Lord Qudus
30-10-2004, 00:17
This thread is a more or less word by word translation of my thread (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?t=2421) in the german forum. I hope I didn't make too many failures. Please report them to me by PM.
This thread is ought to be a contact point for players, who whish changes and enhancements to be applied to KoH.
In order that not always threads are opened with the same, repeating questions, i collect the community's proposals and list them consisely point by point. So the developers can easily see, which changes are wanted. That wouldn't only be an advantage to our future gaming fun, but to thier pocket book too.
The order coming with it at most accidentally reflects the importance of the points. It results from the time a suggestion is made in this thread or another or when the idea comes to my own mind.
The multiplayer mode
Probably this is the top most wanted, addressed and critisised point. The multiplayer mode only got a raw deal in KoH!
The playable modes barely promise a long lasting gaming fun. An absolute duty should be to implement the "play on europe" mode for multiplayer.
Naturally there are some limitations to be accepted. For example you couldn't lead any battle on your own and the game speed adjustment coudn't be used unlimited.
On demand unused kingdoms should be filled up by AI.
LAN or internet whouldn't make any difference. In principle a single player game is nothing different to a multiplayer game with host=client and human_players_count=1 with exactly the same possibilities to set up. Here implicitly unused kingdoms are filled up by AIs.
I think some disunities about maximum knights count, maximum building places count of a province, etc. can be adjusted by serveroptions. A singleplayer game would automatically be a multiplayer game with exclusively AI-combatants.
As a matter of course there should be the three familiar SO-configurations called difficulty-levels besides the possibility to configure a custom one.
Openfield Mode - select an army on your own
In the Openfield mode you should be able to assemble your army on your own.
The unit's autonomy
During a battle units often stand there ideling even when the enemy is close. They should more autonomously attack, retreat if the reast of the troops are at risk or be totally passive. Depending on a switch (passive, aggressive, patrol). Just like it is well known from other games.
starting conditions
Again by serveroptions you should be able to define if the starting conditions are always the same or how for they can differ randomly.
Building places count of provinces
If 18 building places are too much, too less or just right, should be to the user by serveroptions.
It could also depend on the fact if I have a master builder working in that province.
Probably some buildings could be grouped by upgrades.
The King's and knight's span of life
a) the king's: If kings are often dying, it could have consequences to the gamingprogress that I don't want to have. The serveroptions should provide a slidebar to adjust the medial span of life.
b) the knight's: When Kings die, why don't the knights. Maybe it is good, that the skiled knights stay to you for ever, but it is not realistic. You could switch this in the serveroptions.
maximum marshalls count
I'd like to adjust on my own, if I want to play with a limitation of the marshalls count, where this limitation is and if it should raise with the kingdom. This could be done by the serveroptions, too.
Forgetting a marshall's skill
By a flag in the serveroptions you should be able to select, if a marshall can forget a skill to clear a space to others.
a separat prison
It is in any case absurd that enemy prisoners take a place at the royal court. An additional, separat prison whould be helpful. If the prisons size should be limited and how great this limit should be is a case for the serveroptions.
This size could be raised by expanding the royal Castle (see Paragraph 48.)
my own title
Additionally to the possibility to select one title out of an enumeration I'd like to type one on my own.
an own genealogical tree
a) to be the first king: Initially I'd like to come to the throne of my prosperous lands myself and consequently found my own genealogical tree.
b) name your descendants: I'd like to choose my descentant's names on my own (even if I don't sit on the throne myself).
c) graphical genealogical tree: A graphical display of my genealogical tree from the beginning to the end with all ramifications and all marriages whould be a nice goody. Additionally you could see the cause of death and if necessary the murdorer. Even a slimmed view of the tree is imaginable with only the Kings and their wifes.
d) Relatives disappear with the dying king: Now, where you have such a good view for your relatives it lends itself to provide a serveroptionflag to not let your whole royal court be exterminated when the king dies.
selfmade name and banner for my kingdom
a) namechange: When my kingdom raises or downsizes I'd like to have the possibility to change its name. This is for sure not historically correct, but it would give a personnal mark to my games.
b) selfmade banner: When a have renamed my kingdom it would be nice to import a selfmade banner from a file.
Security enquiry
a) at diplomacyAt diplomacy there should at least important decisions be reinterrogated. When I click on "declare war" a question should pop up, if I really want to. I could just have misclicked.
When I click on terminate relationships, I want to see a cascading list showing all relationships I have and can terminate.
b) miscellaneousOther important decisions like killing a prisoner or sending a knight to exile should be reinterrogated as well.
Diplomacy - Extensions
a) ask to make peace: You should be able to ask other kingdoms to make peace with me or with others.
b) a travelling agreement: The kingdoms could allow or deny among each others to travel through their lands.
c) more rational decisions: Negotiations with other kingdoms doesn't make too much sense, because they decline anything anyway and declare war after that or are angy to me. This should be more realistic.
d) more stable relationships: Diplomatic relationships should be much more stable. When I have very good relationships with an other country. It should not declare war surprisingly.
e) Trade for Provinces: You should be able to negotiate with other kingdoms for specific provinces.
f) Full game control during diplomacy: During diplomacy i have to have full game control so that I can gather information I need for my decisions.
g) directly affect relationships: Diplomatic relationships should be affected by mercants and spys.
King dies, troops die with him
When my king is a marshall and dies his troops shouldn't die with him. they could be sent to the next province and wait for a new marshall.
Trade for prisoners
When I cought one or more enemy knights, I's like to talk to the respective kings to free my knights for his ones.
Information on buildings and villages
a) clearly arranged buildinglist: On the list of buildings of a province I'd like to see in one view which bulding produces what and how much.
b) more information on the villages: In the tactic view there would some more information on the villages be of a high interrest. If i click on a village, there is only written to which province it belongs. There could be written so much more, because the village has a specific function on the province.
Troops in villages
It would be nice to be able to deploy forces in villages. This wouldn't be irrealistic, too.
Marshallselection by frame
Even though you are able to select more than one marshall by clicking with the shift key hold, but it would be nice to draw a frame an all included marshalls would be added to the selection. (like it is in the battle mode and in any other strategy game)
Display: year and gamespeed
a) year and gamespeed: A display of the current year wouldn't be too bad. Additionally I'd like to see permanently how fast the game is currently running.
b) Buttons for the gamespeed: For the gamespeed I'd like to have buttons with a tooltip for the hotkeys.
c) duration of a march: It would be helpful to see the duration of a march. Then I could better decide where I march next. Therefore a display of the gametime is cogent.
a) zooming: A function to zoom as well as a stepless (or more steps) zooming of the minimapwould be good. It hasn't been mentioned seldomly in this forum.
b) close view of a province: This zooming should go that far, that you can zoom into a province like you can do during a self led battle.
preplay for battles
When I just led a battle extra heroic, I'd like to save a replay of this battle and send it to a friend.
a detailed table of my knights
A list, where I can see the levels and skills as well as the led, won and lost battles of my knight in one view would not only be interesting but also important for the selection of a knight for a specific battle.
a province's captain
This man could only command his troops in his province and on that way strike down rebells. After he has gathered some experience he could be deputised to a marshall.
It is also imaginable that you can only retrieve your marshalls from theses captains.
a) place value: Crusades have a too small place value. You could adjust this over the serveroptions.
b) only christians: Only chistians should be able to take part on a crusade.
c) effect of an offering to the pope: The magnitude of the effect should be adjustable over the serveroptions.
d) Troops of an appointed Marshall: When one of my marshalls is called for a crusade, he should either be able to take his army with him and bring it back decimated or let them in a province and pick it up after he returned.
e) More Information on the called marshall: If I could select a marshall for a crusade, I'd need more information on him to make the right decision. A marshall who is currently fighting shouldn't be called so that I loose that battle.
AI enhancements
a) AI is dammed stupid: The AI is very often described too stupid and too easy to defeat. In the highest difficulty it should be nearly impossible to defeat it. Than you'll find an enemy in the game for a longer time. By the numerous possible serveroptions it would be possible to customize your own fitting difficulty.
b) declarations of war: The AI should have a reason to declare war. Not only when the time has come or the game thinks it has to be. (OK this can happen. But not always). When I make a peace treaty it will almost always be accepted with joy. A Kingdom which is very far away should normally have no interrest in a declaration of war against me.
c) royal achievements: Is the AI actially trying to achieve royal achievements? If not, shouldn't it do so?
d) Sieges: In self led battles the AI often acts foolish. It doesn't use existent tarkettles, retriets bowmen to the inner castle instead placing them on the walls full featured strongholds place their defence only on one side and it isn't after the enemy through the broken door.
e) place troops on my own: When I leed a battle on my own, I'd like to place my units on my own, too. The game places the units roughly wrong You don't have time to reposition your troops during the fight.
f) control ordunance on my own: If I want to, I'd like to have the possibility to control the ordunances on my own.
g) [/U]The enemy doesn't cut back[/U]: If I attack an enemy troop and it fled I cut back and defeat it. The AI should do that, too, if it makes sense for it.
The Pillages don't have a very strong effect. The strength of this effect could easily be adjusted over the serveroptions and would thereby be anchored in the defficulty levels.
Graphical enhancements
a) The coast is very angular. This should be corrected.
display of the troops strength
It would be helpful if before a battle I could not only see the count of a marshall's troops, but also the strenght indicator the game uses to compute the battle plus the boni a troop could use in a specific battle. (Serveroptions: on/off)
This display doesn't have to be precise from the beginning on but when the marshalls ave become wiser, it should be more and more precise.
Battles, count of involved marshalls
More than two marshalls should be able to take part on a battle or siege. If not one very strong marshall couldn't be stopped if only any two troops of mine would be less powerful.
If there sould be a maximum and how great it should be, could be easily selected in the serveroptions.
remaining buildings tree structure
It is almost impossible to have a clear overview on the built and reamaining buildings. I'd like to have a tree structure to see them. So each building could have a fixed place regardless if it is already build or not.
a) finanial advantage: Small kingdoms should have a significant disadvantage to large ones. As it is now implemented small kingdoms can too fast become too powerful. One reason for that is that the kongdom power can chaply inceased at the beginning and this will not change after a province is conquered. Large Kingdoms have a that bad financial system (irrealistic) that even a small kingdom can be a dangerous enemy. The difficulty should raise and fall proportionally with the (starting) kingdom size.
Election of the true emperor over europe
Not everybody wants to win a game on that way. In the serveroptions there should be a switch to select if this election should generally take place and if it is relevant for the victory.
Bugs (?)
a) Election of the true emperor over europe: It can happen that nobody votes for you and even so you win that election.
b) Marshall-Rebellion: If an enemy spy is one of your marshalls and machinates a rebellion. in any case not all marshalls should take part in that rebellion, but only the that marshall's troop. The other marshalls should be and stay loyal servants of the king.
c) Spy (Province-take-over): When a spy is mercant and can over-take a province it doesn't always work.
d) Ballista -> Tarkettle: A Ballista should be able to shoot tarkettles.
At this time the fortification of provinces doesn't serve its purpose very well. Every soldier can break through any fortification. So it doesn't make too much sense to accet the disadvantages of taking siegeweapons with you.
Logbook and Log-Filter
a) standard events: The events, that I get through those cards on the lower left should be filterable and be written to a log like the other less important events appearing near the cards. I don't want to have that event-flood of unimportant events.
b) important events: These include erasing of a kingdom, conquering, killing of a marshall, etc. These events should be displayed in a separat chronical. With a timecounting in the game you could for example sort them by these times.
Highscore and other statistic
a) Highscore: Statistics that are shown an the end of a game should be saved in a highscore. So I could compare them with other games.
b) Statistic during the game: Additional to the already included statistics in form of lists one could integrate diagrams to compare the kingdoms with each others (Kingdom power, etc.).
List of available raw materials (avalability/digging/import/export)
a) my own raw marerials: there should be a list showing all RMs produced and available in my provinces as well as those i import. Each entry should show its origin. b) exported raw materials: When other countries by RMs from me I'd like to see this in the list as well.
merging of troops
a) in one army: If I have two or more troops of the same type in one army, there should be the possibillity to merge them if they are struck. then I don't need to throw one of them away and loose the money.
b) army spanning: This should work army spanning as well. When two marshalls meet each other they should be able to exchange troops and to merge their troops with the ones of the other marshall as described in a).
strong company of religions
a) War of religions: If I am a christian kingdom and am attacking a muslim kingdom my prestige towards other christian kingdoms could raise.
b) to drive others away[/URL]: When muslims fall in from Africa to Europe, it would be logic that all european chistians would have a raised interrest to drive them away from the continent.
If kingdoms would make more alliances and march together against one enemy/alliances, it would add more zest to the game and a higher place value to the alliances.
This occurence thould depend on the serveroptions and consequently on the diffculty level. In the easy level I of course don't want all the time to be attacked by large alliances. These Alliances should be very stable of cource as described above.
a) more spectacular: Seabattles could be more spectacular and diversified. Therefore more shiptypes could be avalable and the player should have a hight influence to the battle.
b) targeted attack: You should be able to attack an enemy ship directly.
enemy Spies - Chance to be attached
The chance that a newly hired knight is an enemy spy raises with the game time. Since you don't start in the open countryside, but on a historically correct europe, it would be more logic if it was always the same. At this time it is too high in the late game. For this value I could imagine a serveroption to select the chance and if it should increase with the game time.
How about a full growen modding-interface. I you had adequate possibilities to porduce a mod for this game, according to experience many users would do that. So not only the game had a longer life, but the game itself would be mor interesting, because missing features could be implemented by the community.
additional buildings
a) drawbridge
display the units' values
Each unit has specific values like plating, speed, strength, etc. It would be nice, if you could see them directly at the unit itself. This is important for the decision, which units I will build and which I will send towards which in a battle.
Maybe this is wanted by the game designers to more challenge the players, because in this way only with experience the player can become a good warlord. But other games like WarCraft have demonstrated, that it works mit these values as well.
expanding the royal court/Palast
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a graphically visible royal palast, that I could expand with all my money? From time to time you could invest some gold to make it more and more glorious. This would/could of course increase kindom power. In its cellar there could be the prison, which would be expanded with it.
This palast would be a nice gimmick to give your game a more personal note.
Provincetable - additional possibilities
a) Sortieren: It should be possible to this table by every value displayed in it; including the following ones...
b) display nostalgia: Nostalgia can become very important. So it would make sense adding it to the provincetable.
c) defenceboni: As the AI now uses heavier machines, it becomes sensible to also display the defenceboni resulting from this.
train units during camping
When units raise a (fortified) camp, they sometimes train graphically. It would make sense to let them actually train their experience in a camp up to a (through the serveroptions selectable) limit.
greetz., Lord Qudus
PS: Statements by developers, designers and admins about these points are espeacially welcome. :cheers:
This thread is ought to be a contact point for players, who whish changes and enhancements to be applied to KoH.
In order that not always threads are opened with the same, repeating questions, i collect the community's proposals and list them consisely point by point. So the developers can easily see, which changes are wanted. That wouldn't only be an advantage to our future gaming fun, but to thier pocket book too.
The order coming with it at most accidentally reflects the importance of the points. It results from the time a suggestion is made in this thread or another or when the idea comes to my own mind.
The multiplayer mode
Probably this is the top most wanted, addressed and critisised point. The multiplayer mode only got a raw deal in KoH!
The playable modes barely promise a long lasting gaming fun. An absolute duty should be to implement the "play on europe" mode for multiplayer.
Naturally there are some limitations to be accepted. For example you couldn't lead any battle on your own and the game speed adjustment coudn't be used unlimited.
On demand unused kingdoms should be filled up by AI.
LAN or internet whouldn't make any difference. In principle a single player game is nothing different to a multiplayer game with host=client and human_players_count=1 with exactly the same possibilities to set up. Here implicitly unused kingdoms are filled up by AIs.
I think some disunities about maximum knights count, maximum building places count of a province, etc. can be adjusted by serveroptions. A singleplayer game would automatically be a multiplayer game with exclusively AI-combatants.
As a matter of course there should be the three familiar SO-configurations called difficulty-levels besides the possibility to configure a custom one.
Openfield Mode - select an army on your own
In the Openfield mode you should be able to assemble your army on your own.
The unit's autonomy
During a battle units often stand there ideling even when the enemy is close. They should more autonomously attack, retreat if the reast of the troops are at risk or be totally passive. Depending on a switch (passive, aggressive, patrol). Just like it is well known from other games.
starting conditions
Again by serveroptions you should be able to define if the starting conditions are always the same or how for they can differ randomly.
Building places count of provinces
If 18 building places are too much, too less or just right, should be to the user by serveroptions.
It could also depend on the fact if I have a master builder working in that province.
Probably some buildings could be grouped by upgrades.
The King's and knight's span of life
a) the king's: If kings are often dying, it could have consequences to the gamingprogress that I don't want to have. The serveroptions should provide a slidebar to adjust the medial span of life.
b) the knight's: When Kings die, why don't the knights. Maybe it is good, that the skiled knights stay to you for ever, but it is not realistic. You could switch this in the serveroptions.
maximum marshalls count
I'd like to adjust on my own, if I want to play with a limitation of the marshalls count, where this limitation is and if it should raise with the kingdom. This could be done by the serveroptions, too.
Forgetting a marshall's skill
By a flag in the serveroptions you should be able to select, if a marshall can forget a skill to clear a space to others.
a separat prison
It is in any case absurd that enemy prisoners take a place at the royal court. An additional, separat prison whould be helpful. If the prisons size should be limited and how great this limit should be is a case for the serveroptions.
This size could be raised by expanding the royal Castle (see Paragraph 48.)
my own title
Additionally to the possibility to select one title out of an enumeration I'd like to type one on my own.
an own genealogical tree
a) to be the first king: Initially I'd like to come to the throne of my prosperous lands myself and consequently found my own genealogical tree.
b) name your descendants: I'd like to choose my descentant's names on my own (even if I don't sit on the throne myself).
c) graphical genealogical tree: A graphical display of my genealogical tree from the beginning to the end with all ramifications and all marriages whould be a nice goody. Additionally you could see the cause of death and if necessary the murdorer. Even a slimmed view of the tree is imaginable with only the Kings and their wifes.
d) Relatives disappear with the dying king: Now, where you have such a good view for your relatives it lends itself to provide a serveroptionflag to not let your whole royal court be exterminated when the king dies.
selfmade name and banner for my kingdom
a) namechange: When my kingdom raises or downsizes I'd like to have the possibility to change its name. This is for sure not historically correct, but it would give a personnal mark to my games.
b) selfmade banner: When a have renamed my kingdom it would be nice to import a selfmade banner from a file.
Security enquiry
a) at diplomacyAt diplomacy there should at least important decisions be reinterrogated. When I click on "declare war" a question should pop up, if I really want to. I could just have misclicked.
When I click on terminate relationships, I want to see a cascading list showing all relationships I have and can terminate.
b) miscellaneousOther important decisions like killing a prisoner or sending a knight to exile should be reinterrogated as well.
Diplomacy - Extensions
a) ask to make peace: You should be able to ask other kingdoms to make peace with me or with others.
b) a travelling agreement: The kingdoms could allow or deny among each others to travel through their lands.
c) more rational decisions: Negotiations with other kingdoms doesn't make too much sense, because they decline anything anyway and declare war after that or are angy to me. This should be more realistic.
d) more stable relationships: Diplomatic relationships should be much more stable. When I have very good relationships with an other country. It should not declare war surprisingly.
e) Trade for Provinces: You should be able to negotiate with other kingdoms for specific provinces.
f) Full game control during diplomacy: During diplomacy i have to have full game control so that I can gather information I need for my decisions.
g) directly affect relationships: Diplomatic relationships should be affected by mercants and spys.
King dies, troops die with him
When my king is a marshall and dies his troops shouldn't die with him. they could be sent to the next province and wait for a new marshall.
Trade for prisoners
When I cought one or more enemy knights, I's like to talk to the respective kings to free my knights for his ones.
Information on buildings and villages
a) clearly arranged buildinglist: On the list of buildings of a province I'd like to see in one view which bulding produces what and how much.
b) more information on the villages: In the tactic view there would some more information on the villages be of a high interrest. If i click on a village, there is only written to which province it belongs. There could be written so much more, because the village has a specific function on the province.
Troops in villages
It would be nice to be able to deploy forces in villages. This wouldn't be irrealistic, too.
Marshallselection by frame
Even though you are able to select more than one marshall by clicking with the shift key hold, but it would be nice to draw a frame an all included marshalls would be added to the selection. (like it is in the battle mode and in any other strategy game)
Display: year and gamespeed
a) year and gamespeed: A display of the current year wouldn't be too bad. Additionally I'd like to see permanently how fast the game is currently running.
b) Buttons for the gamespeed: For the gamespeed I'd like to have buttons with a tooltip for the hotkeys.
c) duration of a march: It would be helpful to see the duration of a march. Then I could better decide where I march next. Therefore a display of the gametime is cogent.
a) zooming: A function to zoom as well as a stepless (or more steps) zooming of the minimapwould be good. It hasn't been mentioned seldomly in this forum.
b) close view of a province: This zooming should go that far, that you can zoom into a province like you can do during a self led battle.
preplay for battles
When I just led a battle extra heroic, I'd like to save a replay of this battle and send it to a friend.
a detailed table of my knights
A list, where I can see the levels and skills as well as the led, won and lost battles of my knight in one view would not only be interesting but also important for the selection of a knight for a specific battle.
a province's captain
This man could only command his troops in his province and on that way strike down rebells. After he has gathered some experience he could be deputised to a marshall.
It is also imaginable that you can only retrieve your marshalls from theses captains.
a) place value: Crusades have a too small place value. You could adjust this over the serveroptions.
b) only christians: Only chistians should be able to take part on a crusade.
c) effect of an offering to the pope: The magnitude of the effect should be adjustable over the serveroptions.
d) Troops of an appointed Marshall: When one of my marshalls is called for a crusade, he should either be able to take his army with him and bring it back decimated or let them in a province and pick it up after he returned.
e) More Information on the called marshall: If I could select a marshall for a crusade, I'd need more information on him to make the right decision. A marshall who is currently fighting shouldn't be called so that I loose that battle.
AI enhancements
a) AI is dammed stupid: The AI is very often described too stupid and too easy to defeat. In the highest difficulty it should be nearly impossible to defeat it. Than you'll find an enemy in the game for a longer time. By the numerous possible serveroptions it would be possible to customize your own fitting difficulty.
b) declarations of war: The AI should have a reason to declare war. Not only when the time has come or the game thinks it has to be. (OK this can happen. But not always). When I make a peace treaty it will almost always be accepted with joy. A Kingdom which is very far away should normally have no interrest in a declaration of war against me.
c) royal achievements: Is the AI actially trying to achieve royal achievements? If not, shouldn't it do so?
d) Sieges: In self led battles the AI often acts foolish. It doesn't use existent tarkettles, retriets bowmen to the inner castle instead placing them on the walls full featured strongholds place their defence only on one side and it isn't after the enemy through the broken door.
e) place troops on my own: When I leed a battle on my own, I'd like to place my units on my own, too. The game places the units roughly wrong You don't have time to reposition your troops during the fight.
f) control ordunance on my own: If I want to, I'd like to have the possibility to control the ordunances on my own.
g) [/U]The enemy doesn't cut back[/U]: If I attack an enemy troop and it fled I cut back and defeat it. The AI should do that, too, if it makes sense for it.
The Pillages don't have a very strong effect. The strength of this effect could easily be adjusted over the serveroptions and would thereby be anchored in the defficulty levels.
Graphical enhancements
a) The coast is very angular. This should be corrected.
display of the troops strength
It would be helpful if before a battle I could not only see the count of a marshall's troops, but also the strenght indicator the game uses to compute the battle plus the boni a troop could use in a specific battle. (Serveroptions: on/off)
This display doesn't have to be precise from the beginning on but when the marshalls ave become wiser, it should be more and more precise.
Battles, count of involved marshalls
More than two marshalls should be able to take part on a battle or siege. If not one very strong marshall couldn't be stopped if only any two troops of mine would be less powerful.
If there sould be a maximum and how great it should be, could be easily selected in the serveroptions.
remaining buildings tree structure
It is almost impossible to have a clear overview on the built and reamaining buildings. I'd like to have a tree structure to see them. So each building could have a fixed place regardless if it is already build or not.
a) finanial advantage: Small kingdoms should have a significant disadvantage to large ones. As it is now implemented small kingdoms can too fast become too powerful. One reason for that is that the kongdom power can chaply inceased at the beginning and this will not change after a province is conquered. Large Kingdoms have a that bad financial system (irrealistic) that even a small kingdom can be a dangerous enemy. The difficulty should raise and fall proportionally with the (starting) kingdom size.
Election of the true emperor over europe
Not everybody wants to win a game on that way. In the serveroptions there should be a switch to select if this election should generally take place and if it is relevant for the victory.
Bugs (?)
a) Election of the true emperor over europe: It can happen that nobody votes for you and even so you win that election.
b) Marshall-Rebellion: If an enemy spy is one of your marshalls and machinates a rebellion. in any case not all marshalls should take part in that rebellion, but only the that marshall's troop. The other marshalls should be and stay loyal servants of the king.
c) Spy (Province-take-over): When a spy is mercant and can over-take a province it doesn't always work.
d) Ballista -> Tarkettle: A Ballista should be able to shoot tarkettles.
At this time the fortification of provinces doesn't serve its purpose very well. Every soldier can break through any fortification. So it doesn't make too much sense to accet the disadvantages of taking siegeweapons with you.
Logbook and Log-Filter
a) standard events: The events, that I get through those cards on the lower left should be filterable and be written to a log like the other less important events appearing near the cards. I don't want to have that event-flood of unimportant events.
b) important events: These include erasing of a kingdom, conquering, killing of a marshall, etc. These events should be displayed in a separat chronical. With a timecounting in the game you could for example sort them by these times.
Highscore and other statistic
a) Highscore: Statistics that are shown an the end of a game should be saved in a highscore. So I could compare them with other games.
b) Statistic during the game: Additional to the already included statistics in form of lists one could integrate diagrams to compare the kingdoms with each others (Kingdom power, etc.).
List of available raw materials (avalability/digging/import/export)
a) my own raw marerials: there should be a list showing all RMs produced and available in my provinces as well as those i import. Each entry should show its origin. b) exported raw materials: When other countries by RMs from me I'd like to see this in the list as well.
merging of troops
a) in one army: If I have two or more troops of the same type in one army, there should be the possibillity to merge them if they are struck. then I don't need to throw one of them away and loose the money.
b) army spanning: This should work army spanning as well. When two marshalls meet each other they should be able to exchange troops and to merge their troops with the ones of the other marshall as described in a).
strong company of religions
a) War of religions: If I am a christian kingdom and am attacking a muslim kingdom my prestige towards other christian kingdoms could raise.
b) to drive others away[/URL]: When muslims fall in from Africa to Europe, it would be logic that all european chistians would have a raised interrest to drive them away from the continent.
If kingdoms would make more alliances and march together against one enemy/alliances, it would add more zest to the game and a higher place value to the alliances.
This occurence thould depend on the serveroptions and consequently on the diffculty level. In the easy level I of course don't want all the time to be attacked by large alliances. These Alliances should be very stable of cource as described above.
a) more spectacular: Seabattles could be more spectacular and diversified. Therefore more shiptypes could be avalable and the player should have a hight influence to the battle.
b) targeted attack: You should be able to attack an enemy ship directly.
enemy Spies - Chance to be attached
The chance that a newly hired knight is an enemy spy raises with the game time. Since you don't start in the open countryside, but on a historically correct europe, it would be more logic if it was always the same. At this time it is too high in the late game. For this value I could imagine a serveroption to select the chance and if it should increase with the game time.
How about a full growen modding-interface. I you had adequate possibilities to porduce a mod for this game, according to experience many users would do that. So not only the game had a longer life, but the game itself would be mor interesting, because missing features could be implemented by the community.
additional buildings
a) drawbridge
display the units' values
Each unit has specific values like plating, speed, strength, etc. It would be nice, if you could see them directly at the unit itself. This is important for the decision, which units I will build and which I will send towards which in a battle.
Maybe this is wanted by the game designers to more challenge the players, because in this way only with experience the player can become a good warlord. But other games like WarCraft have demonstrated, that it works mit these values as well.
expanding the royal court/Palast
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a graphically visible royal palast, that I could expand with all my money? From time to time you could invest some gold to make it more and more glorious. This would/could of course increase kindom power. In its cellar there could be the prison, which would be expanded with it.
This palast would be a nice gimmick to give your game a more personal note.
Provincetable - additional possibilities
a) Sortieren: It should be possible to this table by every value displayed in it; including the following ones...
b) display nostalgia: Nostalgia can become very important. So it would make sense adding it to the provincetable.
c) defenceboni: As the AI now uses heavier machines, it becomes sensible to also display the defenceboni resulting from this.
train units during camping
When units raise a (fortified) camp, they sometimes train graphically. It would make sense to let them actually train their experience in a camp up to a (through the serveroptions selectable) limit.
greetz., Lord Qudus
PS: Statements by developers, designers and admins about these points are espeacially welcome. :cheers: