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Document summary:
- Title: 2nd International Symposium on Underground Freight Transportation by Capsule Pipelines and Other Tube/Tunnel Systems - Program and Abstracts
- Author: The Netherlands Research School for Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics
- Source: http://www.trail.tudelft.nl/ftam/FTAM_events/isuft2000/isuft_index.html
- Copyright: Unknown
- Date: September 2000
ISUFT 2000: 2nd International Symposium on Underground Freight Transportation by Capsule Pipelines and Other Tube/Tunnel Systems: September 28-29, Delft, The Netherlands
International symposium for experts, researchers, government officials and planners working on the development or implementation of capsule pipeline and underground freight transport systems and others who have a professional interest in these innovative transport systems.
ISUFT 2000 is organised by:
TRAIL: The Netherlands Research School for
Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics
OTB: Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies
Knowledge Centre for
Transport and Traffic
Welcome to ISUFT-2000, the international symposium for experts, researchers, government officials and planners working on the development or implementation of capsule pipeline and underground freight transport systems and others who have a professional interestin these innovative transport systems. We are very pleased to invite you!
These web-pages provide you with the most actual information about the conference. Further more, you can find some important background information and links to other relevant sites.
To contact us: E-mail: Esther van der Zande - van Baarle, Conference Secretariat E.vanBaarle@TRAIL.TUDelft.nl
The symposium programme includes oral presentations by experts, a panel discussions, and a field trip to the Connekt Test site. Invited speakers will give introductory keynote speeches.
The program is organised along four themes:
- History and future of underground freight transportation (key notes)
- Feasibility of underground freight transportation
- Underground logistic systems
- Capsule pipelines
History and future of underground freight transportation (Key note lectures)
A 1 Taniguchi, Eiichi Development and future perspectives for underground
freight transport systems in Japan
A 2 Liu, Henry Capsule Pipelines: An overview
J 25 Visser, Johan &
Binsbergen, Arjan van Underground Logistic Systems in Urban areas: A vision on
the future
J 26 Bliss, Derek M. Mailrail - 10 years of automated underground freight
Feasibility of underground freight transportation
B 3 Roop, Stephen The economic and technical feasibility of a freight pipeline
system in Texas
B 4 Schoesser, Britta & Stein, Dietrich Current progress of the research project
'Underground transportation and utility systems' at the Ruhr-University Bochum
B 5 Roost, Charles van COST 339, small containers a new challenge to optimise
door to door transport chains, included possibilities for underground freight
C 6 Winkelmans, Willy &
Notteboom, Theo In search of a strategic positioning of underground transport by
pipes or tubes in the framework of a coherent transport policy
C 7 Kraan, Martin; Tessensohn & Ham Even good ideas have to paid for
C 8 Iding, Mirjam &
Heijden, Matthieu van der Towards a public freight transportation network with
underground pipeline transportation using AGV's in the Netherlands
H 20 James, Arthur P. Differential drayage and short-haul costs of container
movements among ports in the Galveston Bay, Texas, Area
H 21 Boerkamps, Jeroen Data collection and potential freight volume for urban,
logistics systems
H 22 Rodenburg, Caroline Underground logistic systems: keeping cities
Underground logistic systems
D 9 Pielage, Ben-Jaap Design approach and prototyping of automated underground
freight transportation systems in the Netherlands
D 10 Verbraeck, Alexander
F 14 Minakami, Motoyuki A system design & basic evaluation study on the smart
tube freight systems using a maglev and linear motor capsule
F 15 Montgomery, Bruce
Stephen Fairfax,
Dexter Beals,
Eric Taylor
John Whitley
Bradford Smith Electromagnetic pipeline demonstration project
F 16 Kusters, Leo Development of dedicated vehicles for a tunnel transport
I 23 Arends, Gerard &
Grote, Bart Underground logistic systems versus Trenchless Technology
I 24 Broere, Wout Settlements of Micro-Tunnels in reflection to their use in
underground logistic systems
Capsule Pipelines
E 11 Sanai Kosugi;
Makoto Uchida &
Takeshi Fukunaga Pneumatic Capsule Pipelines in Construction Industry
E 12 Liu, Henry Improving the economics of existing pneumatic capsule pipeline
system for transporting general cargoes
E 13 Shih, Rocky;
Arroyo, Alberto &
Ingersoll, William Risk and decision analysis for the tubular freight system
G 17 Yugi Tomita;
Sanai Kosugi;
Kazuo Saitou &
Nobuyuki Matsui Development of Vertical Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline System for
Deep Underground
G 18 Vlasak, Pavel Experimental study of capsule flow in bent and inclined
G 19 Magata-Yanaida, Katsuya Drag coefficient of slurry log inside a vertical
Development and Future Perspectives for Underground Freight Transport Systems in Japan
Authors: Eiichi Taniguchi, Department of Civil Engineering, Kyoto University; Kenichi Tokida, Shunichi Hamada, Tatuo Kono, Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction; Ryutaro Ooishi, Kanto Regional Construction Office, Ministry of Construction
Keywords: urban freight transport, dual mode truck, future perspective
This paper presents the overviews on the research, development and future perspectives for Underground Freight Transport Systems (UFTS) in Japan. The Public Works Research Institute (PWRI), Ministry of Construction has performed broad researches on UFTS in urban areas for more than two decades, including; the field test on Dual Mode Trucks (DMT) operations, the traffic simulation on the UFTS in Tokyo Metropolitan area, the economic and environmental impact analysis on the UFTS and the construction methodology. The objectives of the UFTS are to totally solve the difficult problems in urban freight transport; e.g. congestion, environment, energy saving and labour force shortage. The DMT can be an innovative solution to these problems. DMT adopts the full automatic operation in exclusive underground guide-way and manual operation in ordinary roads. DMT uses the electric motor instead of diesel engine. Therefore DMT can contribute to alleviate congestion on the ground level roads and reduce negative environmental impacts and saving energy and labour force.
A broad study has been conducted on planning UFTS in the Tokyo Metropolitan area using DMT. The total length of the underground tunnel for UFTS is 201 km and the three-stage construction can moderate the immense initial investment for the system. This system has 106 depots for connecting points of underground tunnel to the ordinary ground level streets. The conversion modelling for UFTS indicated that about 36 % of freight traffic can move to the new system. The transport network analysis showed that the estimated vehicle-kilometre is 6.4 million vehicle-km/day and 322 thousands vehicles use the system. The benefit cost analysis demonstrated that the total benefit can be 1.2 trillion yen/ year including the benefits of reducing the truck operation cost, travel times, CO2 and NOx emissions and traffic accidents. The benefit cost ratio is estimated to be 3.5. This new system also allows the increase of average travel speed of about 30% in ordinary roads.
Therefore the UFTS is very promising for solving the urban traffic problems in Tokyo. However, there are some problems before implementing the UFTS.
(1) Who will finance for building UFTS?
(2) Can this system compete with the existing freight transport system by diesel
(3) How to connect interurban and urban system?
(4) How can this system match the Advanced cruise-assist Highway System (AHS)
that is proposed as a part of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)?
The financial problem is crucial for implementing UFTS. The economic feasibility study for UFTS showed that if a private company operate the new system, it requires some subsidies from the public sector for building infrastructure. It is due to the fact that the benefits of operating the environment friendly system belong to residents or other drivers and not to the company. Therefore the public sector should support building the UFTS to create better traffic environment.
The UFTS is completely different system from the existing trucking system. Freight carriers can choose any systems by comparing costs, speed reliability. Therefore UFTS should provide faster and better service with the same or lower costs as the existing system, to compete with it. It is hard to convert goods movements from existing system to the new system without any help from the public sector. The public sector should support the UFTS by some policies; e.g. (1) Determine an area or time window for permitting only electric vehicles to enter, (2) Reduce tax for DMT vehicles, (3) Establish a public logistics terminals and promote co-operative freight transport.
The connection between the interurban and urban freight transport system is an important issue for successful operation of UFTS. The same type of UFTS is preferable both for interurban and urban systems. As same as the existing system, terminals are needed for the transhipment of goods between the line haul transport and urban pickup/delivery. The public sector can provide new public logistics terminals for this purpose of UFTS. These logistics terminals should have multiple functions to get more attraction, including the information centre for truck operation and matching the goods/vacant trucks, wholesale market, etc.
Recently some systems of ITS have been developed and deployed in Japan. The various AHS controlled by using magnetic nail or image processing without mechanical guide-way has been tested in the test course. This type of AHS has advantage of including both passenger cars and trucks. Further discussions are needed which is better; freight only system such as DMT and the combined system of passenger cars and trucks. In any case UFTS must be within the framework of the integrated ITS.
For the future urban transport systems, UFTS is very promising for solving difficult and complicated traffic problems. However, there are many obstacles to overcome listed above, before implementing the new system. Presumably a small scale UFTS should be built first in a small area of large city with the full support of the public sector in terms of the finance and traffic policy. After demonstrating the attractiveness of the new system, it can be expanded to larger area. In that case, the new system should incorporate the advanced information system for promoting the co-operative freight transport system.
Capsule pipeline: An Overview
Author: Henry Liu, University of Missouri-Columbia, Capsule Pipeline Research Centre
This paper presents an overview of the field of capsule pipeline, including both pneumatic capsule pipeline (PCP) and hydraulic capsule pipeline (HCP).
Two types of PCP are considered: wheelless PCP and wheeled PCP. While the wheelless PCP is for small pipes containing small capsules of lightweight, the wheeled PCP is for larger capsules carrying heavy weight in large pipe of the order of 1 m or larger diameter. Such large PCP systems are most promising for transporting cargoes that need to reach their destinations quickly, such as mail, parcels, vegetables, fresh fruits, and hundreds of other commercial products. It is especially suitable for future intercity transport of freight as a general cargo carrier.
Three types of HCP are discussed: rigid-container HCP, disposable-container HCP and containerless HCP. The last two require no return pipeline to transport empty capsules back to the pipeline intake. Consequently, they require only a single pipeline for delivery of freight, and are more economical. The containerless HCP is the most economical type of capsule pipeline for it requires neither containers nor return pipeline. It contains cargoes that can be compacted into capsule shapes that are water-resistant and wear resistant. A special example is coal log pipeline (CLP).
This paper discusses various types of capsule pipelines, their underlying principles, special characteristics, and potential applications. The economic, environmental and safety benefits for using capsule pipelines instead of trucks and train are also discussed.
Underground Logistical Systems in Cities: A visualisation of the future
Authors: Johan Visser, Delft University of Technology, OTB Research Institute; Arjan van Binsbergen, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and GeoSciences
The potential of underground freight transport in the Netherlands, and the role that the government should play in that field, has since 1997 been the subject of research by an interdepartmental task force (Interdepartementale Projectgroep Ondergronds Transport - IPOT). The attention is focused on different aspects of underground freight transport: the transportation of general cargo through tunnels (tube transport, or underground freight transport). The research results make it possible to sketch a scenario for the development of underground freight transport in cities in the Netherlands. The paper outlines the current opinions on the future of underground freight transport and establishes the relationship with developments that are occurring in urban freight transport. Attention is thereby paid, not only to the physical infrastructure, but also to the changes that are required in the organisation of the distribution logistics. By means of these predictions for the future, some judgements are made regarding the trajectory for implementation of underground logistical systems.
Mail Rail : 70 Years of Automated Underground Freight Transport
Author: Derek Bliss, Compass Logistics Ltd
Royal Mail have been operating their own automated underground transport system called Mail Rail, to move mail across London very successfully since 1927. The paper will trace the origins and initial justification for the construction of this underground railway, including details of the research report of 1911, which culminated in the project's authorisation by the UK Government in 1913. Construction of the 2.74 m diameter tunnels commenced immediately, and linked 7 London Mail Sorting Offices, now called Mail Centres, with each other and with 2 mainline railway stations. The railway was designed for the carriage of letters and parcels in bags in special wheeled trolleys for easy loading. The construction phase was completed in 1917, but completion of the fitting out was delayed by the First World War and subsequent economic problems, concerning the manufacture of the trains and the supply of the electrical equipment.
The route extends for 10.5 km across London from Paddington in the West to Whitechapel in the East. The driverless trains run on 610 mm gauge track and are powered by electricity supplied at 440 volts DC. Thirty six trains operate the service at intervals of 2-6 minutes and speeds up to 60 km/hour throughout the day carrying loads of 60 or 120 bags per train, ie 1 or 2 tonnes net. Train control is computerised and the system is managed by a single Controller remotely located at Mount Pleasant. Railway infrastructure and rolling stock maintenance represent 39% of the total operating costs. Operational reliability is above 99% and significantly better than road vehicles; transit times are about 50% better than road, with reduced environmental impact.
Since 1995 structural changes in the national trunk mail network by road, rail and air, and increased automation of mail processing have impacted on the Mail Rail operation and reduced its network role, but new bulk mail delivery traffic has been added via Mount Pleasant.
The paper will review some recent feasibility studies to link the Central London Mail Centres to the new SE Road/Rail Hub at Willesden by extending the railway over the 7 ¼ kms from Paddington to Willesden, or by adapting the Mail Rail tunnels to an AGV style of operation and extending the tunnels to Willesden.
In conclusion, the Risks and Benefits of Underground Freight Transport Systems are discussed, based on Royal Mail's experience with Mail Rail over the past 72 years, and the new technology opportunities now available to develop new types of Urban Underground Freight Networks.
Roop, Stephen - The economic and technical feasibility of a freight pipeline system in Texas
Current Progress of the Research Project "Underground Transportation and Utility Systems" at the Ruhr-University Bochum
Authors: Britta Schoesser and Dietrich Stein, Ruhr-University, Bochum; Faculty of Civil Engineering, Workgroup of Pipeline Construction and Maintenance Universitaetsstrasse 150, D - 44780 Bochum, Germany; Tel: +49 (0)234/32-27445; Fax: + 49 (0)234/32-14232; E-mail: dietrich.stein@ruhr-uni-bochum.de, britta.schoesser@ruhr-uni-bochum.de
During the past 1 ½ years a study of feasibility about automated transportation of piece goods through underground pipelines has been executed at the Ruhr- University Bochum under the research co-operation "Underground Transportation and Utility Systems" which is leaded by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietrich Stein and consisting of the disciplines Mechanical Engineering, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Wagner, Control Engineering, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Weller, Law, Prof. Dr. Thomas von Danwitz, Economy, Prof. Dr. Paul Klemmer, and Civil Engineering.
As result of the studies the fundamental technical and legal feasibility and the possible economical advantages of the project for the economic area "Ruhrgebiet" could have been shown. After completion of the studies the research project, which has been extended by the discipline of Electrical Engineering, Prof. Dr.- Ing. A. Steimel, will be continued due to this result and encouraged by the positive reactions of industry and commerce to the development of such a new transportation system. In the following it will be reported about the further interdisciplinary research and development activities.
COST 339, small containers a new challenge to optimise door to door transport chains, included possibilities for underground freight transport
Author: Charles van Roost, Bureau de recherche
COST 339 is an international research programme. 13 European countries are collaborating to its works for a duration of 3 years (sept. 1998 - sept. 2001). The works have been initiated by the European Conference of the Ministers of Transports (39 countries).
In the European Commission, the General Direction for Transport and Energy (TREN) is assisted by a COST cell. This CELL is in charge of the co-ordination between the works of COST and the research and development programmes (RTD) initiated by TREN.
COST 339 will present to the European Standardisation Commission (CEN) a standardisation project relating to the logistic specifications and the techniques of 'small containers'. These recommendations should further be supported by the CEN in order to obtain an ISO agreement.
COST 339 also carries out research into modular consistency in the up- and downward hierarchy of Product Transaction Units (P.T.U.) or load units. These transaction load units (item, parcel, pallet, small container, container) are at a given point in the overall logistic chain exchange units between two economic operators.
The first step consists in searching a consistent modular construction which must be harmoniously integrated in this PTU hierarchy.
COST 339 began by defining an upper and a lower limit to this PTU hierarchy between these two limits modular solutions had to be found.
The second step consists in defining logistic and technical specifications for small containers. These small containers are the physical supports of unitised loads with multiple rotation. This implies the repositioning of the physical sup-port after each mission.
COST 339 will contemplate all actions in order to favour support interchangeability between economic operators in an intermodal approach.
The third stage consists in proposing a set of potential applications resulting from the widespread use of small container practices.
COST 339 will contribute to find economies of scale in the physical distribution system.
COST 339 must take into account all the activities relating to the physical distribution: packaging, conditioning, storage, handling and the access to multi-modal transport.
As far as operational practices of small containers are concerned, the market opportunities are niches inside a much wider market which is that of the wide- spread use of containerization practices in physical distribution - UTI/NORM New ISO container (N.TEU).
Among the various applications, the researchers of COST 339 pay careful heed to the performances of the 'underground freight transport' projects.
This application includes airfreight, underground freight and interurban delivery by small and middle capacity commercial road vehicles.
In search of a strategic positioning of underground transport by pipes or tubes in the framework of a coherent transport policy
Authors: Willy Winkelmans and Theo Notteboom, University of Antwerp, Institute of Transport and Maritime Management Antwerp
From a socio-economic viewpoint the relevant question is whether the current situation with respect to traffic and transport in developed countries can be improved substantially by integrating "pipeline transport" as a consistent and equal transport mode in a coherent transport policy. From a mobility point of view most of the existing transport policies so far are rather ineffective in promoting the use of this mode of (underground) transport.
Only by means of a global approach, based upon a long-term vision regarding transport and mobility including underground transport, a solution might be found to solve the transport crisis we are facing. By internalising external costs a positive modal shift toward a more sustainable modal split could be induced. However, even without internalisation the sustainability of transport might increase through the use of new ways of transportation, because underground transport systems are almost perfectly environmentally friendly.
The fact that the concept of sustainable mobility has become very crucial in the framework of the EU-transport policy of tomorrow is a serious advantage also with respect to the possibility to implement underground transport infrastructure projects.
Even good ideas need to be paid for! Financial aspects of an underground transport system
Authors: J.O.B. Tessensohn, Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands; M.M. Kraan, Netherlands Economic Institute (NEI), the Netherlands; C. Hörchner, Netherlands Economic Institute (NEI), the Netherlands
Keywords: financial model, private-public-partnerships, case studies
The paper describes financial and organisational aspects of an underground transport system in the Netherlands. The paper is based on the results of a study, initiated by the Dutch ministry of Economic Affairs and carried out by NEI.
At first the paper will describe the initiatives being taken in the Netherlands concerning an underground transport system. At the moment several regional initiatives are evaluated. Furthermore a national network of connecting links, in the long run perhaps an underground network, is investigated. In the Netherlands there is a specific interest of government to participate in these initiatives. This will be explained in the paper, as well as the different types of participation that are applicable.
After this description the focus will be on a financial model that was developed in order to get a grip on the financial aspects that need to be dealt with when an underground initiative is to be realised. This model shows the financial results for the investor/owner of the system, as well as for the operator. The model takes figures concerning the demand for transport services and the level of investments as input.
The model has several financial aspects that are of interest. It is possible to see the impact on the financial results of different investment strategies (required amount of equity and debt). It is for instance also possible to take the required rate of return for the investors and calculate the price to be paid by the operator.
The model has been used in specific, actual underground initiatives. The paper will deal with the results of these calculations. This will show the practical use and the value of this in discussing underground transport systems.
The paper will emphasise the need to have an idea of the financial aspects when considering underground transport systems. Even if building an underground system is technically and economically feasible, there still has to be someone to pay the bill of the constructor. The experience in the Netherlands shows that it can do no harm to start thinking about this in early stages of a project.
Towards a public freight network with underground pipeline transportation
Authors: M.C. van der Heijden, TNO Inro and Twente University, The Netherlands; M. Iding, TNO Inro, P.O. Box 6041, 2600 JA Delft, The Netherlands; Phone: +31-15-2696885; Fax: +31-15-2696854; E-mail: mhe@inro.tno.nl
Keywords: network design, costs and benefits, critical design factors
The Dutch government is searching alternatives for traditional freight transportation by trucks, because it is foreseen that fast growth in traffic will cause accessibility, environmental and spatial problems. A promising option is the use of unmanned Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs) for unit freight transportation through underground pipeline systems. Variants range from local systems in problem areas (in cities and around production centres) to a nation- wide public freight network. In a nation-wide network, local underground systems are connected by either long distance pipeline systems or (modern versions of) traditional transportation modalities like rail, road or inland navigation.
When designing such a freight transportation system, it is important to estimate the transportation volumes that will be handled, the costs and benefits and to identify critical factors that influence the success of such a system, given various options for the spatial design and transportation modality choice. Under the authority of the Dutch government, TNO Inro has carried out an exploratory examination, including expert meetings and spreadsheet modelling of networks.
As a result, we found that the modal split share of underground in tons will always be limited because of the large share of bulk cargo that is not suitable for unit transportation. A dense nation-wide network, connecting local AGV- systems, is essential to attain sufficient network utilisation. Further, a multimodal network consisting of local underground pipeline systems connected by modern versions of the modes rail-combi, road and inland navigation appears to be most promising. A fully underground network seems to be unrealistic because of excessive investment requirements. Critical success factors include the number and size of the regions that the network covers, transhipment costs at multimodal terminals, local network design and the cost growth and speed reduction of the major competitive mode for underground transport: door-to-door road transportation.
Differential drayage and short-haul costs of container movements among ports in the Galveston Bay, Texas area
Author: Arthur P. James, Assistant Professor of Maritime Administration, Texas A&M University at Galveston; Associate Research Scientist, Center for Ports and Waterways, Texas Transportation Institute
Ports and their associated container terminals serve as a key link in the shipping chain for containerized freight. They provide the connection between waterborne container cargo and landside container modes--currently almost solely truck and rail. Most ports face significant rail- and truck-traffic congestion and pollution problems, and these problems spill over to nearby communities. This problem is growing more serious due to the growth in international trade, increased container usage, economies of scale in cargo movement, and other economic realities of container carriage, all of which are requiring ship owners to build larger containerships. Landside transportation bottlenecks demand innovative solutions such as the development of underground pipeline technology around ports to handle containerized cargoes. At Galveston Bay, Texas, there are three ports that either currently handle containerized freight or plan to do so in the near future--the Ports of Houston, Texas City, and Galveston. Ground-mode transportation costs rise when one transports freight from Texas City or Galveston rather than from Houston. It simply costs more to move freight by land to and from the two smaller ports because of limited truck and rail facilities there. This study looks at drayage and other short-haul costs of container movements at the three ports in order to demonstrate how landside costs affect the viability of a port as a container facility. The data in this study provide a benchmark that should aid ULS and other alternative freight system designers in determining whether such a system can be cost effective as an alternative transportation mode at ports.
Data Collection and Potential Freight Volume for Urban, Underground Logistics Systems
Author: Jeroen Boerkamps, DHV Environment and Infrastructure and Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and GeoSciences, Department Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering; E-mail: jeroen.boerkamps@mi.dhv.nl
Proper system design and feasibility assessment of freight transport systems rely heavily on the availability of adequate data on freight flows. This paper describes a methodology for collecting and analysing these data.
The method was applied during a feasibility study for an urban Underground Logistics System (ULS) in the City of Utrecht, The Netherlands. The distribution system design features a high level of automation, featuring automatically guided vehicles (AGV's) that drive through tunnels and that are loaded and unloaded automatically.
Survey results are classified by shop type and present weekly deliveries, freight volumes, load units and goods characteristics for the study area. Next to this the survey results were also used to derive freight demand indicators for different shop types: per shop, per area of floor space and per employee. These indicators are useful for other freight transport researchers. To validate the results they are compared with data from other sources.
The data were used to estimate the potential freight volume for the underground logistics system and to identify some important system design requirements. Finally, recommendations are made for future data collection efforts.
Underground logistic systems: keeping cities accessible?
Authors: Frank Bruinsma, Piet Rietveld, Caroline Rodenburg and Joost Buurman; Department of Spatial Economics, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Telephone: +31-20-4446096; Fax: +31-20-4446004; E-mail: fbruinsma@econ.vu.nl
Space is a scarce resource in many countries. More and more claims are laid upon it. People need more space for living, working, recreation and movements (infrastructure) and at the same time nature has to be preserved. These spatial claims cause certain tensions concerning the quality of the environment (pressure on space, environment and social factors). This causes an increasing pressure upon goals with relation to accessibility and quality of live.
This problem of land scarcity is of particular importance for the Netherlands, because the present intensity of land use is already very high. From several initiatives of the public and private sectors in The Netherlands to come to a more efficient use of the scarce space, it becomes clear that the above mentioned developments lead to great concern. An example of such an initiative is the formation of an expert network on Multiple Land Use. Governments, private parties and scientists jointly participate in this initiative in order to develop concepts and knowledge with the aim to use space in multiple ways. One can think of the use of the third (building upwards or downwards) and the fourth (time) dimension.
One of the possibilities for using the third dimension of space is the development of underground infrastructure networks. This kind of infrastructure use prevents the landscape from further fragmentation and forms a solution for noise problems. In this article, we study underground transport networks in urban areas and in particular the use of such networks for freight. More in particular, we will focus on Urban Logistic Parks, being locations where goods are transhipped from surface transport modalities to the underground logistic system.
An interdepartmental study group - IPOT - in which the Ministries of Transport,
Economic Affairs and Spatial Planning participate, started a research program on
the feasibility of underground logistic systems in The Netherlands at the
beginning of 1997. The main targets to be achieved by such a system are (IPOT,
To secure and improve accessibility of cities and major economic areas for goods
To improve the quality of live in cities and major economic areas by reducing
traffic emission, noise levels and traffic accidents caused by trucks and vans;
To strengthen the economic structure of regions by a competitive transport
The underground logistic system concepts that are under investigation in The
Netherlands have the following characteristics:
They aim at the segment of rolling containers and pallets;
They have a range up to 50 kilometres;
It aims at fully automated transport including automated transfer;
It will be a non-rail but self-navigation system, such as Free Ranging On Grid
It will be an independent transport-environment.
Underground logistic systems can be implemented as private business systems or as public systems to transport good flows within an urban area. An example of a private system is the underground logistic system between the flower auction in Aalsmeer, Schiphol airport and the rail terminal at Hoofddorp. In this paper, however, we focus on the public systems. In the initial phase the underground logistic will be developed in the larger urban agglomerations, mainly located in the western part of the Netherlands. In a second phase the agglomeration networks will be linked to a network at the level of the Randstad, with some extensions to other large urban areas in the eastern and southern part of the country. In a final phase the underground logistic system will cover all Dutch cities and might even have connections with foreign networks, for instance networks in Belgium or Germany.
The function of an urban underground logistic systems for goods transport is
threefold (Gordijn, 1999):
To connect warehouses with exchange points, where customers from outside the
orbital motorway area that have come by car can pick up goods immediately after
they have bought them; these interchange points will also be used by express
delivery services that deliver goods at home for those who came by public
transport or do not want to transport the goods themselves;
To connect warehouses with intermodal terminals if the warehouses are not
already intermodal exchange points themselves; this connection is especially
relevant for the procurement of goods to warehouses from factories that are
located on longer distances;
To connect warehouses, exchange points and intermodal terminals with delivery
points within the conurbation for consumers who live in the neighbourhood of
that delivery point.
The aim of this paper is to give insight into the mechanisms that play a role in
the establishment of firms on Urban Logistic Parks. In addition, the size of the
spatial reservations is estimated and an inventory of suitable locations is
given. Three issues will be addressed: (1) potential users, (2) size, and (3)
location choice.
Before dealing with these issues into detail, the spatial implications of the construction of underground logistic systems in the existing urban structures will be discussed. In Section 3 to 5 the three issues for investigation ("potential users", "size" and "location choice") will be answered. The paper concludes with a short summary and some recommendations for further research.
Design approach and prototyping of automated underground freight transportation systems in the Netherlands
Author: Ben-Jaap Pielage, Delft University of Technology, Faculty Design, Engineering & Production - Section Transport and Logistic Systems, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands; E-mail: B.A.Pielage@wbmt.tudelft.nl
The paper discusses the design process for underground freight transportation systems currently being developed in the Netherlands. The automated underground transport system planned between Aalsmeer, Schiphol and Hoofddorp is thought to become the pilot project for automated underground transportation. A short history of this "OLS-ASH" project will be presented. The paper will focus on the design approach, prototyping and critical area's to be covered when designing such highly automated transport systems.
A System Design & Basic Evaluation Study on the Smart Tube Freight Systems Using a Maglev and Linear Motor Capsule
Author: Motoyuki Minakami, Senior Researcher, Traffic Engineering Division, Road Department,Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction, Japan, 1- Asahi, Tsukuba-City, Ibaraki-Prefecture, 305-0804, Japan; Tel: +81-298-64-2211; Fax: +81-298-64-4322; E-mail: minakami@pwri.go.jp
This paper describes the system architecture-design and basic economic evaluation on the new concept of smart tube freight systems using a maglev & linear motor capsule in the expressway.
In Japan, the marine container (the international container) developed in the 1960's accounts for 90% of all periodical maritime transport in Japan. Also, the number of items handled by home delivery services that were developed about 20 years ago now exceeds more than one billion. In Japan expressway the freight truck vehicle traffic volume is about 56% of the whole vehicle traffic volume (ton-km base: 1995). Therefore, there are many issues concerning the freight matters, for example, traffic congestion, traffic environmental issues, traffic accident, and in particularly, maintenance cost of expressway. If we can reduce the portion of heavy trucks in the expressway, we will be able to reduce the maintenance cost dramatically. We will have to develop the new concept transport systems so as to solve these above issues by the heavy trucks in the expressway. We will have to develop a common basis encompassing packaging, containerization, palletization and smooth connection to the other transports. Namely, there are mainly 5 items for the development of new freight systems as follows. 1) Seamless Transport, 2) Energy Efficiency, 3) Low life Cycle Cost, particularly maintenance free,4) Random Delivery, 5) High Speed.
This article focus on the basic concept, its system design and basic energy consumption about the Smart Tube Systems using a Maglev & Linear motor capsule coordinating smart sensing technology, advanced linear motor. This new design for the semi-vacuum tube system promises the high-energy efficiency and high performance for the maintenance, and easy for the developing the network due to the high speed switching systems like an Internet ruler.
We can deliver with very individual and quick delivery using these new concept freight tube systems.
Electromagnetic Pipeline Demonstration Project
Author: Bruce Montgommery, Magplane Technology, Inc
A demonstration project which uses a linear synchronous motor to move capsules has been constructed at IMC-Agrico, a phosphate mining company in Lakeland, FL. The demonstration project, described at the 1st International Symposium [2], utilizes 275 m of 610 mm diameter centrifugal cast fiberglass pipe, and contains a 60 m long accelerator/decelerator section, a switch, and load and unload stations. The test vehicle traverses back and forth, obtaining a peak speed of 18 m/s. The 2.4 m long wheelbase vehicle uses six-wheel assemblies at each end of a rotating hopper, and has a payload capacity of 270 kg. The vehicle carries an array of neodymium-iron-boron permanent magnets which interact with the linear motor mounted on the outside of the tube to provide propulsion. An external switch magnet interacts with ferromagnetic material on the car to provide a no-moving-parts electromagnetic switch function.
The paper reports on the performance of the system during the test program carried out to date in which the basic feasibility of the design has been demonstrated. Plans are described for the follow-on test program intended to provide an indication of component lifetimes.
Results from the economic model are updated and show the potential for an attractive return on investment for future applications in the phosphate industry.
Development of dedicated vehicles for a tunnel transport system
Author: Leo J.J. Kusters, TNO-Automotive, Department of Advanced Transport Systems
During the development phase of a new tunnel transport system in the Netherlands intended to connect Schiphol Airport with the flower Auction Aalsmeer and a new rail cargo terminal near Schiphol, three different new vehicle concepts have been developed. The concepts are based on different design philosophies. All vehicles are automatically guided and operating in a fully automated system, including automatic cargo handling. This paper describes the main features of the three different vehicle concepts and the experience gained during the design, prototyping and testing of the vehicles. The main challenges, which yet have to be overcome, are discussed.
Underground logistic systems versus Trenchless Technology
Authors: G. Arends, B.J.H. Grote; Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and GeoSciences, Department of Underground Space Technology; E-mail: OGB@ct.tudelft.nl
The general opinion in designing underground logistic systems (ULS) is one of technical possibility. Not only can the systems be made but also building the infrastructure with Trenchless Technology (TT) is no problem. However some questions rise on this statement. What are the requirements of an underground logistic system? And are the properties of Trenchless Technology met?
The current application of Trenchless Technology (for transport of good's) is for fluid bulk transport like oil, gas, chemicals, water and sewer. For non continuous transport, as is the case with ULS, it has seldom been applied. The properties of TT techniques, which are not a problem for continuous transport systems, can be a limiting factor for ULS. For example the curves possible with the TT techniques, in certain soil conditions, can be much larger than required for an ULS. Also the state of the art shows that it is difficult to construct a 100% fluent curve with pipejacking techniques. The intention of a regular small curvature for each jacked pipe is in practise more likely a variety in single pipe curves. This imperfection can be a difficulty for an ULS. These and other risks in applying Trenchless Technology have to be kept in mind when designing underground logistic systems with these techniques.
With the current plans for underground logistic systems in the Netherlands also the requirements become more clear. These require special demands for Trenchless Technology. When an ULS uses for example carts or small trains which move with a speed of 50 km/h the resulting vibrations have to be taken into account when designing the infrastructure. This has implications on the structure itself, but also on the installation technique. Problem is that the issue of vibrations is a new field of study which has not yet been covered in design rules. So also from the design site risks play a part in the application of Trenchless Technology for Underground Logistic Systems.
Underground Logistic Systems are in first instant intended for build up areas like inner cities. This means that the infrastructure has to be built in an area where the underground is already in use. Pipelines, cables but also basements and in delta areas of course pile foundations are present. These 'obstacles' can have a major impact on the systems requirements let alone on the installation method. So also the surroundings play an important role in the design of the ULS infrastructure.
These remarks do not suggest that Trenchless Technology is not suitable for building an ULS. On the contrary, without it an ULS most probably will not succeed. On the other hand just thinking that the technique of Trenchless Technology will solve the problem is not right either.
Settlements of Micro-Tunnels in reflection to their use in underground logistic systems
Author: W. Broere, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and GeoSciences
The emerging use of micro-tunneling techniques to construct pipelines for non- bulk underground logistic systems in urbanised areas raises a number of questions, in particular concerning the construction and life-time maintenance of such tunnels in soft soils. A main issue is formed by the (differential) settlements occurring over the lifetime of the tunnel, compared with the demands an underground logistic system makes on acceptable deformations. Other issues are the radial deformation and ovalisation of the tunnel, shearing between successive tunnel elements and the deviancies occurring during tunnel construction. The combined effect of these different mechanisms may well exceed the tolerances of the underground logistic system. These effects have to be taken into account during the design of the tunnel as remediation will be costly and may cause unacceptable hindrance to the environment.
Pneumatic Capsule Pipelines in Construction Industry
Authors: S. Kosugi, Somitomo Metal Industries Ltd., Thermal Plant & Pipeline engineering Department
A Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline (PCP) was applied for tunnel construction by transporting hourly 100 cubic meters of excavated earth from the excavating machine in the tunnel to the disposal area over a distance of 3 to 7 km and then transported ready mixed concrete in return. This PCP has two features against 'conventional' PCPs. One is the application of mobile station and the other is the utilization of rectangular pipe rather than circular pipe. This application of rectangular pipeline suggests that it can be used for inter-city transport of cargo freights because it will make the capsules more suitable for transporting freight in boxes, make wheels simpler, and make switching of capsules at the fork easier than circular pipe.
A recent potential application is for highway construction in a densely populated area where highway is of ditch configuration in order to avoid noise and dust. Its construction requires transportation of huge volume of excavated earth. Japan Highway Public Corporation has been considering the PCP as the first priority in a highway project which is to be launched in 2000. Sumitomo Metal Industries has been carrying out its basic design. Other than these 'horizontal' PCPs, vertical PCP is to be applied for the construction of a deep shield shaft. This type of PCP targets the large-scale construction in deep underground space as well as transportation between deep underground space and the earth surface.
Improving the economics of existing pneumatic capsule pipeline system for transporting general cargoes
Risk and decision analysis for the tubular freight system
Authors: Rocky C. Shih and G. Alberto Arroyo, University of Texas at San Antonio, Department of Civil Engineering
This paper is presenting an integrated Risk/Decision Analysis for the tubular freight system using linear electric induction motor for capsulated freight transshipment in pipelines. Its engineering and economic feasibility has been studied in detail by different researchers in both academia and government. However, the concept of hauling freight in capsules through pipelines is still too new to be judged as a reliable alternative to congesting highways. This paper will center on the decision analysis based on multi-attribute utility assessment incorporating costs, lead time, human safety, environmental and economic risks associated with this highly innovative mode of transportation.
Development of Vertical Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline System for Deep Underground
Experimental study of capsule flow in bent and inclined pipeline
Authors: P. Vlasák, Institute of Hydrodynamics ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic; V. Berman, S. Kril, Institute of Hydromechanics NASU, Kiev, Ukraine;
Keywords: simulation, level of service, internal logistics
Since the introduction of hydraulic capsule pipelining concept in the end of fifties, enough has been learned about the flow of capsules of different shapes and densities in straight horizontal pipe. For the proper design and safe and efficient operation of commercial capsule pipeline systems, it is necessary to have at least an essential knowledge about capsule behaviour in bent and inclined pipe sections, especially about threshold velocity and power consumption.
To solve this problem a comprehensive investigation based on both theory and experiments was conducted. In the paper, the results related to the experimental measurement of main hydrodynamic parameters of capsule-liquid flow in bend and in inclined pipe are presented.
Single capsules and capsule trains of different capsule/pipe diameter ratio, capsule length/diameter ratio and wide density spectrum were measured in several experimental loops with inner diameter varying from D = 12 to D = 125 mm. In addition to classical measurement of the capsule-liquid system hydraulic gradient, flow rate and capsule velocity, an electro-diffusive method was also used for diagnosing of capsule flow structure.
Drag coefficient of slurry log inside a vertical pipe