On this page:
- 1.1 Notes
- 1.2 Credits and Legal
- 1.3 Version
1.1 Notes
This FAQ/guide is based on the United Kingdom release of Praetorians, patched to v1.04. It contains comments and strategies based on other versions. I am not aware of any differences between versions released in different countries. Parts of the FAQ will be appropriate to demo versions, although I believe certain balancing changes occurred between the demo and release version, so use with caution. Praetorians was one of those games that tried to break out of an established real time strategy formula (resource gathering - production - battle), was received quite favourably by many that played it, but ultimately sunk without trace soon after it was released - particularly in the English speaking world.
Praetorians is a relatively easy game to start playing but includes many tough missions likely to send players looking for a walkthrough or hints. It also has scope for various different strategies, not all of which are immediately apparent. Prima have published an official strategy guide - it has not been used directly in the creation of this document. Praetorians is not well documented in English on the internet, with only one fan-site of note, and only one regularly used English forum. The later, http://forums.eidosgames.com/ , contains a wealth of strategies and mission tips, which I have edited down and integrated into this guide. This guide also draws on material originally written in Spanish or German.
This document is aimed at newer players, not multiplayer veterans. Both multiplayer and singleplayer strategies have been included, but this text is biased towards singleplayer, specifically the campaign. This reflects my personal experience of the game, the overall level of forum discussion, and what I think is needed most in a guide such as this. This FAQ was awarded the title "FAQ of the Month" for August 2003 by GameFAQs. Cool.
1.2 Credits and Legal
This FAQ was written by Tim Howgego (also known as timski), copyright 2003-2006, unless otherwise stated. Errors and suggestions should be reported to tim (at) capsu (dot) org. Please put "Praetorians" somewhere in the email subject field. This FAQ includes ideas and strategies posted on forums, primarily http://forums.eidosgames.com/ , and fan sites including Nitroace30 (now closed), http://www.praetorianzone.de/ (in German) and http://www.geocities.com/vent40k/ (in Spanish) - contributors are noted with the relevant text.
You may save and print this document for your own personal use only. You may copy and repost this FAQ, but the content of the document, including the credits, must remain unchanged. You must not charge for it, sell, rent, or otherwise profit from it. Informing the author that you are hosting it is appreciated, but not mandatory. Ensuring you host the most recent version is also appreciated, but not mandatory. If converting from text to HTML, please note the use of fixed width text in diagrams and greater/less-than characters. Praetorians copyright Pyro Studios SL 2003. Praetorians is a registered trademark of Pyro Studios 99 SL. Eidos and Eidos Interactive are trademarks of the Eidos Group of companies. All rights reserved. Other trademarks and copyright are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This is not an official FAQ. It is not endorsed by the game's developer or publisher. The author is not affiliated to the game's developer or publisher.
1.3 Version
This is version 1.03, 11 December 2006. Reformatted text. Added soundtrack listings, added a few extra strategies, and fixed dead URLs.