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Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
20-05-2005, 00:32
... I'm guessing you contact the people on an IM...

If that's the case, Then...
MSN: jasonlamendola6@hotmail.com
AIM: G0d0fwat3r426

I'm mad bored, some one play meh!

That's right. Look for other people in this thread who use the same IMs you have and contact them for an MP game.

Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
20-05-2005, 00:47
I need help with multiplayer. I'm not sure, but I think its because of the like...3 firewalls i'm behind. :biggrin: Anyway, can someone help me?
If it helps any, my internet is fed to me by a LAN.

Umm... I know it's been a while since you asked for help, but did you get the help you wanted? Do you really have 3 firewalls?

20-05-2005, 18:04
:cheers: First time playing MP. What a blast even though I got my butt kicked :rofl:

20-05-2005, 22:05
Well I didn't know about this thread, but then I never had played MP until this week!
And Alex, Eric and MamaWB shared a most enjoyable game with me! Now I am hooked.

YIM-- bluedirtdobber@yahoo.com
MSN-- stephencarnes@msn.com

Dread Pirate Terry
21-05-2005, 01:17
[QUOTE=Dobber]Well I didn't know about this thread, but then I never had played MP until this week!
And Alex, Eric and MamaWB shared a most enjoyable game with me! Now I am hooked.

Glad to hear it Dobber! Hope we get a chance to play sometime. I have a 2 player game using your Paradise Island and a whole mess of pirates.

21-05-2005, 01:22

Alex, Eric and I used your Dueling Illini last night. You really like the pirates don't you.

21-05-2005, 03:20
The pirates aren't a problem in Dueling Illini unless you are talking about the Dread Pirate.

Glad to see another player join the group. :cheers:

14-06-2005, 15:21
YIM - MasterSakim

US version

17-06-2005, 19:59
How would I determine my ip, and does multiplayer work well on a dial up connection. I live in a very remote area and high speed is not out here yet. It's the only thing I miss about living in the city.. :)

Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
18-06-2005, 00:50
How would I determine my ip, and does multiplayer work well on a dial up connection.

Welcome to the board, WAVproctor!:smile:

You can use http://www.whatismyip.com/ to find your ip# or start>run> (type in) winipcfg.

I have a dial up connection and it works just fine.

Do you have someone to play with?

18-06-2005, 07:09
Welcome to the board, WAVproctor!:smile:

You can use http://www.whatismyip.com/ to find your ip# or start>run> (type in) winipcfg.

I have a dial up connection and it works just fine.

Do you have someone to play with?

:) I asked because my wife is on an extended visit with her parents and we usually play over our lan with the kids, haven't yet connected over the internet with the game but I can see that I will be adding to my buddy list for games with this many people involved.

Which setups do you play? I'll have to dig out my disc and verify which version I have and if I need to DL someones special edit. :) That is my wife's favorite is to set up her own.

Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
18-06-2005, 07:29
There are some home made scenarios at http://www.annozone.de/annopool/.

19-06-2005, 06:51
Hmm, tried and couldn't get it to work, all firewalls disabled, one end on cable modem and one dial up. got to the 'Transferring game files' and never any further. Any hints?

ps. yes we did select TCP/IP.

Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
19-06-2005, 07:00
Hmm... is there a router involved with your connection? That is the only thing I can think of.

19-06-2005, 07:13
Should not be, perhaps another firewall, though we disabled both the xp and McAfee....

Sir Henry
19-06-2005, 12:54
If you see "Transferring game files" your connection is ok, it's not a router or firewall issue. There is a known problem with continuing saved games but that should not occur if you start a new game and both players have the scenario stored in their "Own scenarios" folder.

20-06-2005, 00:31
I have known it to take 10-15 minutes for a game to start after you see the transferring game files message.

01-07-2005, 21:43
This may sound silly but I have had problems at this point due to scenario name differences. When I email a scene to get to the other computer, it will place underscores in the name where blanks are. This name difference was enough to hang the game or give me a blank map.

Maester Sseymour
02-07-2005, 03:28
wow I'm not from the uk cause i'm in the us

Maester Sseymour
02-07-2005, 03:28
is anyone in here at the present moment?