View Full Version : KoH Mapeditor
So, here is how to run the editor:
1. Create a shortcut to KoH.exe
2. Open properties dialog for the shortcut (Alt+Enter)
3. In the edit line "Target" add after the location of the .exe file -debug
4. You should have at the end something like this in it:
"C:\Program Files\Black Sea Studios\Knights Of Honor\KoH.exe" -debug
5. Apply the change and double click the shortcut
6. While you are in title screen, do Shift+Left mouse button click on "Credits" button
7. You should be into the editor now :)
BUT, please have in mind that this tool was never ever meant to be shown so it is buggy (will crash sometimes) interface is ugly, the "internal" names of objects are pretty much weird, etc.
ALSO, to succesfuly modify Europe map is a hard and long task. You can not do it only from the editor. You also need to touch the text files, to be sure there are no land left outside realms, etc, etc. There are a lof of "hidden" functions of the editor accesible via strange hot keys which I will try to send you if I have some more free time some day.
BUT, once and IF you master this tool, you can completely change the game and even make "China map" :)
Thx Frujin ! I try it out and it works. Now , same a baby:lol: i must play with this new feature to understand it.:biggrin:
That stuff is great frujin!!!!:hello:
Wow, i have now no boring times more. What i see is very great! I can build now my own battlefields and maps. After 10 min playtime with the editor i have become many new dreams .
The editor is very easy to use.
One question.
How can i save my maps ? everytime if i want save comming following message:
FileOpen failed:map/textures.dt
i have installed the german version.
06-09-2006, 14:18
i figured it might have been altering a shortcut somehow but wasn't sure completely, thx Frujin, this is great!
omg, look in 'place animals' a ship! =O
just can't move =(
but what do you mean the interface is ugly? i think its great =D
That looks great!
But is this editor the same as the one activated when using the method stated here ( ?
To start the map editor do the following:
1. Open C:\Documents and Settings\<Username>\Appliaction Data\Black Sea Studios\Knights Of Honor\KoH.in2 and add to section [app] the following:
debugmode = 1
2. Start KoH. Red squares in each corner of the screen signal that the debug modus is activated.
3. Press in the Main screen F11.First, if you want save/load maps, you must create this folder "maps\Temps".
Then you must extract (all is better) packs/*.pak/*.pk1 (with PakMan).
If you want save/load original maps, you must copy all from the maps\ folder in "maps\Temps"!!!
It seems it is not fully functional and not all files are available.
But if we find the folders/files names that lack we can get a more functional/stable editor.
For example; "Images\realms\editrealms4.bmp not exists, so we copy another bmp to this name.
By the way Laudan, your error can be solved by using the method Olliminatore described, or so I read.
Thx Doux , its works now and i think i can create some wintermaps for Koh. The other original maps i can can change due. Ok, i must learn now what can i make all.
Thanks a lot Frujin :). Even if I canīt place realms it is a great tool and I'll have a lot of fun with it :)
Greta news! thanks Frujin:hello:
I'll check it tomorrow.. and I'm looking forward:cheers:
Here one picture! I work for new maps.
Another picture show you the test with units. But the bridge look in the moment not so good.
I will probably find it out and use only later but is it possible to load the World map?
New battlefield maps for Koh can do, but for your work very important the world map. I dont know so far. We must try it.
06-09-2006, 19:54
Frujin said so. I'll check that later.
Keep up the good work Laudan!
Wow, this is great, too bad I don't have much spare time now that school started. Hopefully I will be able to try it this weekend.
Excellent work Laudan, keep it up:go:
07-09-2006, 00:28
I tried working with the editor. But adding a realm to a world map inevitable crashes the application. Any pointers?
Especially, how do the kingdoms and realms work together? Or is that done in the object properties-screen?
I found that the a-key is propably used to demolish objects. At least that's what the animation indicates - I haven't successfully placed any object yet.
Placing a province crashes the application, saving the map (in order to modify it manually, or at least look at it) results in several "zero bytes requested"-messages which are propably caused by the incomplete map (kingdoms have no realms assigned, etc.).
This is getting fun... Learned how to place rivers using the F8 key I think. I just press them wildly until I am in river-edit-mode. But I still have to find out how to remove rivers... And the province problem isn't solved yet. Still some work ahead I guess. :wink:
I have the same problem with provinces...
maybe I will first start with easier part: battle map.
btw rivers can be removed via elevations... it is the easiest way yet
btw, any of you succeeded in saving? Yet I wasn't able to save it...
World map cannot saving so far. Same proplem as Angryminer.
Battle maps can saving.
ok, I'll try, but I even have problems with battle maps :(
07-09-2006, 12:18
maybe this might helpful:
so you can see, which files are accessed by win32 processes.
to be honest I look at the picture and am even more confused :confused:
I'm affraid this needs some skills I don't have (at least yet)
I can't save it.
It asks me for a townwall but there is no townwall in the editor :confused:
btw, any of you succeeded in saving? Yet I wasn't able to save it...
Maybe the additional editing work with the text files, etc. has to also be in place before the modified map can be saved.
ALSO, to succesfuly modify Europe map is a hard and long task. You can not do it only from the editor. You also need to touch the text files, to be sure there are no land left outside realms, etc, etc. There are a lof of "hidden" functions of the editor accesible via strange hot keys which I will try to send you if I have some more free time some day.
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