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25-05-2007, 14:00
Could you (Elvain), please, read my posts again and not put in my mouth exactly the opposite of what I've said?* Thank you!

*"as I don't know you well enough as you do"

Oh, and I'd again suggest that you control your temper better! Indeed, I might eventually be misreading the "emotion" of your post, as it seems you're also misreading my ones, but I still do sence some anger towards me. I might be wrong though and I hope I am, as a civilized discussion among intelligent people is usually not led through anger...

Traveller, if King Kaloyan's post wasn't an insult what was it?
I can't speak about the intentions of the others, but I saw it as a reaction to your post. Maybe you don't see it, but some people sometimes find your "tone" somewhat... "offensive" and get easily irritated by it...

You and patriot were continuously breaking forum rules and when I asked you not to, you complained :go:
What forum rules have I broken? Have I insulted you? I don't think so. Have I used "unknown languages"? No, I haven't. Not to mention that I haven't complained about anything, which doesn't indeed need complaining, IMHO.

and yes, I feel being labeled as anti-bulgarian as an insult.
Sorry, but I didn't know what you find insulting and what - not. Furthermore, that's what I noticed and that's what I ascertained. If I see something, I prefer to tell it. I might be wrong (and I never claim to be 100% correct, as, IMO, that's impossible for a human being), but that doesn't mean I should not point out what I believe to have seen.

You still didn't get my point? how many times do I need to repeat it?
Perhaps it's not "how many", but just "how"... :wink:

1) You disabeled many people over here to understand who you talk to.
2) You crossed forum rules
3) I did not ask you not to use my name in public sector. It was YOU who was "paranoid" and thought I mind it.
If I would really mind it I would already tell you (as you claim to know me personaly very well, you definitely should know that if I don't like something I say it)
1) I'm sorry for that, but I thought it's quite obvious that I'm talking to you. I guess it's my misjudgement...
2) Again I ask - what forum rules have I actually broken? Because, come to think of it, I don't actually recollect such a case, at least not in this thread...
3) I was not paranoid in thinking you mind it, I just followed the expressions of Dobber and the others, who raised their voices against it. I don't know what you mind or you don't mind, but at least they seemed to have a problem with it (IIRC, you hadn't said till then if you do or don't), so hence I asked them to fix it. Or now you have a problem with the "fixing" and want them to change it back?

I just didn't understand why you ask me not to take things personaly while making things very personal.
As I have already said - when I'm talking with a friend, the "basis" is personal. When I'm debating with somebody, the debate is rarely personal. So, when I'm debating with a friend (or at least someone I know at least a bit) it's from one side personal (the talking) and from another - non-personal (the debate), i.e. the "approach" is personal, while the "content" is not. Of course, I guess you couldn't know that before, so it's logical that you may have found it to be entirely "personal", while it was not...

And furthemore I must say that I see no reason why people who insult me or use ":angry:" smiley very often when talking to me shold know my personal data without my personal wish. On anonymous internet board we all have right to chose if and to who will we enable to know our personal data, don't you think? That's why it is in forum rules.
Note that the times that I have used the :angry: smiley in this forum can probably be counted on the fingers of my hand, and never in a "personal debate".
And, as I said above - I don't know you, so I'm judging by myself in such cases. I don't have a problem with "public personal data", so I naturally presumed that the others don't have either. Since you have expressed that you do, now I know...

eh? so what you want?
once you ask the mods not to be so strict and tolerate one post in Bulgarian. Then you mind the mods being too tolerant when they don't ban you because you break the rules?
Yes, first I asked that you (the mods) follow Antigona's example and prefer the humane/divine "laws" over the human ones. But since it seemed (at least to me) that you do prefer the human ones over the humane ones, then I encouraged you not to hesitate and enforce the laws that you seem to believe in, as it seemed that you're actually not really fully following any of the two, which is not very good, as it's a prerequisite to the appearance of anarchy, IMHO.

I and AFAIK also Angryminer and Dobber prefere to talk about problems before something more strict is done. So we ask forum mebmers not to cross the rules and discuss what both sides think about the problem. Once it is bad, once not. I really don't understand it
Openness to discussions is, IMO, quite good and admirable indeed. However, may I point out that what most mods here seem to be saying (at least the way I see it) is "You must do this and you must do that!", which doesn't really leave much "openness" for discussions? Or at least it leaves the possibility mainly for post-factum discussions, which are pretty much pointless in most cases...

What I would like to point out as well concerning the languages is the problem if we allow some people to use their language is that if we allow it to one group we actually do not really have the "moral right" to not allow it to another one. Maybe you remember the discussion about the French thread some years ago. Rules are here to be followed and therefore I think you can be very happy with one Bulgarian thread. Especially because we can not really control what is written there and several political discussions involving Bulgarian point of view (Macedonia) were closed/deleted by us because they simply didn't match here, but who could us really garant that there isn't such a hidden discussion in a bilingual thread or even in the Bulgarian one. But I personally think this isn't the case in the present thread(s), at least I would trust you enought to belive so.
Yes, I remember the French discussion. As well as I remember that there is still a Swedish thread, although none of the mods here speaks Swedish (AFAIK). Moral ground, you say? However, we have two admins, who can speak Bulgarian (although they have almost no time to moderate) and I also tend to "keep control" of the discussions in the Bulgarian thread. And, AFAIK, the Macedonian topic is not prohibited by any rule of this forum.
Of course, as I had already suggested it probably an year ago (or more, I can't be sure), the mods of this forum can just move the Bulgarian thread to Webmaster's Inn and flag it with the Bulgarian flag. Most discussions in it are rarely about KoH now anyway - currently the three discussions are about the medics in Lybia, the Russian affair in Estonia (and Russia's attempt to interfere in Estonia's internal affairs in moving one monument) and this discussion here (which did arouse one post with an uncensored word, which, however, was reported). While I've been advocating the moving of the thread to Webbi's Inn, as it would also encourage the Bulgarian members to take part not only in the KoH boards, but also in the Off-Topic board, the Coloseum, DMZ etc, thus further ensuring our better acception and activity here (although the OT board is rather active lately anyway, thanks to the German influx)...

25-05-2007, 14:16
Yeah..... cool offtopic :rofl:

King Kaloyan
25-05-2007, 14:17
And what exactly insulted you in my post, Elvain? The mention of your name, or what? If it was that.. well I'm sorry. I didn't know that it a crime and against the forum's rules to call people with their personal names.
Niki quit arguing, there's no point.

25-05-2007, 14:26
@Traveller: You quoted Kuno and added my name to the quote. :wink:


25-05-2007, 14:27
@Traveller: You quoted Kuno and added my name to the quote. :wink:

Oops, sorry, it must be because of the same avatars! I should've noticed there is no "Angryminer" at the end! :biggrin:

Kuno of Gersenau
25-05-2007, 14:53
However, we have two admins, who can speak Bulgarian (although they have almost no time to moderate) and I also tend to "keep control" of the discussions in the Bulgarian thread. And, AFAIK, the Macedonian topic is not prohibited by any rule of this forum.
I don't know if Frujin visits your thread and Morgoth isn't a Mod anymore for quite a long time already I think.
I actually do not want to pull up the Macedonian discussion anymore. I just have to say that there were often some statements who missed political corectness as far as I and other not geographically involved people were looking at it. But I trust you if you say that you aren't discussing about this and see no more point in arguing about it.

Yes there is a Swedish thread, that's right. I personally am not that happy with threads involving other languages than the official ones, but I wouldn't allow myself to close one of the two after such a long time. But further threads would probably not be allowed anymore because we surley do not want a babylonic chaos of languages here, do we? :wink: therfore I think you should be happy with your "bulgarian clan" and not speak Bulgarian in the other threads which you (the Bulgarians) normally do not anyways. So this here can just be seen as an exeption and probably caused a discussion much too emotional...

However I do not want to comment about your dispute with Elvain, but probably you should settle things down in a more personal manner (PMs) and end the discussion over here. As far as I can see there seem to be said all relevant things anyway...

27-05-2007, 13:36
Of course, as I had already suggested it probably an year ago (or more, I can't be sure), the mods of this forum can just move the Bulgarian thread to Webmaster's Inn and flag it with the Bulgarian flag. [...] While I've been advocating the moving of the thread to Webbi's Inn, as it would also encourage the Bulgarian members to take part not only in the KoH boards, but also in the Off-Topic board, the Coloseum, DMZ etc, thus further ensuring our better acception and activity here (although the OT board is rather active lately anyway, thanks to the German influx)...So, is there broad support in the participating Bulgarian-thread-community to move the thread? Frujin, I suppose, hardly ever reads the thread these days anyway. It does move considerable activity from the KoH boards to DMZ then, though :rolleyes:
Also, it would display the thread to a larger public, perhaps leading to more separate languages' threads appearing. If the thread is moved, I'd certainly see it as a statement that such "uncontrolled (because in different language)" threads are allowed on these boards.
Conclusively, I think that the status quo is best and should gives the least problems.

27-05-2007, 15:18
For now it does need to be left as it is. Who knows how much longer the forum remains! With Ubisoft taking over, the forum could disappear altogether and the Sunflowers games be added to their forums, and quite possibly the only game they even continue a forum for, be 1701. If that should happen, hopefully Frujin would have his forums back up, and the KoH community could land there(and Bulgarian would most likely be very welcome).

28-05-2007, 08:07
I was just asked several questions so here is my answer...
What forum rules have I broken? Have I insulted you? I don't think so. Have I used "unknown languages"? No, I haven't. Not to mention that I haven't complained about anything, which doesn't indeed need complaining, IMHO.
You did post personal data of third party out of private area

§10: Personal Information

It is not permitted to post third parties’ personal data (e.g. name, address, Email and phone numbers) unless expressly agreed with the person in question before.

Openness to discussions is, IMO, quite good and admirable indeed. However, may I point out that what most mods here seem to be saying (at least the way I see it) is "You must do this and you must do that!", which doesn't really leave much "openness" for discussions? Or at least it leaves the possibility mainly for post-factum discussions, which are pretty much pointless in most cases...

when you ask someone to follow some rules you sometimes have to tell him what he must or can't do, don't you think?

28-05-2007, 13:04
I'd leave it Elvain..
You stated yourself that you didn't care your name to be public. Even if the mod Elvain is speaking, pointing to the rules, then it is so that personal names have been used many times before without reaction from the staff. Altough it is now clear that personal names should not be used anymore, unless in agreement with the person in question, I now find that the mod Elvain is helping the person Elvain in a personal discussion, which doesn't seem to be fair.

28-05-2007, 13:58
Oh man this is such a lame thread , how can you talk so long about nothing :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

28-05-2007, 17:55
Oh man this is such a lame thread , how can you talk so long about nothing :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

you know, it's like politic....:lol: :lol: :lol:

28-05-2007, 18:10
Then I repeat - if I have broken a rule, which I didn't know (let's admit it - almost nobody reads the rules when he registers), then I should face the respective consequences, shouldn't I? Otherwise it could serve as an example to the other users of how one man, especially someone who's been a part of the community since its near beginning, can be tolerated unjustly by the mods (especially if they've been a part of the community since then too). I've made a mistake, I admit it and I have nothing against taking responsibility for my mistake and facing the consequences.

28-05-2007, 18:23
Consider the discussion a verbal warning to all who read it, and now that the rules are clear, please refrain from using anyone's personal names in the forum. Future violations will result in a formal warning with an increase of one warning on the warning meter. Three warnings result in a ban.

28-05-2007, 21:01
Does this warning meter also decrease after some time ?

29-05-2007, 01:28
personal names have been used many times before without reaction from the staff.
in the rest of your post you are right of course, I completely admitt it. But I really wonder if you really can give other examples of personal names being used in public area of this forum (personal names that are not part of one's nick of course) because the only example that Elvain personaly remembers is Traveller using Elvain's personal name :wink:

29-05-2007, 04:14
Does this warning meter also decrease after some time ?
It depends on how the warning is issued, it could be a 30 day or 60 day warning or it could be a permanent warning that does not go away, it all depends on how blatant the offense is seen in the eyes of the one issuing the warning!

For me, if I think the person ignored this warning and said , what the heck it is just a 60 day warning, I will go ahead and break the rule and then be good for 60 days, then I would make the warning permanent.

Your asking the question might lead one to think you were planning on testing the water.

30-05-2007, 20:04
the only example that Elvain personaly remembers is Traveller using Elvain's personal name :wink:I wrote names, whereas I really meant name. Id est, your name. :wink:

30-05-2007, 20:08
I wrote names, whereas I really meant name. Id est, your name. :wink:
don't you remember where? did I really miss it?

15-06-2007, 23:03
I've been missin' out i see...:hello: