their foolish but well-meant activities.
Hidwa'Jintarai'a - Nature Day
On the last Hidwajan of Jintarai'a Quantar traditionally abandon their cities and their work and head for the countryside, the seas, the lakes and the parks. Picnics, both family and community, abound, as does traditional dancing and music. Young couples are usually 'indulged' to sneak off together on Hidwa'Jintarai'a night. Not surprisingly the number of marriages and... erm... births seems to peak nine months after.
For the Mashaafirah, Hidwa'Jintarai'a is the festival that they miss most keenly. Many, to compensate, head out to ice 'roid fields, esp. any around 'Nanth. There they do not mine but instead gaze at the beauty of distant starlight reflecting and refracting off the blue-white 'roids glittering across the face of the nebulae.
Last week in Zarinai: The Seven Days Of Lamentation
A week long religious festival of fasting and prayer. It begins on the last Hamalzajan of Zarinai, and ends on the last day of the month, Rashfajan. During this time, the Quantar pray for forgiveness of their transgressions. The Flame Of Hamalzah burns for seven days in every Temple, and the air is heavy with incense over all of Quantar. On Khefe'jan, in the middle of the festival, the Priests of the Temple travel from door to door, and offer their apologies to the occupants for the Withdrawal of Hamalzah's Blessing. It is traditional for the occupant to slam the door shut without forgiving the Priests. During the day, the people fast, and no work is to be done after sunset - much like a normal Khefe'jan, but for a whole week. On Rashfajan, the festival is closed by a candlelit silent prayer ceremony, where the Quantar reflect upon themselves and pray to Hamalzah for guidance.
1st Rohajan in Feraini: Roh's Day Ordinations
Today is a most auspicious day for the ordination of new Priests into the Temple. The families and friends of new Priests gather at Temple to watch the Ordination take place at morning prayer, and there is much celebration and feasting in the afternoon.
Quantar Horoscopes
Those born in the month of Feirona are destined to be learned and wise, after the aspect of Feiron himself. Feironians are gifted with common sense and an ability to grasp new concepts quickly. Their nature is to be just, faithful and to embrace purity of mind. Ideal career choices are Government, Politics, Science and The Priesthood. Ideal partners would be either a Zulufi or a Zarinaian.
Chonanians are skilled in the arts. Contradictory traits of passion and tranquillity make for an artistic temperament, and some of Quantar's most beautiful artistic works have been created by Chonanians. However, the distraction of their imaginative minds can often lead the unwary Conanian into dangerous situations. They are suited to roles as Artists, Philosophers, Poets and Sculptors. Ideal partners are Neridaians and Jintaraians.
Intuitive and practical Neridaians are always handy to have around. Their natural ability with their hands and minds mean that they can create solutions to almost any problem. However, their practical nature can sometimes make them seem abrupt. They aren't - they just see life as one big engineering problem to be solved! A Neridiaian is ideally suited to Engineering, Architectural, Construction and Terraforming activities. The imaginative Chonanians and the studious Ferains are wise partner choices.
Just like Ovaron himself, it is said that those born in the month of Ovarona are said to have a second sight. They are positive and enthusiastic in all their dealings with others most of the time, but can be prone to mood swings - which is said to be a result of their particular empathy with the future. Their talents of prediction and foresight make Ovaronans ideally suited for The Priesthood, Medicine, Exploration and Prospecting. Ideal partners would be Kardaronans and Zantorians.
Wardokans are said by many to be the "Alarming Ones", but their boisterous nature hides the brave heart of a Lion. The hardy Wardokans are robust and energetic, preferring the sword to the pen - many a wayward Wardokan has been caught in the Arena or at Swordplay when they should have been at Temple! However, their hearts are in the right place, even if some say their minds aren't quite there - although they do have an uncanny grasp of strategy. Trades to consider are the Military, Government, Marketing and Civil Engineering. An ideal partner for your average Wardokan (if there is such a thing!) is a Zulufi, or (perhaps suprisingly) the sagacious Ferains.
"As fresh as the Memories of Zarine!" the old expression says, and not without good cause. Zarinaians have wonderful memories, and an almost photographic eye. Their attention to detail is legendary and they are generally regarded as tidy, conscientious and caring. Ideally suited to careers in Research, Medicine, The Priesthood, Exploration and Education. When making their partner choice, they could do a lot worse than choosing the wise Feironians or the equally caring Jekarai.
The Kardaronans are renowned for their natural mining abilities. It is said that a true Kardaronan is happiest when working rocks or asteroids to extract ore. Often able to talk at length about yields and strata, some can find their enthusiasm for all things mineral distracting. But Kardaronans are faithful, brave, and hardworking. Careers for them are naturally Miners, Mettalurgists and Prospectors - anything involving geology in fact! Suitable life-partners would be an Ovaronan or a Zulufi.
Children born in this month are said to be more in tune with the song of Nature than any other. Always happiest when in open tundra or green oases, the Jintaraians have uncanny ways with plants and animals alike. Some of the Quantar's first herbalists were said to have been born under the auspices of Jintara. They enjoy particularly successful unions with Chonanians and Zantorians. Suitable professions for Jintaraians are Veterinary Science, Medicine and The Priesthood.
Jekar himself was a learned and skilled healer. The good humoured Jekarai tend to follow this example, and are considered to be kind, caring and faithful -and will fight to the death for their beliefs. Often sacrificing their own comforts to ensure the happiness of others, Jekarai are noted for their humility. Ideal paths for them to follow are Medicine, Education, The Priesthood, Childcare and, unusually, The Military. Jekarai get on well with everyone, but are particularly suited to Zarinaians and Feironians.
Hard work and untiring devotion to duty are the trademarks of a typical Zulufi. Usually strong and hardy, they prefer to throw themselves into hard manual work rather than sitting behind a desk. The outdoor-loving Zulufi are often single minded and determined in whatever they do. This makes them particularly suited to professions such as The Military, Prospecting, Mining and Agriculture. They enjoy the company of Wardokans and Kardaronans.
Those born in the month of Feraini have a sage and quiet nature. They tend to be fervently religious, and it is said that Ferains understand scripture at a far earlier age than their contemporaries. Happier to bury their heads in Books than in Asteroids, Feraini are devoted, purposeful and learned. These talents make them ideal for The Priesthood, but they are also successful in Education, Medicine and Government. Their character makes them ideal partners for Neridaians, and provide a calming influence on the loud Wardokans.
Zantor, the tall disciple of Hamalzah, was famed for his ability to calm the anguished souls of the dying. Other races consider Death as a bad omen, but we Quantar know it is merely the next step on our journey. Zantorians are outgoing and happy by nature, and seem to pass on their good-natured wellbeing to others. They are ideal partners for Jintaraians and Ovaronans. Their most suitable careers would be in Medicine, The Priesthood, Agriculture and Education.
Useful Quantar Phrases
This section was originally categorised elsewhere, but is useful in explaining some of the terms AgamenonWhen-Gunaydin uses in his texts. For a full review of Quantar language, see the database hosted by Aelgas.
Arena: The traditional Quantar sports stadium which has existed in Quantar culture since before the Great Collapse, as proven by archeologists on a number of worlds. Originally Arenas were natural amphitheatres, or carved into rock. The Quantar games of strength and speed were originally used to find healthy warriors for the tribe, with emphasis on martial skills. Nowadays, they are popular venues for all Quantar to watch many sports and games of skill.
Merhajan: Day of Celebration.
Shishlik: A particular type of slashing sword with a thin curved blade and light pommel with a knuckle bow. Featuring heavily in Warrior-Caste and coming of age rituals.
P'ahn: 1. P'ahn Tree: Type of tree found on Quantar worlds, said to have originally come exclusively from Quanus. It's leaves are used in ritual decoration, it's bark and resin used in the manufacture of P'ahn Oil and also fermented to make P'ahn Spirit. 2. P'ahn Oil: Oil made from the pressed resin & park of the P'ahn Tree which is used both in Quantar cuisine, and in ritual. 3. P'ahn Spirit: Distilled, fermented liquor made from the soft pulpy heartwood, bark and leaves of the P'ahn Tree. Green in colour and with a high alcohol content, the spirit is used as an aperitif and for fuel in traditional Quantar lanterns.
Tahabir dar Jahani: The End of Worlds - lit. Armageddon.
Noch'sha Lotus: Resident plant of Quanus, growing in mountain pasture and scree. It is reknowned for it's strong roots, and it's bright red colouration. The sap of the lotus is used as a natural dye, giving a bright pink hue. The sap was also used in traditional medicine, and is said to have hallucinogenic qualities.
Roh Deer: Native to Quanus, but now found throughout Quantar space. Swift, plains-dwelling herbivores respected by early Quantar for their stamina in the chase. Named after the Warrior Priest Roh.
Mimbat: Small, tree dwelling marsupial. Native to Quanus, the slow-moving Mimbat was thought at one point to be extinct thanks to their ability for camouflage. Unusually, their fur is a mottled green colour to match the particular tree where they are born. Mimbats usually stay up the same tree for the duration of their life, only leaving it once a year for mating. Apart from their natural camouflage, mimbats can spit great distances with enormous velocity and suprising accuracy. This provides them with another means of defense, as they excrete a natural acid in their saliva which is an irritant to predators.
Kifkif: A type of cactus native to Quanus and now prevalent throughout all the systems thanks to it's extremely hardy seed pods. The succulent resembles a thick-limbed squat bush, and has protruding spines along it's branches for defense. The spines are barbed, and coated with a sticky excretion which is an irritant. During spring, the barbed spines develop seed pods, and the sticky barbed spines can attach to passing animals, vehicles and people to provide a means of transport for the seeds. The seed pods themselves are extremely tough, and have even been known to survive vaccuum and extreme heat such as forest fires and the thermal hulls of shuttlecraft.