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07-09-2006, 12:36
well, but it doesn't allow me to save nothing. I can't save even a battle map :bash:

when I create a new scenario, do I have to write all the scripts for it before I draw it?

07-09-2006, 12:40
About saving:
I did produce a saved world map, though it's rather pointless (as it is empty, no provinces).
When I click "save" the game minimized, shows "Zero bytes requested" several times and is then back in a runnable-stage (yet still minimized). The saved map was placed in *koH-Folder*/maps
(Some strange things, I will investigate using filemon now.)


07-09-2006, 12:44
Elvain look for the pakman. Mark all europe.pak same you see in the picture and click with the mouse to original directory(ies).

after this all is in the Koh folder.

Make this with the templates due.

Take out your mod before , or the programm ask you if some files douple .

after this make all you see in the picture before ( one till four)

07-09-2006, 12:53
Maybe there are some of those hidden functions that must be implemented before it can be saved.:scratch:

07-09-2006, 13:00
thanks anyway.. I will try to play little more and will see..

07-09-2006, 13:15
Saving needs some help.

First: Be sure to extract most of your pak-files. The editor accesses some files that the game doesn't get from the pak-files. europe, defs, images, screens (both of them) are the ones I extracted right now. More will propably follow as I find them with FileMon (great tool!).

Second: To be able to save you need to manually create a folger in the KoH directory called "Knights of Honor\maps\Temps\Intended Mapname"
Notice how the folder is called maps, plural. This isn't the map folder.
If that directory exists you can save worldmaps and load them.
At least I'm not aware of anything different that is needed. I suggest everyone to use filemon.


07-09-2006, 13:24
kewl, that the filemon is helpful in this process

07-09-2006, 13:28
We treated that above. Copy a random *.bmp file from KoH to the map-directory and call it "textures.dt" - seems to work nicely.

About provinces: It looks like the editor can't create provinces. You have to create provinces yourself with the editor (copy them from the europe-map) and then place them in the editor. At least I think so, investigating...

[Edit] I'm stuck. Created a province in notepad. Upon placing a realm the editor accesses "C:", succedes and dies. I believe it is going to access C:/temp/castlepos.bmp to place the castle of the realm...
Strangely it doesn't do that anymore. Will have to check later.


07-09-2006, 13:53
Eventhough I made everything You posted I cannot save it still :bash:
still the same problem. I saved a pictures from Knights of Honor/maps/europe/politmap as template.dt in my map folder but I got the same notification. What do I do wrong?

btw, please edit the posts by posting another post, it will be automerged... but we will see that the post was updated...

07-09-2006, 14:13
Was that a typo? The file KoH asks for is called textures.dt and is supposed to be located in Knights of Honor/map/texture.dt (not maps, but map). By the way i'm now using the textures.dt-file from the europe-map for my own map. Didn't notice and effect from that, but it might prove to do good in the future.

Still no avail on province-placement though. This will have to wait now until I finish my work for the day.


07-09-2006, 14:14
I don't know why there is such an enthusiasm about the editor. As far as I can judge by the screenshots, it is the same as described in some other threads (mentioned above).
Some days ago I have been experimenting on it and the same problems appeared as described in the contributions of this discussion and at the end I completly demoralised deinstalled KoH.

My main problem was: I resigned myself trying to add new realms into the Europe map but at least I wanted to change province names and their borders with the aim to make them more historical. This worked very well, after copying the modified Europe map into the original directory the map was playable. But I could not alter the political overview map although there are some *.bmp-files in the directory "map\europe\politmap\" respectively "map\temps\europe\politmap\" which obviously are in charge of the menu overview map (intorealms.bmp) and the political overview map (realms.bmp).
That is to say I altered them according to my changes done in the map editor and afterwards the respective maps looked completely weird in the game and didn't really work in a satisfying way anymore. After I didn't find a solution to that problem, I tested what happened if I only loaded and saved these *.bmp files in Paint. The problem (weird map in the game) appeared again only by saving the original unmodified files in the same format as before! Has anybody found out anything about this topic? Do I need to use some special graphics programme to edit these files or what's the point?

07-09-2006, 14:22
here is what I get after every attempt to save a map:

07-09-2006, 16:17
Then go and check wether that file (Knights of Honor/map/textures.dt) exists.
If it doesn't, get the file from /maps/europe/map/textures.dt and copy it to /map/textures.dt (and I also think /maps/Temp/*mapname here*/map).


07-09-2006, 18:20
I don't know what's happening but I can't use it. I can't save no map, no matter if I put there something or not, no matter if I follow your instructions or not

I made everything what you advised me but nothing helps. It seems that I am condamned not to use the editor.

I surrender :yawn:

good luck to you :go:

07-09-2006, 18:34
My instruction dont help you?? I dont understand this. It seems that your comp work not same my comp. But i dont understand this.
By the way , also you make a new map so we must find the solution that KOH take the new map.

07-09-2006, 20:11
Its done and its work. You see a picture with my testmap inside from KOH. The original Program take my new maps. Thats great. Now i can begin to create new maps.:cheers:

The best is the program use snow maps in provinces with snow!


Marakesh = desert
West Sahara = desert
East Sahara = desert
Tangiers = palms
Oran = desert
Al Djazair = desert
Tunisia = desert
Tripoli = desert
Cyrenaica = desert
Benghazi = snow
Al Alamein = desert
Alexandria = palms
Cairo = palms
Sinai = desert
Lebanon = palms
Antioch = palms
Cyprus = palms
Kilikia = palms
Rum = desert
Cappadocia = desert
Antalya = palms
Nicaea = snow
Anatolia = desert
Fez = palms
Granada = palms
Valencia = palms
Andalucia = palms
Tago = palms
Lisbon = palms
Sicily = palms
Appulia = palms
Hellas = palms
Crete = palms
Arkhangelsk = snow
Karelia = snow
Nyland = snow
Finland = snow
Norrland = snow
Gotland = snow
Trondelag = snow
Arabia = desert
Palestina = desert
Jordan = desert
Syria = desert
Kurdistan = desert
Bavaria = snow
Franconia = snow
Helvetia = snow
Frieseland = snow
Austria = snow
Flanders = snow
Brandenburg = snow
Tyrolia = snow
Salzburg = snow
Istria = snow

Thx Frujin for this Editor!!

07-09-2006, 22:36
wow Laudan! looking great! =D

it'll be great to finally fight some good ol' snow battles (btw, is there snowy weather in it too? like in the grass areas it rains, but snow wasnt really used in the game much so i'm thinking no, but just want to make sure =) )

07-09-2006, 23:32
I haven't seen in anomation for snow in all my modding-life, so no snow I guess.

About the editor: I'm making very slow progress on the world-map-editing.
I successfully modified the europe-map, but that isn't hard.
1. The "Edit Realms" feature is rather a kind of "brush" that is used to drag the boarders of realms around. The features of a realm are removed using the object details-dialogue.
2. Villages (zones) and pretty much all objects (even mountains!) are bound to the realm where you place them. That means they can not be placed outside of a realm.
3. The create realm-tool seems very strange. If I activate that tool, point the outlined realm somewhere and then press alt+e the game exports an unfinished map of realms with that outlined realm on it. It does so twice, once colored using the name realmexp.bmp and once in white with realmexpid.bmp.
If you save the map while outlining the shape (point, alt+e, F2) then he kingdomless realm is created. I can now place objects in this realm and modify it's shape using the edit realm tool. But the realm is not saved to realms.ini and I can't place a castle. I'll compare this to the europe map now.

1. The realmsexpid.bmp file is a greyscale image. Realm 1 recieves white. the last realm recieved the darkest gray right before black. The sea is black. That way the game denotes the id of the realms.
2. castlepos.bmp is a bmp with black background and white dots for castle-positions. Don't know how these are added. Perhaps via ini-editing?
3. I need to figure out how to manually create a correct realm, place a castle and create a brand new kingdom including all necessary data (whatever that is...) Lot's of stuff to learn.


08-09-2006, 12:02
to be honest I can't even load the map so there must be something really wrong. Maybe it keeps crashing because I realized my KoHCD is little broken what may cause some problems too...

Maybe I will wait some time and then try again.

I hope you wil find out how to manage it. Keep up the good work :go:

Btw, Angry have you already realized how to delete rivers?

08-09-2006, 12:19
you can check EA for a replacement disc, if you have an EA version

did you checkout the filemon tool, maybe there is a problem concerning the paths