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13-02-2005, 13:35

I will go on vacation from tomorrow until friday. So I packed up the latest changes of my KoH and packed them up for you.

Here's the new readme:

1. Requirements
English version of KoH with patch 1.03
A lot of time to play ;)

2. Disclaimer
This is not an official patch and I do not guarantee that it will serve any purpose. It may crash your computer or do even worse things. Only use this mod if you are aware of this fact. Use on your own risk.

3. Installation
Extract the files in the archive to your Knights of Honor folder. After extraction check if there is are the folders called "defs" and "texts" in the KoH-folder. If the folders are there the installation should be complete.
I do not recommend using existing savegames with this modification because the gameplay has severly changed. It's best to start a new game.
You should always start the new games at the difficulty setting "Hard". I didn't modify or test the other settings and the gameplay should be rather poor.

4. Uninstallation
Remove the "defs" and the "Texts" directories from your KoH-folder.

5. Hints
As soon as you have started a new game, press the pause-key and look at the new prices and make yourself comfortable with the new values in the game.

6. Suggestions
If you have an suggestion, report it on the KoH-forums at http://forum.sunflowers.de. Any comments are appretiated.

7. List of changes
Since 1.4:
- Tuned down the kingdom advantages.
- Experimented with spy's abilities. In theory every spy should now be able to spread nasty gossips. (Please try this out!)
- Tuned down some marshall abilities.
- Tweaked some chances of success for spy-missions.
- Added some new thoughts (the texts that sometimes float over an AI army). I will add more soon.
- Tuned down financial benefits from kingdom power.
- Tuned down trade revenues.
- Improved revenues from tyrannic taxes and war taxes.
- Lowered spy upkeeps and improved AI usage of espionage slightly.
- Made chances of AI demand provinces from AI equal to AI demand from Play after King's death.
Since 1.2
- Improved governors' boni (Builder, Farmer, Trader, Cleric). Having Farmers and Builders is now senseful.
- Changed upkeep and hire costs:
First Marshall is cheap, but the second one is insanely expensive
Spies are more expensive now
Farmers and Builders are now cheaper
Cleric unchanged
- Changed education costs similarly.
- Improved propability to convert religion of realm. Lowered the king's religion-skill's importance and raised the cleric's experience's importance here.
- You now need 140 books to remove 1 point of nostalgy. That means you will have to wait until nostalgy lowers at least to 7 ( 7 * 140 = 980 < 1000 ) by itself until you can remove nostalgy.
- Fastened pagan-convert-time to help pagans persist through the game.
- Tweaked crusades towards countries that are at war with catholics. Works fine.
- Raised upkeep for importing exotics.
- Morale bonus for fighting king or knight now last longer.
- Tweaked AI towards more honorful behaviour and diplomacy in the world view.
- Changed AI building behaviour to make better units available. Seems to work fine.
~ Hard difficulty level: Raised number of desired squads for battles. Should make the AI build more squads for fighting.
~ Minor changes you won't really notice. I hope they make the game more convenient nevertheless.
(changes marked with an ~ are not completely testable. Refer to them as beta-changes.)
- Raised the war exhaustion cap
- Raised profits from war taxes
- Lowered duration of happyness-penalty of war taxes
- Lowered catholic money bonus
- Lowered dependent orthodox morale penalty
- Lowered pagan money penalty
- Jihads and Crusades are now cheaper
- Jihads will last longer now
- Made changing religion impossible
- Adjusted chances for claiming lands after marriages. Allies should claim very seldomly, all others quite often.
- Raised costs for improving kingdom power
- Made excommunication more unlikely
- Adjusted tresholds and values for voting the emperor
- Made loyalists nearly always pop up when former owner has entered the province and there is still nostalgy
- Rebels should now be really tough but still manageable

Modified files:
Texts\msg\cross border.ini
Texts\msg\spawn text.ini

No avail on the following files:
If anyone has gather information about these files, please submit.

Thanks for the interest! Have fun playing!
If there are any suggestions or questions, just ask! :go:


13-02-2005, 13:58
If there are any suggestions or questions, just ask! :go:Angryminer
Yeah, get yourself a decent file archiver !
I have WinRar 3.42 but still cannot decompress your ZIP.

13-02-2005, 14:20
The file is compressed using WinRar 3.42, but the Forum software handles the Internet Explorer wrong. So get yourself a decent Browser at www.mozilla.org and you can use the file.
I will ask the webmaster to remove this bug.


13-02-2005, 15:56
Yeah, get yourself a decent file archiver !
I have WinRar 3.42 but still cannot decompress your ZIP.

Use winrar.
A new thing is created. Use winrar ont his again and it will be unzipped sucessfully :wnik:

13-02-2005, 16:44
Angryminer, I work on editing questinfo, but I can't share any experience, my edits were not so significant, I was on th eway to make some quests more frequent, but now I postponed it to finnish my non-def changes as soon as possible...

13-02-2005, 17:16
Angryminer, where is patch 1.03?

It's required, but there's only patch 1.02 (official, as far as I know). Where to download it? My game keeps crashing after opening kingdom advantages with GoG1.4

13-02-2005, 17:20
Download patch 1.03 here (http://www.knights-of-honor.net/german/downloads/patch.php).


13-02-2005, 17:45
well, so I only thought that patch is 1.02, don't know why....

I'll try to reinstall the whole game and test it...

13-02-2005, 17:48
But save your quests! :wink:


Tzar Kalojan
03-03-2005, 02:54
great mod angryminer. I was just wondering, is it possible to make the other nations attack with more forces, more efficiently and have them actually build walls around their towns? The thing is, I find myself fighting loyalists and rebels most of the time, and whenever I decide to take over a town, I do it. The only problem with countries I have is, when I attack a nation with lots of allies, they all declare war on me and it becomes a little too much to handle, But that's only when being at war with 3+ nations. Is it possible to make them stronger individually as well?

03-03-2005, 07:42
I think he's done it :go:(at least AI building the walls and making AI invasions harder to resist)

03-03-2005, 11:15
The biggest problem with the AI is the randomness of it's actions. For testing I lowered the marshall's upkeep and the AI has 3 to 5 marshalls now. It often invades with 3 armies, but one army goes plundering, the other attacks the player's army and the next one besieges the town. So with decent units the player can easily destroy 3 simultanuosly attacking armies with one single army because he can take them out one after the other.
Very seldomly the AI joins forces. Usually only when I force the AI with the bsswitch-cheat :sad: .
So when we accept the AI as being too poor (or... confused?) to handle several armies, restricting all nations to one army is the only logical decision I can think of.

For testing purposes I also made the AI build more siegecrafts, but the AI will not build the possible 4 siegecrafts and 9 squads (known bug). So the siegecrafts just hinder the AI. There is nothing easier than slaughtering an enemy "army" of 5 squads and 4 siegecrafts in a field battle :sad: .

The restriction to one single army was supposed to make the player think more in the way of a medieval king. When you send your army on a conquest over seas you will have to lower taxes or something like that to stop rebellions because you won't be able to defend your kingdom from pillaging when your army is overseas. This also stops the player from erasing complete kingdoms in one conquest because the continuous rebellions in the newly annexed provinces will force you to withdraw from enemy territory.
It also makes you think more about alliances, like you said. You will automatically want to forge alliances or at least non-aggression pacts because otherwise your enemies will make everyone around you declare war upon you.
I often found myself pausing the game, studying the diplomatic situation and picking possible victims to isolate and then attack. This was actually what I was waiting for before KoH was released :wink: .
I think these are a very realistic aspects. :go:
At the moment I am working on unit pricings. This is a great way to control the AI recruiting-behaviour. :wink:
The big price of palisades and stone walls is also the reasons why the AI builds other constructions in the beginning. But I don't know how logical lowering the contruction prizes would be, because I think town walls should be very expensive.
What do you think about the aspects in this reply?


05-03-2005, 14:36
Angry, I don't know if it is purpouse or what, but everytime I try to call my marshal for a crusade, I am excomunicated...
When I try to excomunicate some kingdom, it's ok, but crusades are really baaad :sad:

05-03-2005, 14:42
I had no problems calling 3 simultanious crusades against muslims or pagans...
(It's quite funny to see 30 elite squads crush the pagans)
Of course you shouldn't call crusades against catholics. Crusades will also only work seldomly on orthodox kingdoms.

It's best to call crusades against muslim kingdoms that are at war with at least one catholic nation.


05-03-2005, 14:49
even against excomunicated catholics?
I "forced" the pope to excomunicate certain kingdom and after a while I called a crusade and I was excomunicated too :sad:

Will try some muslims :go:

07-03-2005, 20:09
I think I have enough changes together for a new release. But after 5 hours the player just reaches the hegemony over europe and there is nothing that can stop him from bullying around Europe.
Any suggestion on how to intercept this behaviour?
I think about completely disabling the possibility to remove nostalgia. That should cost the player some provinces whenever his king has no heir...
I will have to tweak around with the trading revenues. After 7 hours one trader was able to get me over 100 gold per turn.
Any suggestions?


07-03-2005, 21:36
I think I have enough changes together for a new release. But after 5 hours the player just reaches the hegemony over europe and there is nothing that can stop him from bullying around Europe.
Any suggestion on how to intercept this behaviour?
I think about completely disabling the possibility to remove nostalgia. That should cost the player some provinces whenever his king has no heir...
I will have to tweak around with the trading revenues. After 7 hours one trader was able to get me over 100 gold per turn.
Any suggestions?


At that point in the game, the player is a big, big empire. What are *some* of the reasons that great empires fell in the past? Corruption (a la Rome) is one. In game, this could be represented as increasing costs and expenses across the board.

A second challenge the player might face would be coup attempts from inside (something like Caesar entering Rome with an army.) For example, what about Marshals (or Knight/govenors) rebelling and attempting to sieze power? (More or less spies that work for themselves, as opposed to a kingdom - possibly worked in game mechanics wise as a nation like "Rebels" (i.e. "Geoffry of "Rebels" has entered the provice of Moravia!").)

08-03-2005, 11:21
I fear both of this is only possible with a patch by BSS, not as a mod...
Maybe I should lower all the money-bonuses from the buildings, make military buildings constantly consume money and raise the taxes a bit.
That would hinder the player in raising a giant empire, because he wouldn't be able to finance town watches and townwalls in all provinces...
He would also have to raise war taxes quite often and the resulting rebels would surely sometimes succeed in raising independence when there is no townwatch or townwall....


08-03-2005, 19:40
I think that advanced military buildings such as stone wall, balista towers etc (or maybe also mastersmithies) should cost some money (but not much). It would be logical, feom tiem to time stone wall needs to be repared. I would suggest some interval of "repairing upkep" but don't know why to do it, so some constant upkeep (1 gold per stone wall, 2 gold per bulwark + every next defense upgrade +1gold) With empire of 50 fortified provinces it wcould be interesting number

I think that increasing strength of rebells will make the game unballanced (by disabling any expansion)
Also making trade less efficient is not the solution. It cut you off money in early stages of game when your trading partners have no markets etc. but in later stages of game it's the same. Traders should be effective.

I would suggest one thing: when an empire owns over 20 provinces there should be special upkeep for every next province. But to be honest I have no idea (and right now also no time) to find ouut why to do that :sad:

09-03-2005, 00:58
*I think the word Elvain was looking for in there (twice) wasn't "why" but "how", no?

What about (self-employed) rebellious Knights? They can already appear after the King dies...why not introduce them at other times...

Maybe I should lower all the money-bonuses from the buildings, make military buildings constantly consume money and raise the taxes a bit.
That would hinder the player in raising a giant empire, because he wouldn't be able to finance town watches and townwalls in all provinces...
He would also have to raise war taxes quite often and the resulting rebels would surely sometimes succeed in raising independence when there is no townwatch or townwall....

Would the military building gold consumption be flat for all buildings, or progressively increase as the building becomes more sophisticated (as in, say, a plate armourer drains more cash than a chain mail armourer and a simple swordsmithy drains less cash than a sword mastersmithy)? And would there be a difference in the gold consumption of production buildings versus defensive buildings (i.e. swordsmiths "just" make stuff - they need cash mostly for materials, while Town Guards and all the wall structures need both cash for maintenance and cash to pay garrison troops)?