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Sir Turylon
28-04-2004, 03:29
hrm, seems like most people are forgeting a simple fact. Knights are merely mounted infantry. They were just as deadly on the ground in hand to hand combat, they just lacked the mobillity they had with mounts. Templars could be mounted, true, but I prefer them as a walking unit mainly because they can scale walls then! (if that is a possible action for infantry units to do in KoH) I'd really like to see a bunch of templars scaling the walls of infidel castles :)

28-04-2004, 04:07
If memory serves, you could play the Teutonic Knights in the first or second Ghengis Khan game. Not that they really were a kingdom to themselves, just tossing that out as a partially relevant factiod.

28-04-2004, 14:52
Originally posted by Thandrim
If memory serves, you could play the Teutonic Knights in the first or second Ghengis Khan game. Not that they really were a kingdom to themselves, just tossing that out as a partially relevant factiod.

the games of koei from 1989/91???
in my memory i had to play mongols :confused: