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18-09-2005, 01:46
Good game with Eric and Alex
Here were the scores (estimated):
Me: 1100
Alex: 1500
Eric: 2600

I may have gotton lowest, but I was the first to advance, and first to get many advanced things :lol: but Eric got a monument :eek:

And I'm available next weekend, I'll continue the game with you mama.

29-09-2005, 02:00
Was wondering who still plays multi-player...if this links me here drop a line

Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
29-09-2005, 03:24
I still play, occassionally.

30-09-2005, 02:29
I try to play on occassion. I was hoping to get Robitoby, Helen, and DPT to continue our game from months ago this weekend.

Any Chance ?

I'll go to work early tommorow if we could get an agreement.

31-10-2005, 23:05
People arenīt playing multi for so long!!! What up!!?

01-11-2005, 02:31
Yeah I was wondering that myself Alex!

01-11-2005, 13:05
Hey, im new to this anno 1602 game, played the demo, found it great, so i went and bought the game, i hear afew people like to play multi?, one of the reasons i chose to buy it, i love classic strategy games, and i love to play online with them So, i was wondering if anyone would like to play sometime, you can get intouch with me at:


hope to play you all soon :)

03-11-2005, 23:31
Hi Armouredgoo!!! You can play multi with some people, we have a multiplayer database in the 1602 yahoo club! You can find people to play with you. I myself i am maniac for multiplayer. take a look in the link in my signature and if you are not a member yet, you can then join! Note: itīs a better idea if you have Yahoo Messenger then you can chat with people that wants to play with ;-)

04-11-2005, 10:05
Hello again, ive joined the group ^^ should be fun, 121 members i see, Nice!

well, hope to be able to play with somepeople soon.

05-11-2005, 08:37
Hmmm, Helen and the other 2 who played the last game together with me (We had those game, where each player got one island for his own and the others are shared by tha same 2 players, :wink:.....): When are we going to continue? How about saturday in a week in the evening?

05-11-2005, 15:54
Hmmm, Helen and the other 2 who played the last game together with me (We had those game, where each player got one island for his own and the others are shared by tha same 2 players, :wink:.....): When are we going to continue? How about saturday in a week in the evening?

I'm in for that :)

Heinrich VI.
05-11-2005, 16:11
Hi all!!

I am a great fan of playing multiplayer with other guys who like Anno 1602 (1602 A.D.) as I do. So it is Saturday and I donīt intend to go out somewhere, so who is going to play with me? I wish to have three players if possible. So just make a note or add me to your lists (ICQ, MSN, YIM).

I am from Germany, I have the german vision of 1602. I hope that is not a problem, maybe with the compatibility?!


Heinrich VI.

05-11-2005, 17:40
Hi all!!

I am from Germany, I have the german vision of 1602. I hope that is not a problem, maybe with the compatibility?!


Heinrich VI.

I think you are limited to players who also have the German wersion! From what I have been told. There are players in the Us that have bought the German version and have both US and German versions installed so they can broaden their multiplay community!
I hope to have the German version soon so I can multiplay with some of my friends from Germany!

Dread Pirate Terry
06-11-2005, 03:58
Hi all!!

I am a great fan of playing multiplayer with other guys who like Anno 1602 (1602 A.D.) as I do. So it is Saturday and I donīt intend to go out somewhere, so who is going to play with me? I wish to have three players if possible. So just make a note or add me to your lists (ICQ, MSN, YIM).

I am from Germany, I have the german vision of 1602. I hope that is not a problem, maybe with the compatibility?!


Heinrich VI.

At the end of message #108 of this thread is the link to Helen's 1602 Yahoo Club. If you check the database there you will find a list of Anno multiplayers including which versions of the game they have. I notice you are fluent in English & German, an excellent candidate for a multi- continent multi-player game! :go:

Dread Pirate Terry
06-11-2005, 04:06
Hmmm, Helen and the other 2 who played the last game together with me (We had those game, where each player got one island for his own and the others are shared by tha same 2 players, :wink:.....): When are we going to continue? How about saturday in a week in the evening?

Sounds good to me as well!
If we want to continue a game started nine months ago, it seems I have a four player .szm file made from our savegame from last February. I would prefer to just start a fresh game but I'll go along with the wishes of the majority. Saturday the 12th. would most likely work for me too, what is our time difference now, 7/8 hours?
What about you mamayourpeoplearehungry?

07-11-2005, 08:08
We can start a new one or just continue this one. I still got it here and know what we were about, :wink:........

08-11-2005, 00:55
I will try to join all of you for the game. I do have a small problem with the old workhorse computer I usually play multi on though I will try to solve it this week. The dvd drive on the machine is not functioning and when we play the German version, it needs a disk in to play. I will try to get my computer hardware expert (also called my husband) to fix it this week. Off to the CDW catalog.

Also I would like to continue the game we started. It was just getting to the good part, right Robitoby. :wink: :plot: :cheers:

08-11-2005, 14:41
Hehehe, sounds like the ladies want to take us out, DPT......... :biggrin:

Dread Pirate Terry
09-11-2005, 01:58
I'm pretty sure which of these ladies has exactly that in mind! :knight:

11-11-2005, 06:04
Ok I have a computer ready for the game on Saturday! I got my laptop going good for multi and I even tested it in the anno version. :go:

Let me know when we will meet