View Full Version : Patch, AddOn, Gameenhacements
Elf Cleric
15-11-2004, 18:53
Not 50, the limit of 50. You dont have to use 50 marshals but anyone who dose want to should atleast be giving the option too. just so you can set befor the game starts whats the max ammount of marshals you can have up to 50.
Reason for a 50 limit or better a 100 limit, that is cause you should have atleast 1 per city. No one king can control everything. He needs to enlist a Ministers or Marshal to help him with his other provinces.
That's right m8!
I agree there should not be limit!
If the player is not capable to handle 50, than player does not need to use all.
Can play with 9!!
Elf Cleric
15-11-2004, 18:55
KOH is a good game. But its also its flaws. Lots of them. Im gonna try posting them all. If they have already been mentioned then please ignor it.
First off i would like to start out by saying. I didnt pay for the game and i dont think its worth the money to pay for it. Second off if they try to rip me off with a add-on to fix the features which were supose to already be implemented with this, then i wont be paying for the add-on eaither.
The Developers and programmers put alot of work into KOH but its no wheres near done lol.
1. Provinces Expand. New villages and things will spawn but only to a limit.
2. When you build the Hostel or other buildings where it says that it will have a effect in all villages, then it should also effect the costal village cause thats a Village as well.
3. You should be able to have more marshals. I dont care what people say about this I want to have atleast 1 Marshel Controling every city. Knights for the field should be displayed at the top. Marshals in a town should only be shown in the town and not take up space at the top. and the top needs to be increased to hold atleast 50 marshals max. Limit minimal 8 - 10.
4. Armys should be limited but only to the skill of the leader. The better his leadership skill or maybe charisma the more troops he can command. But there also must be a option to raise this.
5. When you take over a town you should be able to restock you food still. I mean whos stopping you?
6. Need to improve the path finding a little bit. Knights will sometimes pathfind in the longer direction And also they go right through moutains.
7. When your in battle and you set your archers to camp near trees, then there arrows should restock. Unless there being attacked.
8. What happend to stone? Pitch, Sulfur, Marble, Copper, Macemen.....
9. All that wheat keeps everyone healty because no one ever gets sick. Hint: No one ever gets sick. Which would false because people got sick all the time in medieval europe. They had poor sanitation. and so on.
10. Public Exucutions make people happy.
11. Why dose a prisoner take up a marshal space? Is this just pure lazyness or what? Ever heard of a dungeon? A castle would have a small dungeon which would host serval prisoners. Tourcher chambers for getting information would be good also.
12. What time is it? What Day is it? What Month is it? What Year is it? Who the hell knows?
13. Im still laughing over #12, 1 second. lol......
14. Is it just me or are things just too cheap?
15. Tradeing brings in way too much money. Every game i start off by makeing trade agreements with Germany and Byzantia..... and im makeing 50+ withing a few minutes after i get kingdom power up.
16. Kingdom power would be better as a % instead of a Scale from 1 to 5. That way diffrent things could effect it at diffrent rates.
17. Why do my people become Exhuasted by war so quickly. that needs Improvement.
18. Monastarys need to be spawned at a 20% rate, Farms 30% and Villages 50%
19. Trees stumps appearing around villages would make it look more realistical :o)
20. Books are welll Pointless takeing into account the limited additions training marshels gets you. Eaither find better uses for books or give marshels better bonues for builders and landlords.
21. The max ammount of buildings you can have is good. But there needs to be alot more buildings to chose from. If you need someone to be creative i can list 100s of diffrent types of buildings you can add in. I just want more buildings in without a add-on. Or atleast some way for us to make custom buildings and add them in. Takeing peoples money is not gonna get you alot of happy customers. If you dont release new buildings befor a add-on im sure that will be a dissapointment to many.
22. There are alot of troops and i dont think you need to improve much there. But maybe have it so that the exprence for troops acctally works. I went through 5+ battles with the same troops. And they never gain no exprence. Is it just me, is anythign else haveing this problem.
23. Anyone haveing problems keeping track of whos at war with who without useing the Polictical View Map? Maybe have a list with all the diffrent kingdoms. Who there at war with. What Goods they Trade. How Much kingdom power they have. Who there allied with. Maybe there is something like this already and i didnt find it.
24. Towns should have 3 Units max which can garison there. After that building barracks increases it to 6. Upgradeing the barracks once more increase it to 9.
25. Omg your all gonna laught at this one haha. Why is it the rebles are attack there own townsfolk? Shouldnt they be trying to take back the town instead of wasteing there time weaking themselfs. LoL this cracks me up. Who the hell designed this game. Did they even think? They put a whole bunch of ideas in a hat and pulled them out at random. And they went with whatever came out.
26. Moral, my knights troops moral almost never goes below max. This needs to be imroved.
27. Pastires are made useing sugar. So where are we getting there sugur from to make these pastires, if suger is a exitoic good, which we dont have. i think that the bakery should be makeing Bread.
28. Military Units, i think what units you are able to build needs to be improved some what. If you build a fletcher then you should be able to build archers no matter what. And not just bowmen.
29. I can run my troop from one end of the map to the other and they never seem to get unhappy. My morals always 100% Green no matter how hard i work my troops.
30. Each town should be able to have a diffrent tax rate.
And im sure theres a few more which i missed. Acctally i know theres alot more im just getting really tired.
Is it just pure lazyness, ignorance or Stupiedity. Id really like to know how you missed all these things. Do you people have any clue about the medieval era what so ever. Or did you just toss some ideas around from other games. The only thing which is good with KOH is the gfx. You also did a good job with provideing a wide range of units to chose from. But what the hell happen to a econemy. Medieval life didnt revolve around war. The Econemy had somethings to do with it also.
Sorry if im being rude its just that these game companys need to stop releaseing these games befor there acctally finshed or even worth playing at all. 1502 was a major dud, thats the last game ill ever buy. 2 years and still no fu..... patch. damn these stupied rich game companys. Makes me sick.
Hold on 1 more thing
"very nice beginning" lol..... do i have too?
Very nice m8!
Very nice!
This is just what I was missing!
Not applauds!!
31. Mercenarys should leave after a while. And i think it would look better if it showed the mercenarys moveing to another province, so you could later on go and hire them if you need them. Ask if i need to explain that better. :)
32. Why are the people that move around on the map bigger then the houses? Giants living in tiny houses lol. Kinda funny when you think about it. Yeah i know there only representations of peasants and movers, but still i think it would look better and also bring the game fps up if you made the people smaller. Or add in a option for smaller people. Cause my app lags pretty bad and my computer aint that bad. I bet somethings could be done to improve the preformace of the display.
Tzar Ivan Assen II
20-11-2004, 21:39
Developers ,
and especially Frujin,
please believe me that if you put up all of those proposed features in the next patch , the game would become the perfect Empire Conquering Simulation.
many of my ideas were already mentioned
I only didn't see that:
-From the province information , show a text representing to which country does the population refers to.
For example I play with Bulgaria. I conquer a Serbian province and there are loyalists.So the population is still Serbian.But if I use the cleric to clear away the nostalgic feelings , the population doesn't rebel anymore and it starts to fell itself as Bulgarian.I just want to have that somwhere written because I can't remember which province is converted to my culture and which is not...
21-11-2004, 00:35
I just want to have that somwhere written because I can't remember which province is converted to my culture and which is not...
How about checking your Nostalgia rating? :)
Tzar Ivan Assen II
21-11-2004, 01:21
Yes , but I may have the nostalgia rating to minimum and still have loaylist rebels
21-11-2004, 12:51
Strange, loyalists should only appear if your Nostaliga rating is above 0. Unless they migrate from neighbouring kingdoms (which do happen from time to time) that is.
Lord Qudus
01-12-2004, 02:54
I just added the english version of the vote thread ( to the vote-forum. I hope many of you will add their votes to it to build a broad feedback for sunflowers, which not at least increases your gaming fun.
Lord Qudus
Hi all,
I got 2 comments for a futur patch, we should be able to skip the introduction of the game with the name of developers..., it's boring. At present we can only skip the introduction movie.
And other point, to quit the game we must abandon, why don't you add an "quit to windows" option ?
Thanks, and keep goin' on like that, it's a really good work !
14-12-2004, 10:21
Great list. Here is another proposal.
Historical vs. Random resource distribution
There should be an option (in game options at the game start) to choose "historical" resource distribution, instead of just random (e.g. resources allowing for manufacture of cloth in England and Flandres, resources allowing for building of universities in Paris and Bologna, or for cathedrals in Rome and Kent - Canterbury etc.).
14-12-2004, 14:00
Concerning unit numbers and limits; I think the limit in itself isn't a problem.
BUT, it's a bit unrealistic. If you look at history, any battle since the ancient ages with less then 1'000 soldiers invloved would have been considered "very small" (average battles had cca tens of thousands of soldiers). In the game, I've conquered the entire eastern Europe from Germany to the Crimea and had (when I was elected) three armies of a total of 900 soldiers. That's a bit unrealistic.
It would be (in my opinion) much better if the entire tactical game system would remain the same, but each figure would represent 10 soldiers (with the ability to hire more on top of them). In example it would be like the troop limit would be changed to troop TYPE limit and each unit picture would have a number to it reprenting how many units you have.
Just a thought. But then again, being a programmer myself, I would probbably just say no since even minor changes can potentially lead to massive code changes. :bash:
14-12-2004, 14:03
the limits of buildings and units is a integral part of the game
22-12-2004, 10:19
I have said this in another thread, but feel It needs an answer.
To be able to Increase your Soldiers in the same numbers they are at the moment with the Marshals.
Would it be able to Increase the spaces for Marshals(maybe just for marshals) so Increaseing your armies.
When attacking a castle you need at least two marshals to take a castle, and hold off other marshals.
I do not think this would make the game any easier, but not sure of the code changes, weather this would be a major change. :bowdown:
08-01-2005, 19:51
Most everything in the first post, and some of the others, looks good, but. But I still want a custom scenario creator! (Maybe I'll have an organized, lengthy list and presentation sometime soon...)
Hmm, I don't understand why it is possible today, creating a game, where single player is a stand alone option. Personally I play a game, and if it is nice gameplay I presume I can play the same game in multiplayer.. Sadly this don't happen very often - why is it so hard to understand that games only have a long lifetime if multiplayer is the primary stand..
This game is great in singleplayer, and multiplayer is 'rather' different.. Damn it!
14-01-2005, 21:55
If a enemy attacks your town with a garrison and your troops defend it without a marshal, then why the hell can't you send your garrison to kick the crap out of the rebels burning their own fields? :bash:
As I have posted before, the troops you can build should not be province specific but instead kingdom specific. I find it hard to believe that only Men-at-Arms and light calvary can be built in certain areas. All you need is the right materials, animals and men.
I understand the limits on building but it seems silly that most building dont upgrade. Armory allows certain units then it gets upgraded to make chain then scale then finally plate. Plus why must I have certain resourses in a province just to make a cathedral, but if I have the same type of resourses spread thru out my kingdom I can make a great Kingdom Advantage?
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