"ANNO 1602 is really as good as it looks. This magnificent specimen fascinates from the very first minute on, and keeps you there until your behind grows onto the chair."
(PC Games 91 %) |
"ANNO 1602 is one of those games that makes you forget everything else around you."
"Never start playing Anno 1602 when you have something to do in the next few days - this game is a first-class free-time killer. Whoever likes progressive simulation games, even just a little bit, will love Anno 1602."
(GameStar 88%) |
"A filigreed business system on the one hand, a real-time strategy on the other - there has never been anything like this."
(PC Joker 87%)
"In my opinion, "Anno 1602" is one of the best games ever developed in the German-speaking countries."
(PC PLAYER 82%) |
The ComputerBild readers have voted ANNO 1602 the best product of 1998 in the games category. ANNO 1602 therefore receives the "Golden Computer".
Bild - Golden Computer)
"Even after weeks of play, ANNO 1602 doesn't get boring. There's just too much to be discovered in the New World."
(ComputerBild - Winner - Simulations) |
"In the CHIP reader poll 42,283 readers chose the "products of the year". ANNO 1602 took third place in the category games and infotainment with 11.4%."
The Verband für Unterhaltungssoftware Deutschland e.V. (VUD), or German Entertainment Software Federation, presented in 1998 the first awards for commercial products. ANNO 1602 is the first computer game ever that received the Double-Platinum CD for over 400,000 copies sold.
(VUD Double-Platinum)
"The graphics are bombastic, the economics well developed, and even the toughest economic situation is seldom a ground for hectic activity. Just the right thing for the professional settler."
(Power Play - Bullseye)

The trade magazine "Entertainment Markt" awarded ANNO 1602 the Digital Interactive Award (DIVA) in the first and the second half of the year 1998 for the "most successful game".
Markt - DIVA) |
The readers of the German special interest magazine PC Joker have honored ANNO 1602 with two awards: ANNO 1602 was elected "Game of the Year" and came first in its genre "strategy". |