This page contains Credits and Legal information.
"Someone really loves to fish." - Description of A Thoroughly Read Copy of "Nat Pagle's Extreme' Anglin."
Credits and Legal

These pages were written by El's "alter ego", Tim Howgego, copyright 2006-7, unless otherwise stated. He has written about quite a lot of other games over the years, and really should have grown out of it by now. El could often be found fishing on Ravenholdt (EU) realm. El is now semi-retired, and "her book" is increasingly ghost-written by other gnomes. And the odd Tauren.
Errors, suggestions and comments should be sent to tim at Please put "WoW" somewhere in the email subject field, or your email will regrettably be viewed as junk. Before writing with a game query, please search through the text carefully.
You may save and print this document for your own personal use only. You may not charge for it, sell, rent, or otherwise profit from it. The contents of this website should not be reposted without the explicit written permission of the author. Fair use of content (partial quotation with attribution) is encouraged.
The guide draws on both personal experiences and experiments, and the work of others. Sources are given where appropriate. Named sources are generally forum postings. I have not linked to forum posts, since most are not archived. Item and quest links point at Thottbot: I'm not affiliated to Thottbot or IGE - I just happen to think their database is the most extensive. I have also used Allakhazam and for research. Most experimentation was done with patch 1.10 and 1.11 on live EU servers, during the middle of 2006. Inevitably the game will change over time, so I can make no guarantees as to the accuracy of the information presented here.
All game concepts, certain images, and in game-text are copyright Blizzard Entertainment. World of Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment. The author is not affliated to Blizzard Entertainment. No fish were harmed during the making of this guide.