This section contains copies of information published elsewhere. This information has either been published freely on the internet, and has been cached here as a precaution against future loss of servers or links, or been published historically, and very few copies of the original text are still available for research purposes.
Cached texts are listed below in the order in which they were added. I recommend you search the archive using the search box at the top of the page.
- Pneumatic Despatch Company (Limited), Prospectus (London)
- 2nd International Symposium on Underground Freight Transportation by Capsule Pipelines...
- The Pneumatic Post of Paris
- Public Roads - Tube Freight Transportation
- Tubexpress
- Sumitomo Metal Industries Ltd - Mining Mass Transportation
- New Scientist - Pipe Dream
- The American Experience - The Secret Subway (New York)
- Beach Pneumatic Transit (Re-discovery)
- Mail System Down the Tube (New York)
- Dead Media working notes
- Success of the Bunker Kissers (Berlin)
- FTS - The Fast Tube System
- Magplane Pipeline Transport
- Electromagnetic Pipeline Transport Systems for the Phosphate Industry
- Right Down the Tubes (Prague)
- Capsule Pipeline Research at University of Missouri-Columbia
- Pipeline transportation plan to free up roads (Amsterdam)
- CargoCap (Bochum)
- Underground Mail Road (New York)
- US Pneumatic-Tube Networks, 1901 and 1908
- Building A Future (extract)
- Shipping Goes Down The Tubes
- 13 Vehicles That Went Nowhere (extract)
- Atmospheric and Pneumatic Railways
- Facts About Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline (FAQ)
- Facts About Coal Log Pipeline (FAQ)
- Coal Log Pipeline System Description
- New York City's First Subway
- Pneumatic Tube System (New York/Gilbert)
- Alfred Ely Beach: Beach's Bizarre Broadway Subway
- The Art of Bliktel - Molon Vols: Pneumatic Tube Images
- Capsule Pipeline Transport Using An Electromagnetic Drive
- Back to the Future
- Evacuated Tube Transport Technologies (ET3)
- Rumba (Röhren-Untergrund-Magnetschwebe-Bahn)
- Flexitaxi
- Characteristics of a freight pipeline transportation system
- Airapid - Capsule-Tube Transport System
- Making History - The Crystal Palace atmospheric railway
- Frederic Delaitre's Lost Subways
- FAQ - Early New York City Tunnels
- The Future of Freight: Research Explores underground pipeline system (Texas)
- Pipe§net
- 3rd International Symposium on Underground Freight Transportation by Capsule Pipelines...
- Freight Pipeline Company
- Pneumatic Railway (Slawomir Lotysz)
- Emerging Construction Technologies - PCP
- Pneutrans Systems Limited
- Berliner Unterwelten - Pneumatic Dispatch System
- Magtube
- Transportation Futuristics - Pneumatic Transportation - Bay Area Gravity-Vacuum Transit
- Dr. S. Kosugi Passed Away on October 14th, 2004
- Pneumatic Networks