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02-01-2006, 18:25
As i'm left handed i choose left :go:

Being without arms or without legs?

02-01-2006, 21:21
Being without legs. But no, I better say NEITHER.

Doing evil (because its effects are more immediate) or doing good (because its effects are long-term and stable)?

03-01-2006, 22:58
Doing good (because its effects are long-term and stable)

Cityfolks or villagefolks?

04-01-2006, 00:08

Skyscrapers or normal houses?

conquestare legionare
04-01-2006, 14:24
normal houses
(i dont think anybody want sky crapers :rofl: :rofl: )

biscuits or cookies

06-01-2006, 18:47

Sand or Snow

06-01-2006, 19:37
Sand :hello: But only the pure white sand of a remote beach, with no tourists around.

Staying at home, or travelling the world?

06-01-2006, 19:49
Travelling the world as i'm bored on being home all the time :biggrin:

Travel the world by plane or by car (to the different countries, not all the time)

06-01-2006, 21:24
Both... and even by bike and foot...

Visiting the common tourist attractions, or exploring a bit further were no other tourists are?

conquestare legionare
08-01-2006, 03:19
Exploring Were no tourists are an maybe find a treasue who knows :)

Too be relaxed or too be furious

08-01-2006, 21:28

Being young and inexperienced, or being old and wise?

the knightly sword
08-01-2006, 23:05
You get a nice mix if you take the best parts (Young+wise= miraculous kid).

(And hello by the way, Im back)

Cold or hot.

11-01-2006, 18:35
Cold (a genetic thing :biggrin: )

Look at the stars or look at the green grass?

11-01-2006, 21:39
Looking at the stars... at night! And at the lush greenery when it's day.

Sylvan solitude, or urban hustle?

21-01-2006, 22:43
Sylvan hustle :biggrin:

Five foot snow or five foot rain (on the ground not the lenght of the snow or rain :rolleyes: )

21-01-2006, 22:45

be good and poor, or be evil and rich

the knightly sword
22-01-2006, 23:07

too be evil or to be good

23-01-2006, 20:51
Well as this answer seems popular i say.....Neither!
(i'm neutral remember :wink: )

Change the rules or let them be!?

23-01-2006, 21:56
change it :biggrin:

the game stronghold 2 or cossacks 2

23-01-2006, 22:50
Stronghold 2 ****s, and I haven't tried Cossacks, so neither.

Star Wars or Star Trek?