View Full Version : Europe cooperative multiplayer

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10-12-2006, 18:43
After round 2 is finished, let's take a look into the Teutonic Order's library... Oh yes, over there, the gathered sources from the era of 1200 a.d. - it's not complete, but enough to conclude what happened. Here is a part of what seemed to be a chronic. Let's read it:
"The year 1200 a.d. was the year of election of Grand Master Anselm. After his election the Grand Master swiftly decided that our order's aim of fighting the pagans was to be engaged with renewed strenght and determination, whereupon the Order's Knight Arnegisel was allowed to lead a campaign against Lithuania. He was permitted to claim and seize the towns of Medvegalis and Vilnus. He was granted near to 1500 coins of gold to support the campaign."
Here is a later note to the Grand Master:
"With this note I, Knight Arnegisel, may humbly inform you that the town of Medvegalis was successfully captured and that the Prince of Lithuania was slain dead in the battle."
From a part of a different letter:
"After the establishment of traderoutes to large parts of the Holy Roman Empire, the distant Caliphat of the Almohads and the Sultanate of the Ayyubids the revenues put the Order into the position to raise two new great armies to protect the Order while Graf Arnegisel successfully ended his campaign with the conquest of Vilnus, who was thus awarded the title Graf of Lithuania."
From here the notes are fragmentary. Especially interesting is this part of a letter from Graf Arnegisel to the Grand Master:
"Upon entering the province of Pomerania I was informed that the town of Sczieczin was in posession of troops in excess of two times our troop's numbers. It was considered impossible to attack under such cirmumstances and I commanded to march back into friendly territory to gather more troops."
This tells us two things: The armies of the Order could not have been as well equipped as described before. Also it tells us that the war with the pagan Prussia was ended, because if the army left Pomerania into friendly territory, then this can only happen by travelling through Prussia. So if the war with Prussia was ended, then this also indicates that the Order's troops weren't in such a good condition as described earlier.

We'll read more next time.


12-12-2006, 09:16
Interesting :)

12-12-2006, 14:07

So let's look how the time passed in Armenia.

here (http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/2756/001endob4.png) you can see how was the situation at the beggining of second Armenian turn...
Here are the words of the chronicle:

"The forces of Jerusalem besieged our only city of Tarsus in Cilicia. Once Doux Ara and the patriarch took controll over the chaos in the besieged city, they decided to break the siege and fight for survival of the kingdom.

The battle was tough and crusader armies from Jerusalem strong. But brave people of Tarsus led by Doux Ara and the Patriarch of Armenia finally broke the siege and deliberated the city. In the chaos, the marshal of Jerusalem was slain by the people of Tarsus hungry for revenge.

To secure Armenians of Cilicia from further fight Doux Ara organized all men of Tarsus able to carry a weapon (Armenia had no regular army at this time), and boarded a ship to land in the kingdom of Jerusalem.
Doux planned to assault town of Beirut, but his men were undisciplined and they went to plunder first village met. So hungry for revenge they were.

Unfortunately strong army of Jerusalem went from south and attacked brave Armenians. Ara's army was almost twice outnumbered by the crusaders, but the heart of Amrenians was victorious again and army of Jerusalem was forced to flee down to Jerusalem.
Beirut was lef with no army to defend it, but our losses were too heavy.

Doux Ara decided to sail back to Tarsus and recruit more men. Fortune was on our side when Ara's army landed near Beirut again. Still there was no army to defend it and the assault was victorious."

HIstorian would say. How could a marshal plan to attack a city with army that was twice outnumbered by some local forces? The army had to be much stronger, but too bad to win two battler in row without refilling the squads.
Lack of authority in the army doesn't seem to be highly probable. So why did the marshall attack a village instead of a city?
Town had some defenders so it was a lot easier to plunder a village and get more gold and then came back home to recruit more men. It seems that Armenian economy wasn't strong enough to provide the kingdom with a good army strong enough to attack a city.
From this point of view the fall of Beirut seems to be true miracle.

Will Armenia be able to stand the war against Jerusalem with such a weak economy?

Map after the Armenian part of Round 2: (http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/2559/002midrg8.png)
PS: Angryminer's Teutons are goning very well, my congratz to the defeat of Lithuania :go:

13-12-2006, 18:47
sorry for delay guys! Can i play Aragon? And when would my save be due and whose sending me their save?

My e-mail is ktcompton [at] gmail.com

Also Are we playing Elvains mod? I need to install that, no big deal. Thanks guys! Thanks elvain!

13-12-2006, 19:01
1. We're playing with Elvain's mapchanges. To install them, extract KoH's texts.pak using PakMan, then extract the files from the Hr-1.7 mapchanges-file according to the guide.
2. You can enter the row after me. I'll send you the savegame when I have finished my current turn.
3. You'd have to send elvain your savegame after finishing. I will hand you his eMail-address when I send you the savegame.

[Edit] I edited your post to scramble the eMail-link. Otherwise spambots could gather it and add you to spam-lists.


14-12-2006, 20:28
great :hello:

welcome, kevincompton.

So the order nor is:
1. Elvain - Armenia
2. Angryminer - Teutonic Order
3. kevincompton - Aragon

Good luck, kevin :go:
you've chosen one of the hardest states to play. In large number of games with my mapchanges it disappears, usualy being swallowed by mighty Almohads or France. So take care.

PS: I wanted to marry my prince to aragoneese princess :lol: that would really be interesting to play in such circumstances

If you need I will email you the mapchanges...
Okawoa from Paradox KoH forum asked to join the game...

Since now we are 4 in this multiplayer campaign, so to make it possible, the list of players is closed, ok?

1. Elvain - Armenia
2. Angryminer - Teutonic Order
3. kevincompton - Aragon
4. Okawoa - Portugal
and here is a screenshot of The Iberian peninsula in the end of (yet) last Armenian turn:
Iberian Peninsula (http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/9316/iberiaho8.png)
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/9316/iberiaho8.th.png (http://img208.imageshack.us/my.php?image=iberiaho8.png)
I don't know who's on the turn.

If you have time, I suggest we could do some kind of small resumé's after we play.

I mean just basic information about the others (since we are 4 now and I'm not sure if I the war against mighty Ayyubids came to an end I'm worried of my kingdom)
so write just if there are notifications about other player's kingdom, like:
CONQUER: Ayyubids have conquered province of Lebanon in Armenia
WAR: Prussia has declared war against Teutonic order
ALLIANCE: Portugal and Almohads signed an alliance pact

what do you think? or leave it as surprises?

14-12-2006, 21:58
1. I just finished turn 3. The savegame is on the way to Kevincompton.
2. Do we have the eMail-address of Okawoa? kevincompton will need it to send the savegame.
3. Yes, I think we should inform each other about the most important things like: "You lost 3 provinces!" but all the details should go into the AAR.

So, now that we have a bit more time, let's grab the Order's chronicles again. Here are a few letters from one of the Order's council's members. Let's read a few sections:
"After the retreat of Graf Arnegisel of Lithuania from the campaign against Pomerania the Grand Master Anselm was very discontent. He thus decided to send the Marshalls of the other two armies to Pomerania, Knight Bero and Knight Daniel, to finally defeat Pomerania. On the other hand Pomerania reacted itself by cowardly calling upon it's ally Poland to declare war on our Order.
While both Knight Daniel and Knight Bero were honourfully leading the campaign against foul Pomerania two armies under the banner of Pomerania marched from Prussia into the Order's territory, near the town of Mitau. Grand Master Anselm was enraged at this shameless action of both Prussia and Pomerania, and thus commanded Knight Daniel to aid Graf Arnegisel of Lithuania against the invaders. While the armies of Pomerania were marching through the Order's territory Knight Bero used the opportunity and launched a glorious assault in the town of Sczieczin, which he honorfully conquered and thus he claimed all of Pomerania for the Order. Delighted by the news Grand Master Anselm granted Knight Bero the title Graf of Pomerania."
A different knight of the council wrote a letter that contains the following section:
"Herewith we inform you that the war with the foul and spiteful Prussia, that helped Pomerania against our order, has been ended with the capture of all of Prussia's territory by Graf Bero of Pomerania and Knight Daniel. For our glorious defeat of the heathen traitors the King of Denmark, Eric I., sent congratulations and a proposal of a pact of non-aggression, which the council wholeheartedly agreed upon. Also Mieczo III., King of Poland, caught notice of our glorious aquisition and proposed peace to the Order, which we also found reason to agree to."
This shows that the Order has definitely picked up in economical and military power. It has defeated two nations in almost the same campaign and has forced Poland into peace, while leading another war. This is also the first time that the Order is in a state of peace since the election of Grand Master Anselm. It also means that all directly neighouring pagan territories are conquered. Thus the Order has succeeded in it's mission to defeat the baltic pagan dominions, though the pagan faith is still strong in it's provinces, which threatens the integrity of the Order's territory.

And a small note: Among the european nobles rumour has it that Sancho I., the King of Portugal has the biggest and most splendit treasury of all kings of all of Europe! Even emperors envy his wealth!


14-12-2006, 23:11
I thought I PMed you all the adresses with the order of game (1. Elvain - Armenia (my email), 2. Angryminer - TO (your email), 3. kevincompron - Aragon (kevin's email) 4. Okawoa - Portugal (Okawoa's email) )

if not I will re-send it to you all, ok?

PS: Does it mean the Teutonic order has eliminated all of Lithuania, Prussia, and Pomerania?

if yes, so congratulations! do you take screenshots?

16-12-2006, 00:03
So where is the game now? who's turn it is now?

16-12-2006, 00:57
Sorry, Elvain its my turn I'll play it tonight then send. :)

16-12-2006, 01:02
Ici, email turn.

16-12-2006, 01:16
kevin, do you have Okawoa's email, right? I PMed you last night...

if not I'll send it to you :go:

good luck, Pedro II, king of Aragon :king:

oh, great, so now we are all here :hello:

welcome to the forums, Okawoa :cheers:

16-12-2006, 04:17
downloaded the save, just need to download mapchanges now.
elvain where do i get the map changes? the link in your sig is expired...

Found a different link and setting up the game now. :)
okay everything is setup, I'll start my turn here in a bit, after dinner then send it on. This is a great idea.

17-12-2006, 00:14
Did you find the mapchanges? I've snet them to you in one of the mails...
it seems it's Okawoa's turn now.

I'm looking forward recieving the save :hello:

17-12-2006, 23:52
As Pedro II, for my first turn, I reassigned Pedro II as a merchant, hired an additional merchant and began to see to my defenses building structures that might strengthen the quality of Aragon's army.
what is the status of this? Did Okawoa finish his turn yet?

Also i have an idea, they should make a forum section for this coop multiplayer thing, I have a feeling its going to totally catch on.

And also maybe even have a way to add the flag of the kingdom your playing with to profile to form like groups and negotiate alliances and stuff. Imagine the possibilities!

18-12-2006, 00:12
I don't know. But he definitely didn't send me the save yet.

I hope he will do it as soon as possible.

18-12-2006, 00:46
well is he in contact with you at least?

18-12-2006, 01:09
Sorry all, i'm off to a trip to Napoli... because of this I must quit :(. Anyhow, I can't do my turn primarily because i'm too stupid to understand how to use the F11 key to switch on the timer... it just doesn't work for me, and yes i'm on the correct patch.

I thank kevincompton for the really informative instruction which i'll post here:

Here's the procedure:
1. Extract the attached zipfile and copy the included save_2.save to
C:\Documents and Settings\<Your Windows Username>\Application data\Black Sea Studios\Knights Of Honor\save\<number of your KoH profile>
<Your Windows Username> is the name of the windows account you're playing KoH with.
The folder "application data" is a hidden folder, you may need to enable the display of those.
<Numer of your KoH profile> is usually 1. If you have several KoH-profiles there will be several numbers available. Use the number that corresponds to the profile you want to play the multiplayer-campaign with.
2. Start KoH and load the savegame called "Multiplayer".
3. Press the Pause-button
directly after the savegame has loaded. You'll see that you start as the holy roman empire. That was what I switched to after I finished. Use the cheats to switch to Aragon (bsswitch) and disable Aragon's AI (bsnoai). Enable the ingame-watch by pressing the F11-button. You start at 30:00.
4. Play until 35:00. Then press pause, enable the AI for Aragon, and switch to some random nation, f.e. HRE. Then save the game. It's your own fault if you forgot switching on the AI, so better check it twice. :)
5. Zip up the savegame and attach it as an eMail to the next player.

Adios (suggest contacting that paradox fella)

18-12-2006, 18:36

that's sad. So guys I will contact Magnumkiller from Paradox (who also joined us here...

kevin, could you please send me the save? I didnt recieve it :sad:
so we will stay just 3 at least untill 26th of december.

Just could you send me the save, kevin? I haven't recieved it yet.

so now the situation is:
Elvain - Armenia
Angryminer - Teutonic Order
kevncompton - Aragon

and then if everything goes wel I could pass the game to Angryminer right today :hello:
so the save has just been sent to Angry. I will write a report (with screenshots of course) later tonight...

18-12-2006, 20:37
So, sorry about that one :(. I should be joining you all on the 26/27, though.

I would also like to see a map sometime around then and the diplomatic stances that would exist by that time, so I don't choose a nation that dies while I haven't started, or a nation about to die :P.