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01-12-2004, 10:46
well met my posting friendly annoholics ;)
for the anno and technomage section we are looking for at least 2 mods from the community to look after this section a bit.
maybe some of the mods from the old board are interested? mod experienced users most welcome. and of course capable of reading and writing german and english.

hola freunde des gepflegten spams ;)
für die anno und technomage foren suchen wir mindestens 2 mods aus der community, freiwillige vor. vielleicht sind auch mods aus dem alten board interessiert? schön wären schon erfahnungen als mod und natürlich die fähigkeit englisch und deutsch zu verstehen und zu schreiben.

01-12-2004, 12:29
Ich nehme an, FrankB (RoadRunner) wäre einer Übernahme seines alten Postens nicht abgeneigt ;) Richtig? :)

01-12-2004, 20:58
Ja... :) Also Interesse hätte ich schon.

Allerdings würde ich auch ungefähr genauso weitermachen wie im alten Forum als FrankB... ;) Mit anderen Worten: Off-Topics halte ich für vertretbar, solange auch die Sachthemen zügig beantwortet werden und alles im Rahmen bleibt. Ich finde es auch nicht schlimm, wenn ein Thread sich im Inhalt dem Off-Topic zuwendet, nachdem die eigentliche Frage beantwortet wurde. Auf Spam und Flames (was es glücklicherweise im alten Board - wie auch bisher hier - nur ganz selten gab) reagiere ich aber allergisch. ;)


Well... I am interested... :)

But I would continue more or less the same way as I did in the old board as FrankB... ;) In other words: I think off-topics are ok as long as the game related problems are also answered with high priority and as long as they stay within certain limits. I also do not see any problem if a thread turns off-topic after the main question is answered. But I cannot stand spam and flamings (which was fortunately very seldom in the old board - as well as here as it seems). ;)

01-12-2004, 21:16
das klingt doch topp, irgendwer einwände?
sounds great, does anyone oppose?

01-12-2004, 21:37
Nein, Einwände habe ich keine.:) Ich bin sehr dafür, dass Roadrunner wieder Moderator wird, er hat seine Arbeit im alten Board sehr gut gemacht und wird sie hier bestimmt ebenso gut fortsetzten.:)

01-12-2004, 23:15
dann wird es morgen verkündet und beschlossen

02-12-2004, 12:07
Roadrunner/FrankB does the mod task very well.

For a mod from this side of the ocean, will Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan be willing. He knows some German but he is also very good at using babblefish.

02-12-2004, 12:37
Usually it's written BabelFish (http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/tr), but that's quite a funny typo, - in the German dialect of my region (Hesse) "babbeln" means "to speak" ... :lol:

02-12-2004, 13:03

02-12-2004, 16:10
Actually, I don't think it was a typo. Feed the fish and see babble coming out.

02-12-2004, 20:02
Roadrunner/FrankB does the mod task very well.

For a mod from this side of the ocean, will Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan be willing. He knows some German but he is also very good at using babblefish.

I agree mamayourpeoplearehungry.
Now I like using babel fish too. It awsome. :cool:

03-12-2004, 00:18
I didn't think I was going to create so many giggles with the spelling. I thought I spelled it correct as I was thinking of the tower of babble. Is that spelled wrong too?

03-12-2004, 03:08
i'm interested! i know some german! some! i have a translator book. germant to english and vise versa. i nominate Lord Wo Fak Fak, The Self-Concerened Anglerfish! he'll sap you all with his glowing dimples! ZAP!!!

03-12-2004, 04:06
@wkw427 - A mod needs to be able to type a clear, easily understood message. I do not think you can do that.

Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
03-12-2004, 05:11
Roadrunner/FrankB does the mod task very well.

For a mod from this side of the ocean, will Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan be willing. He knows some German but he is also very good at using babblefish.

Yes, Frank "Roadrunner" gets my approval!:)

However, as for reading and writing German, my abilities are very limited there. I only understand maybe 10% of what I see on the board.

And after all the fun that has been had with Mama's typo error, I don't even use BabelFish!:D I have tried the Google tool, but I do better on my own with the help of a German/English dictionary.;)

03-12-2004, 06:52
Thumbs up on Frank B as a mod!! Another thumbs up for ME! I loaded 1602 today and it seems to be working perfectly with XP. At least at this point.LOL :rolleyes:

03-12-2004, 06:55
@wkw427 - A mod needs to be able to type a clear, easily understood message. I do not think you can do that.

Ditto from me 8)

03-12-2004, 08:40
@wkw427 - A mod needs to be able to type a clear, easily understood message. I do not think you can do that.

HiHi! There's a point!
:) ;)

03-12-2004, 11:56
I didn't think I was going to create so many giggles with the spelling. I thought I spelled it correct as I was thinking of the tower of babble. Is that spelled wrong too?
Yep, it's Babel ;)

Ghost Walker
03-12-2004, 14:04
I am also for FrankB (RoadRunner)! :)

dann wird es morgen verkündet und beschlossenHmm.. schon beschlossen? ;)