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10-02-2007, 03:32
Hi Im a total newbie and I mean total, I never knew anything about anno games till I discovered this one (1701) quite by accident. I've never played any of the other games and Im still learning this one.

Ok my questions are concerning the scenario games. Im on the 3rd one with Hendrik (many names come to mind) and I seem to be stuck, for some reason Im not moving forward on this scenario, I apparently have a cloth problem but I can't find out how to fix it, I have great sheep farms, and the cloth numbers are high and the people are euphoric yet it still doesn't tick off on the mission list. Also how do I fix up the Palace?

10-02-2007, 05:56
The only thing I found at the sheep farms, is a old house ruin that needs to be demolished...:go:

The house is directly behind the weavers hut, blocking passage of the wool!

10-02-2007, 10:59
Hi elsker_soz and welcome to the forum :halloha:

Great that you discovered Anno :gogo:

I apparently have a cloth problem but I can't find out how to fix it, I have great sheep farms, and the cloth numbers are high and the people are euphoric yet it still doesn't tick off on the mission list.
If you have enough clothes in your warehouse, i would say you have not a cloth problem.
BUT: did you finish all the other points in this mission?

for example:
-build 35 houses
-delete all the ruins in the north
-build a school, fire house, alcohol, tabacco
-do you have 100 citizes? (citizens means people in the third step)
-... (some more)

Maybe you forgot one of these points? :scratch:

PS: don't sorrow, i don't know all of them. I'll looked it up in the strategie book :biggrin:

Also how do I fix up the Palace?
You just have to complete all the other things in this mission. And then your people will fix up the palace :go:

10-02-2007, 19:44
The only thing I know that you have to do to complete the task of correcting the cloth problem is to delete the three house ruins that are located around one of the sheep farms. At that point it should check off!

pirate bait
12-02-2007, 06:24
hello everyone - i just got 1701 last friday after playing 1602 for a number of years....

i've also encountered a problem with this scenario - tho in my case it's with the woodcutters.....i've planted trees, added more woodcutters, have a current stock of 127T of wood........and still he keeps yapping about the dratted woodcutters!! :lol:

i've increased the population to over 500 pioneers but still none of them will upgrade to settlers.....i seem to be stuck in a rut! i don't think anything is going to progress until he realizes that the woodcutters actually ARE working again....:bash:

any suggestions?


12-02-2007, 06:43
Did you destroy the woodcutter's hut that was built in a bad spot amongst the rocks? If not then that one woodcutter not working is the problem. You haven't corrected the problem with the woodcutter's until you are rid of that one.

pirate bait
12-02-2007, 06:47
yep i did........ :icon_sad:

12-02-2007, 06:53
With the other beginning woodcutters, did you use the watering can to optimize the production and plant the trees, or did you use the tree planting icon in the build menu?

pirate bait
12-02-2007, 07:02
um......watering can??? i saw that mentioned in another post, but figured it must be the german edition.....i haven't found a watering can yet :lol: so yes, i planted trees from the build menu. thanks for taking time to help a newbie ;)

12-02-2007, 07:09
Click on the woodcutter's hut and click on the watering can to optimize the production, that is what he is waiting on you to do! Before the patch there was no tree planting icon in the build menu. The scenario's were designed before you had the option to plant trees.

pirate bait
12-02-2007, 07:33
oh duh.......do i feel dumb, of course they were :blush: thanks again for your help! :biggrin: i think i used that on a couple of the new huts i built, but not the ones he's griping about.....what a yutz :lol:

12-02-2007, 07:42
BTW, welcomr to the forum, pirate bait! :halloha:

I totally overlooked that I was answering your first post in the forum!

I hope you enjoy your visits here!

12-02-2007, 08:47
Thanks for the suggestions folks, I got it now ;)

now Im on the scenario where I have to get ingredients for menus the problem is the indians want 3t of cattle... how?

12-02-2007, 12:48
Build a road to the cattle farm so the market men can collect the cattle. Give the butcher a siesta until you get the cattle you need loaded onto the ship!

12-02-2007, 15:39
Click on the woodcutter's hut and click on the watering can to optimize the production, that is what he is waiting on you to do! Before the patch there was no tree planting icon in the build menu. The scenario's were designed before you had the option to plant trees.

Before the patch, I used the pipette (eye dropper) to clone trees for the lumberjacks..
I thought this might be useful! :wink:

pirate bait
12-02-2007, 18:04
Before the patch, I used the pipette (eye dropper) to clone trees for the lumberjacks..
I thought this might be useful! :wink:

thanks - i've tried that and it works great for buildings but have been unable to get it to function for trees... :scratch:

12-02-2007, 18:07
To make the pipette work with trees and other crops, without the patch you have to rename your city MariaDelTule!

13-02-2007, 03:35
alright :go: things are going smoothly...

onto the next challenge lol ok soooooooo now how the hell do I find a shorter way of completing this level? is it really possible to find all the scrolls before the baddie? and build a shipyard bigger and better than his so you can blow him away in order to secure the last document? :bash:

at this rate Im too scared to try the other scenarios lol

13-02-2007, 04:42
It is programmed that he always gets one, once you retrieve 2 it triggers him to say he has found one. All you have to do to gety it though is take out his shipyard and then retrieve the floating document in his harbor!

13-02-2007, 06:45
Take out his shipyard... sure!!! any hints on that one? I've now lost about 12 ships to that one lol