View Full Version : Anno1602 GE keeps crashing on same parts of the game

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11-12-2004, 16:41

I'm playing Anno 1602 Gold Edition, and it crashes a lot.
For instance when there is a shortage of some luxery good, for example, spices. When i click a house, and move my mouse cursor over the picture of spices, the program just crashes.
Also, sometimes when a pirate ship is chasing me, it crashes.

I've already tried everything, uninstalling it, deleting anno 1602 from the register, i even traded the CD-rom at the store. But the problem keeps on coming back.

Any ideas?


11-12-2004, 17:55
Welcome to the board, Luapske. :)

Try to lower the hardware acceleration for your sound and graphic cards to zero. That should help... :)

13-12-2004, 13:35
urm... how do i do that? :s

13-12-2004, 13:44
quite simple ... on the desktop LMB > properties > "advanced / more" (don't know the correct english term, button is located lefthandside beneath the resolution) > "problems ..." (again i don't know the english term) > hardware accelaration

for the soundcard go to the sound and multimedia settings > audio > output > "advanced" > "systemperformance"

13-12-2004, 14:37
thanks, but i lowered both to zero, even restarted the computer, but the same problems still occur....

13-12-2004, 14:47
..sounds difficult :scratch: Two ideas:

- did you reinstall it ?. Means, has the game been installed before ?
Maybe you have to move some files from an earlier installation

- if it isn't intalled at :C install it right at c:\anno1602\... (sounds strange I know ..but ... ;) )

13-12-2004, 14:53
done that... same problems
maybe you will say "DOH" after this --> but i open the same saved game after every new installation. Should i start all over again, with anno1602 installed at c:\anno1602\, hardware and sound acceleration both to zero? Or should the changes have the same effect on the existing save game?

13-12-2004, 15:29
First, switch off sound and video in the options menu and check if the crashes continue. If yes, the problem is not sound and video, but something else. If the game does not crash, update the drivers for your sound and graphic cards (and if you have a VIA mainboard, you may also update the 4-in-1 driver). BTW if you did not switch off video and sound, you should play with the game CD inserted in the correct drive.

Another possible reasons for crashes may be:
the game is not installed under C:\program files\ (I am not sure about the name of the program files directory at your PC),
Game resolution is too low (use the highest resolution),
Wrong setting of the hardware mouse pointer (see the configuration program in your start menu Anno folder or the config.exe in your Anno installation directory)

13-12-2004, 15:43
in that case, it isnt the sound or video. I now installed it in the program files folder.
I've set the resolution to the highest. and i have tried it all with the hardware mouse pointer unchecked in the config.exe, and with the mouse pointer checked.
Without results. (all with the save game)
i've started all over again, maybe there something wrong with the save game or something... ?

13-12-2004, 15:59
well... with the new game the same problems came back.
shortage of alcohol, mouse pointer over the alcohol picture, and crash!

13-12-2004, 16:03
Hmmm... maybe it is really the savegame? - If you like you can send it to me, I'll see if it also crashes at my PC. I'll send you my mail address by PM.

13-12-2004, 18:05
i've send it to ya

13-12-2004, 21:31
Hm, I could not find any errors with my game... So, the savegame seems to be ok.

Could you please tell us a bit more about your computer? I mean your Windows, DirectX, graphic card, memory, processor... It is somehow very strange that your game crashes that often.

You did not state which international version of the game you have or where you come from, but judging by the savegame I think you might have the Dutch version. If so, did you try to install the patch for the Dutch Gold version? You can find it here (http://www.anno1602.de/english/index.html?downloads/download_patches.html). :)

13-12-2004, 23:15
yeah, it's dutch. But when installing the patch, it says the game is a newer version then the patch, so it won't fully install.
I tried the savegame on a different computer, with a different windows version, different graphic cards etc. The directX is fully up to date.
I'm able to play the game normally, if i just won't move the mouse cursor over those 'shortage' pictures. So i will just don't do that :)
Very weird that it crashes on both my pc's, and not on yours...

14-12-2004, 20:13
it now even crashes on other parts of the game... i don't know which ones... very annoying

14-12-2004, 23:17
Which Windows do you have? And how old is your Windows installation?

14-12-2004, 23:20
XP, couple of months old

14-12-2004, 23:33
Try to lower the hardware acceleration of your sound and graphic cards once more. In the old board, I read that someone was successful after he regulated it down for the second time...

BTW you are logged in with administrator rights? And you do not use any trainers or additional programs, cracks or copies for the game, yes?

Hmm... Did you try to defrag your hard disc? And how many RAM do you have (though I do not think that that would be the problem if you have a newer PC)? Do you experience similiar problems with other games?

15-12-2004, 03:37
it is natural to crach for no apprent reason if the ai ia stresed, a lot is happning, or the game hates you.

15-12-2004, 18:28
in that case, the game hates me

@roadrunner, i kept the acceleration at zero, i don't use any cheats,cracks or trainers and i dont use a copy. The ram is +/- 1GB, so that must be enough :)

And the only time i have the same problems with other games, is when it is a bad copy. But lately.. i never had any problems, until anno1602 unfortunately :(

I reall like the game, and i want to finish every scenario, but if it keeps on crashing all of a sudden, it becomes unplayable. :(
I don't know why it crashed the last few times. I always stay clear of the 'shortage pictures', and that worked for a while. But now it just crashes randomly so it seems.