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Document summary:
- Title: Pipe§net
- Author: Franco Cotana (info@pipenet.it, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 13 Città di Castello, Perugia, Italy, Fax +39.075.8552616)
- Source: http://www.pipenet.it/
- Copyright: Unknown
- Date: September 2002, updated December 2006.
Pipe§net - A revolution for freight transports
Pipe§net is an innovative freight transport system. It is constituted by a net of special pipes and other devices which will allow an high speed and low energy freight transport.
Each freight package will be carried into original capsules; capsules dimensions and characteristics will travel into the pipes at high speed and with low friction.
Capsules movement will be obtained by linear synchronous motors; movement support will be obtained by original sublimation and magnetic levitation systems.
The net will allow to connect every points where a freight shipment or receiving is needed. So, Pipe§net may allow to connect residential houses, commercial centres, every selling and/or distribution points, factories, offices, "just in time" centralized stores, pharmacies, hospitals, etc.
The aforesaid devices will allow to obtain a new transport infrastructure which will cover an important freight partition; pipe§net will interconnect itself to internet in order to improve and increase its performances (E-Commerce). Pipe§net characteristics will be: high speeds (up to 1500 km/h), low enviromental impact (air, noise, etc.), flexibility. The system will start with B2B (business to business) connections among industrial points; subsequently, pipe§net will arrive gradually to B2C (business to consumer) or C2C (consumer to consumer) connections.
![Image: Pipe§net device prototype.](../../images/0044a.jpg)