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04-05-2004, 07:52
I actually think the road issue would take too much time to balance out, and would only provide puny or none funfactor.
I remember playing HoMaM (Heroes of Might and Magic), the traveling across different terrain, was in my oppinion just making the game more dull, and annoying.

04-05-2004, 08:49
maybe bridges will be possible on fords on higher parts of a river. Then I agree with Henrik. As many times before:cheers:

04-05-2004, 15:48
Originally posted by HexHammer
I actually think the road issue would take too much time to balance out, and would only provide puny or none funfactor.
I remember playing HoMaM (Heroes of Might and Magic), the traveling across different terrain, was in my oppinion just making the game more dull, and annoying.

I remember a game series where the use of roads and crossing bridges was important to get you troops moving fast. The series i'm referring to is called Panzer General

I don't fear that the game will lose on the fun factor if this road issuse was implemented - it would IMO just give the game some more stretegic depth I.e:

Imagine a senario where you wanna get you hands on a territory ( which we'll call "ABC" ) which is situated to the east of you, then when you look at ABC's western border you discover that the road grid is not giving you an easy access to ABC's capital ( which is your objective ) due to rivers and roads which mainly runs north/south, then you look at the ABC's southern region you discover that this region is has an easy road access to the capital.

So what do you do ? - you would probably:
1. get an alliances with ABC's southern neigbour
2. attack ABC's southern neigbour in order to get you army the best position for your main attack on ABC's capital

I think the above mentioned senario clearly shows that how roads and bridges can have an influence on you strategy.