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09-12-2004, 12:41
some KoH female and arabian avatars added!
@ghost walker
wie was wo?
Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
09-12-2004, 13:20
Although I think I like my original avatar for now, I would like to say thank you, on behalf of the English speakers and all of the loyal people, for these exciting new avatars! Vielen dank/ many thanks!:)
Eric :king:
09-12-2004, 18:11
Die neuen Avatare and wirklich super! Danke!
JA!Auch Danke. Dagomar macht sich gut in meiner Nähe.
Mit dem Stasisfeld, kann mir nix passieren. :D
Der zerbricht sich sicher den Kopf, wie er da raus kann :D :bash:
Tolle Arbeit, Webmaster! Danke fürs Hochladen und Bereitstellen!
Viele Bild-Icons sind in TM identisch, das ist mir beim Rauskopieren ziemlich aufgefallen. Besonders "schlimm" ist es in Steamertown und dem Feenwald.
Nebenbei: Meinst Du, für die Kristalle wäre noch Platz? Ich würde sie Dir schicken, die fünf aus TM und zwei zusätzliche; das wäre für die "Hüter der Kristalle" hier im Forum sicher ganz interessant...
Den bunten, wenns soweit ist, und den violetten von Simpsonlover.
09-12-2004, 20:06
den türkisen von Ar-Khan noch.
Violett und türkis. Den bunten gibt's noch nicht ;)
09-12-2004, 20:12
Sed mox.(Aber bald)
Iam mé gaudeo.(Ich freue mich schon)
Simponslover, du nervst irgendwie... :o
09-12-2004, 21:15
Weiß ich.*ähem*
dann kannst dus ja ändern...
09-12-2004, 22:14
als her mit, kermit
thanks! eventhoue i havn't checked them out, the'll be cool! can we upload yet...?
09-12-2004, 22:24
@uploading avatars
this won't be possible right now. maybe in the future.
ok. i'll take 6o.z. of uranum. umm. is this the black market? no? hmmm. yes. i'll build you a bomb, a bomb fillen with jumpind beans! fools!
i think i can wain another million years. given i don't die and stuff!
09-12-2004, 22:31
we have in germany some strict rulez about internet activities. in a privat forum this isn't that kind of problem as it is for a company.
we cannot monitor this board every minute. so we are in help of a good community. thats the base i am arguing for activiting this feature. like the allowance of img tags in postings and signatures.
what? are you comminting on mty black market coment? or just trying to find another way opf saying i'm spaming or bugging you?
Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
10-12-2004, 04:24
The way I read Webmaster's comment is that he is trying to get the feature activated, but first we need to see how everyone will behave here on the Board. It seems this activation is not in his hands, so he must argue his point with his supervisors.
10-12-2004, 09:11
I also think so, Prince Eric. :)
The problem is that this is a Sunflowers board, and if someone feels like posting an offending image (or even a link to other websites with such content), Sunflowers may face some very serious problems. And remember that this board as well as Sunflowers as a company are subject to German legislation; so some themes or images which might be acceptable for U.S. (or other countries) sites might be not acceptable here.
And as our part of the board is very young here (a bit more than one month only ;) ) the administrators have only a small experience basis from which they can argue for allowing images. It's a difference if you say that everything went alright during the last month or during the last six months... ;)
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