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02-07-2006, 15:37
Mhhh... No spices!? But wasn't it cocoa, spices and tobacco at the same level in 1602? So maybe cocoa will be demanded as cocoa in the early stages of the game and later as sweets? :rolleyes:

No, cocoa came later. Spice and tobacco were needed to satisfy Citizen's and cocoa was needed to satisfy Merchant's.

02-07-2006, 23:20
I was starting to suspect that. It's a feature new to me. It makes sense as a way to keep posters from artifically running their count up. However, if the period is 24 hours, it could produce some weird results.


However, if there is a post made by someone else after your post and you make another post(even if it is 1 minute later) there is no merging involved.

04-07-2006, 23:06
I garnered some of my info from the annozone forums.

11-07-2006, 11:44
I think Ivory, Jade, Fur, Talisman will be the goods of the eh,, new 'Cultures'
:confused: I don't speak English very well :rofl:

that's because I'm from the neterlands :hello: :lol:

12-07-2006, 21:54
I guess that sounds great, is there a big list of all stuff? I hope it wont be too much, imo that will only delay everything. Because you have to think about so much, anno1602 was the best for me. I dont play anno1503 anymore because i like 1602 better.

13-07-2006, 11:18
I don't play both of them anymore , I played anno 1503 a lot, I played anno 1602 a few times but I don't like that one :lol:

:scratch: I'm sorry I don't speak english very wel :angel:

13-07-2006, 17:32
Dont bother, your english is good enough. I never heard someone who liked 1503 more than 1602. You probably started with 1503 didnt you?

My opinion is that 1503 was too much soldiers, which looked bad as well. Also i didnt like the whole world, it didnt give me the feeling that 1602 (with his ugly graphics) gives me.

Also there shouldnt be too many goods in my opinion. i cant say more than that i hope this game will be good and more 1602 based.

13-07-2006, 18:32
I hope there will be many goods in anno 1701, I like it to collect all those things :rolleyes:

13-07-2006, 18:39
that way people will need less to compensate and also the islands need to be bigger. I think realisme is good, but you cant get it realistic if you make all sorts of possible goods. Like sweets...

13-07-2006, 19:51
Yeah,, but all the goods I like to produce aren't in anno 1701, like eh..
Medicinal herbs and spices , and I heard there won't be salt in anno 1701

13-07-2006, 22:32
I never heard someone who liked 1503 more than 1602. You probably started with 1503 didnt you?

raises his hand

I played the demo verision of 1602 for a little while and didn't like it. I really can't remember it that well since it was years ago, but I think it mainly had to do with the flow of the game. Ex: How easy it is to go from one object to another, things of that sort.

20-07-2006, 17:58
I played 1602 a lot, but after 1503 came out I never played 1602 again. Now I was hoping that 1701 will be based upon 1503, with additional goods and new handicrafts, plantations, buildings and so on.
But apparently it will be 2 steps back from 1503, based on 1602. I always hated the taxsystem, loved the salesstands.

Well, and now I've read NO MORE SALT, NO SPICES in 1701, I can't believe it :bash:
Most of the food will rot within days without salt, what a tasteless life without spices, poor settlers and citizens :confused:
No aristocratic cocoa plantation can compensate that :sad: :nono:

22-07-2006, 10:48
It is always hard for gameproducers to satisfy all fans. I bet there were more people who enjoyed 1602 more than 1503. Also the fighting was in my opinion too much, I hope you will still enjoy the game and won't make this thing something that will make the game bad for you.

Because remember, it was anno 1602 that made the anno series, anno 1503 was more like a wrong road in my opinion.

22-07-2006, 16:27

only in your opinion, not in mine.
1503 ist the better anno.


23-07-2006, 17:29
so that is your opinion why say it is?

29-07-2006, 01:26
:offtopic: :offtopic:

i hope coca is gone.. i had a "coca" as my teacher last year.. apparentally when people throw paper balls, it is a act of terrorism!!

anywaywith spice gone, i finally can keep to one island up to citizen! well one large island!

29-07-2006, 02:12
:offtopic: :offtopic:

i hope coca is gone.. i had a "coca" as my teacher last year.. apparentally when people throw paper balls, it is a act of terrorism!!

anywaywith spice gone, i finally can keep to one island up to citizen! well one large island!

Maybe you haven't read all the posts in the 1701 section, but it has been mentioned that cocoa is back and will be used in combination with honey to make sweets for your people.

29-07-2006, 15:39
I'm still trying to figure out what his sig means....:scratch:

07-08-2006, 15:13
It is always hard for gameproducers to satisfy all fans.

Of course, but I think someone should better replace some goods from Anno 1503 - not decrease the number of it, especialy essential one.