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26-11-2004, 22:24
I had a lot of problems with this scenario. I liked it but everytime I went near one of the little islands (the one next to the ore and cannon maker) The game would crash. It may be the size of the file in the end. I eventually deleted it from my own scenarios and gave up on it.

26-11-2004, 23:18
...made the same experiences with this scenario :(
But I liked it :)

27-11-2004, 23:27
Dread Pirate Terry added a new feature in this scene. I have hovercraft pirate ships cruising my main island. They get stuck in the ocean at the edge of the map next to my ships and do the repeat movement. If I move my ship to let the pirates loose they turn and cruise my island gettin stuck on the ai part of it. It's wild watching them cruise through the mountains.

Does make the scene a bit more difficult as you need to take out the pirates and therefore do battle on the ai's land.

Dread Pirate Terry
28-11-2004, 04:20
It's really a cool feature!
I only wish I had done it on purpose, or knew how to reproduce the effect where and when I want

28-11-2004, 09:58
... I have hovercraft pirate ships cruising my main island. ...

It's a pity.
When I played it the kept there position besides the moutain where gold is inside .

28-11-2004, 15:29
I at some point had leveled their(pirates) city. After that they stayed a steady stream to my port, patrolling from my port to my captured island with the cannon foundry on it.

28-11-2004, 17:11
is big worls the one with the huge square island with all trees and 2 mountains?

Dread Pirate Terry
28-11-2004, 17:55
You're reffering to "Crazyland" which is an island.
"Big World" is a scenario.

29-11-2004, 00:36
Hey gang, I just came to the brilliant conclusion that wkw427 DELIBERATELY misspells words just to get our reactions! No one that age could spell that badly even if he had never attended one day of school.My 6 year old grandson spells better than that and he'e only in kindergarten. :rolleyes:

01-12-2004, 03:47
hmmm. i can give proof that i don't purposely spell bad. or you can serch "wkw427" on the old board! the first one's funnier. much funnier! one more thing, your not the first!!!!!!!

02-12-2004, 05:17
Well, I finally defeated Big World. When I restarted this last time, I didn't go out for a huge settlement, just 500 merchants and 315 citizens until I defeated blue and white and then pumped it up to 1025 merchants for the remainder of the game. I thought the yellow was never going to decide to go on up to 1000 merchants, he stayed on 800 merchants forever, only advancing to 1000 after I wiped out the pirates.

02-12-2004, 11:50
It's a pity.
When I played it the kept there position besides the moutain where gold is inside .

I think you are talking about the 'battle for Pennsylvania' Those pirates didn't move for me either.

The hovercrafts occured in 'pirate hell' another of Dread Pirate Terry's scenarios.

03-12-2004, 03:10
hovering piret ships. next thing you know you build the shipyard on land, and ships shoot plasma blasts!

Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
11-12-2004, 03:23
I've been playing around with Sir Henry's Island Editor, and it seems that the largest island I can make is 100x100, and yet I see islands bigger than that. How are these islands made?

11-12-2004, 04:19
well, one is diffrent islands put together,or, um... geez. umm. ok. i know i will go in to a long speach aubout stuff....so.....ALL HAIL THE SOVIT UNION!!!!!!!

11-12-2004, 07:44
Prince Eric, When starting a new island. if you click huge it gives you a 100x100. To go bigger, you need to input your size directly in the size boxes, where it says 100 for heighth and width type the size you want up to 150x150. If you want to do bigger than 150x150, then you will have to download one of the bigger ones and load it into the editor and then change the island you downloaded. I have templates for the larger islands that are just huge fields of water waiting to have the island created on/in them that I can send you if you want.

Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
11-12-2004, 09:09
Thanks, Dobber, for that info!

About these templates, they sound interesting. What do I do with them to load them into the Island Editor? Do I just handle them as if they were islands?

P.S. Edit: BTW, you can call me Eric. That will save you a few key strokes.;)

11-12-2004, 15:33
Yes, Eric, you would load them into the editor just as they were islands and then edit them. What I did was to download the large oversize islands from the anno-pool(I think one is Costa Rica North) and then I changed every square to grass, then saved it as an island. Now I have a base to start with when making an island that large. My island Dobber's Paradise was made using the largest of these templates.

Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
11-12-2004, 15:59
I'd like to have some of these templates to experiment with, Dobber!:)

You can send them to eclorah@hotmail.com


Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
17-12-2004, 04:40
If you want to do bigger than 150x150, then you will have to download one of the bigger ones and load it into the editor and then change the island you downloaded.

Hi, Dobber.:)

Thanks again for sending me the templates and your islands.

As I mentioned to you in the e-mail message, two of the templates and at least two of the very large islands make my editor crash. To be specific, they make both of my editors crash - The scenario editor and the island editor. The scen editor crashes when trying to look at temps 2 & 3 and islands "Dobber's Paradise" & "Squash Is." and the island editor crashes when exiting with the same temps & islands but it first gives a notice "(!) Maximum size is 150x150!"

As I was wondering about the specs of my PC, and as you asked, I really don't know the processor speed, but it is an 8 year old PC with about 32 or 42MB RAM and only about 50 - 70MB of HDD space at start-up.

You have already gone quite out of your way to supply me with these files so I don't want to trouble you much more. I'm just wondering how it is possible to work with islands larger than 150X150 when the island editor rejects islands larger than that.

As I am writing this, I seem to recall someone saying something about other special island editors. I have "Sir Henry's Island Editor".

Thanks again.:)