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14-09-2004, 13:07
There is only one version: English.

No its not, German and French are spoken also, you just need to buy the game in this country.

knight of the teutonic order
14-09-2004, 13:38
hmm i want to buy this game in the german realm, but i want it in english ... because of experience by bad translations ... but i hope 'frank fay' is right and this game will be basicly released in english!!! :rolleyes:

Frank Fay
14-09-2004, 13:42
it will be in English and German released.... in Germany

knight of the teutonic order
14-09-2004, 13:45
you mean i have the choice between these two variants!!! ... or is it all inclusive???

last question ... i swear!!! :sick:

14-09-2004, 15:06
it will be in English and German released.... in Germany

and i guess in switzerland and austria.

both languages are included in the one version - all inclusive :)

14-09-2004, 15:21
hmm i want to buy this game in the german realm, but i want it in english ... because of experience by bad translations ...

Lol... given the fact that the game is a production of Sunflowers and BBS the chances are bigger that you will have a bad experience because of the translation into english than the translation into German :silly:

Ofcourse English sounds cooler IMHO though I have no doubt that the versions in English, French and German will be perfectly translated by the team

Frank Fay
14-09-2004, 15:34
and i guess in switzerland and austria.
Yeah sure, sorry :bday:

20-09-2004, 20:22
What date can we expect to see it in stores in the U.S? :cheers:

20-09-2004, 20:38
It isnt published in the US. EA, the distributor, only wants 3D games for the US. You will have to purchase is online. Look around the forum, there is a lot being said about this.

PS: Welcome to the forums Woody! :cheers:

Tzar Ivan Assen II
20-09-2004, 20:56
By the way the American publishers continuoe to amaze me
they don't know what a game (and how much money :) )are going to miss :)

21-09-2004, 04:49
Look at this.www.ea.uk/ (http://master.mx-targeting.com/mx/servlet/MXTarget?adcontext=http://www.msn.com/&contextpeak=0&contextcount=0&countrycodein=US&lastAdTime=1095734551|1095546411|1095734663|109544 5270|1095723466|0|0|0|0|&lastAdCode=3&cookie1=capdate%3D2022%26capdatedy%3D0920%26lupgtr y%3D1%26lupgid%3D157%26lupgdt%3D1095107762285%26lf lshdt%3D1095045592%26lstkywd%3Dhurricane+%26lstlog dt%3D20040920%26cntp%3)

Look at the release date in the upper right hand corner.

21-09-2004, 15:00
Look at this.www.ea.uk/ (http://master.mx-targeting.com/mx/servlet/MXTarget?adcontext=http://www.msn.com/&contextpeak=0&contextcount=0&countrycodein=US&lastAdTime=1095734551|1095546411|1095734663|109544 5270|1095723466|0|0|0|0|&lastAdCode=3&cookie1=capdate%3D2022%26capdatedy%3D0920%26lupgtr y%3D1%26lupgid%3D157%26lupgdt%3D1095107762285%26lf lshdt%3D1095045592%26lstkywd%3Dhurricane+%26lstlog dt%3D20040920%26cntp%3)

Look at the release date in the upper right hand corner.

:scratch: strange link leading nowhere...

ea united kingdom is http://electronicarts.co.uk/pages.frontpage.asp afaik :cheers:

release date: out now :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:

21-09-2004, 15:53
LOL, can you purchase it already?

Khalid of Arabia
25-09-2004, 08:00
Hey guys, quick note:

If you want to pre-order the game, and have it shipped to you in the US, I HIGHLY recommend the following site: www.gameplay.co.uk! I ordered the ANNO 1503 add-on from them this summer(same situation--wasn't distributed in the states), and I received it in a week. Its your best bet for shipping to the US of A.

And CHEERS to Sunflowers and Black Sea Studios for an amazing game!!! Although my German is terrible (especially since I work for a German company) I enjoyed the German Demo hugely! Bravo to a wildly sophisticated game! Just hurry along with the English and French demos, if you please. :)

26-09-2004, 20:13

26-09-2004, 20:14
Is Is Comin In Canadian Stores

26-09-2004, 20:42
Is Is Comin In Canadian Stores

welcome to the forum Cro_Knight :)

i think that you have to order Knights of Honor online somewhere.

btw plz choose other avatar :cheers: .

26-09-2004, 22:13
btw plz choose another avatar :cheers: ....and last name? :rolleyes:

26-09-2004, 22:16
btw plz choose another avatar :cheers: .

its time for new avatars in the forum...
suuuunflooowers...??!!? :cheers:

26-09-2004, 22:20
And his hair colour. Don't forget his hair colour.


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