View Full Version : can some ppl skilled at modding come here please

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20-12-2006, 03:22
what i wrote comes off my little comic like thing you can find on the warhammer web site and its about what i just wrote.also im planning on making it into a little streaming video and all that was about a game called warhammer table top /ppl call it warhammer TT and they have a website on it called :markofchaos.com.but mark of chaos is actually the new RTS of warhammer if get intrested in warhammer TT go to:us.games-workshop.com and you can replace the "us" with "uk" but it makes no diffrence its just the site but with more british english writing and i think in a bit diffrent skin.if you get intrested in the RTS look at the mark of chaos website on the forums section and if you see anyposts by:Sigmar the warrior god-on the mark of chaos forums well i got nuthing else to say but that's ME!.One more thing elvain i wasnt saying you were the 9'year old spaz but i was just thinking back and mainly showing the fact that "no offence"or"dont take this personally" has no true meaning its just a heap of words to show you not trying to hurt they're fellings which in the end NEVER! works.:lol: :rofl: :lol: :cheers: weeeeeee.

20-12-2006, 12:02
sorry, but it is extremely hard to understand what you mean, at least for me :sad:

Just for the last part.. It's not. I really didn't mean it personaly against you. If f.i. Dobber would behave like you(what is as probable as me becomming muslim :lol:), I'd do the same to him (and also tell him not to take it personally) because it's not you who I don't like, but the way you behaved :wink:

20-12-2006, 14:47
sorry, but it is extremely hard to understand what you mean, at least for me :sad:

You are not alone! :go:

21-12-2006, 09:29
That makes (at least) three of us! Honestly, I just couldn't read that last post - it would require to rape my brain and I don't really want that. So, once again, I repeat the advice: If you want someone to read your posts - start writing normally and with punctuation. If not, don't wonder why noone ever bothers answering you - it's just that noone has even bothered reading what you've said!

21-12-2006, 09:36
there's also miracle key "Enter" which enables the readers to tollow the links better, it's good to use it especially when you change topic of your post..

21-12-2006, 13:43
I didn't understand it either. I honestly tried.
