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15-01-2005, 02:44
are the developers ever going to make a patch that makes this game a little bit predictable and continuous?
for example, the pictures are always different everytime u play again, and the province bonuses always change each time u play, and most annoyingly, the special units change!!
I was playin as england and won, but couldn't create Tutonic Knights till I took over east germany, and they are by far the best units in the game, then I played again thinkin "this time I'll play as the tutonic order and have the best army" but this time EVERY province in the game bould make tutonic knights!!
what's goin on!! the map seems to be randomly generated everytime you play!!

15-01-2005, 02:46
it makes the easy game more complicated thats all why would u want to beat it the same way

15-01-2005, 02:49
I'd just like a game where you know which kingdoms can produce which units! I mean, if ya wanna make this game more realistic, then each kigdom would only be able to produce their own units, I somehow doubt the french would be able to produce tutonic knights or the swedes can make roman infrantry. plus its a cheat wen u play as the tutonic order and the major bonus (the knights) is lost cos everyone can make them.! :angry:

15-01-2005, 02:56
yes it might be more historicaly accurate but to me this forum is dead this game is dead and no wonder why its not in north america this game is really bad

15-01-2005, 12:30
If this game is so bad, why did you bother getting the game, and even more astoundingly, why are you still lurking its forum?

15-01-2005, 13:52
if your the tutonic order then your special unit is the tuntonic kinght so when you go onto the political view about where tutonic kinghts are then there everywhere because U can get them anywhere

15-01-2005, 16:30
ahh right! cheers the for the bit bout the teutonic knights!
and this game isn't that bad! it has some big pit falls, but that's all!
and the reason its not really out in North America is cos everyone knows the americans cant do strategy!, simple shoot 'em up is all they can manage!! :biggrin:

15-01-2005, 22:58
This game infact is too predictable. The changing resources of provinces at least adds a small challenge to the start of the game, however the poor AI lacks any form of challenge. It took a few hours to beat the computer on hard as a single province nation. There is no fun in winning a game with such ease. The only thing delaying it was the inevitable uprisings.

Sir Turylon
16-01-2005, 06:52
Excuse my Mr Brit. Do not confuse American gamers with console gamers. If I recall, it was an American strategy that won WW2. :cheers:

But no, I get what you are saying. Gamers have gotten lazy to the point that if the game isn't made in 3D, it's not worth their time. :nono:

16-01-2005, 13:35
WTF!! dont get me started on WW2! yank's save the day my arse! we just needed enough stupid people for cannon fodder! but enough of that! this is about the game! and its a well known fact that NTSC console games are made easier for the american market! u ever played GT3 on PAL and NTSC, the NTSC is soooo slow its unreal!

16-01-2005, 13:40
yea, I agree, the game is little too predictable in cases that should be more random and little too random in cases that should be more predictable(province features-fertile soil in Helvetia while Silver is in Lombardy)
about units, as pointed out:
each kingdom has own kingdom special units, so France can buy feudal knights everywhere, TO can buty teutonic knights and Mameluks mameluks, but for most of other kingdoms these units are just regional(province special units)

16-01-2005, 19:41
what the game needs is an optional randomisation button, like when ya chosing ya country, ya should like have pre-defined province bonuses and troops or ya can have them all random.

Sir Turylon
16-01-2005, 20:50
Aye Richard, that it does. It would also be nice if there was also more than one "map" to play on as well. wouldn't it be great if you could recreate the unification of the HRE? Or wouldn't it be a smashing hit if you could re-create the unification of the British Isles.

Let me clarify something posted before so Angryminer doesn't blow a gasket.

The American strategy in WW2, which I posted, was in the PACIFIC theater. It was an American strategy, undertaken by British, Aussie, Chinese, Guinean, American, Canadian, and over forces. This strategy brought abotu the downfall of the last member of the axis, bringing the war to an end. Cheers to the Brits who doggedly held out against the Whermacht. So no attempt was made to belittle their contribution... contrary to what some might think. So chill, and knock a tankerd back.. sing songs of the old RAF and the 8th... and remember the greatest generation.. la la la... :cheers:

Remember, the only thing that seperates the Americans and the British is a common language. :cheers:

16-01-2005, 22:15
and a few deeply bedded beliefs and social ideology!

16-01-2005, 23:49
and our weatehr is as gloomy either :silly: But it was more than troiops being used as connon fodder,and if the us didn't get involved at all most of europe would be speaking german,because if I recall I beleave the RAF was just about done with the constant air attacks.FAct not fiction.And I would also say that the US supplied england with some need supplies.SO We did bail all of europe out of 2 wars.

17-01-2005, 00:29
err!! excuse me!! u didn't SUPPLIY us, u SOLD us things!! and in fact, after the battle of Britain was WON in 1941 the UK was increasing arecraft and pilot output every month, and after the Russians had started pressin into german territory and the germans had lost to Montgomery in Africa, and the turks took back their ports, THEN the US joined the war, it was pratically won! I dont doubt that the yanks gave that vital bit of support that ended the war sooner, but u were far from VITAL in the overall victory, so stop takin credit for things u dint do, and just accept that u helped, yeah, helped!! dint bail us out!! yanks **** fight their way out of a paper bag! noted by the fact that the US hasn't won a single war without the british!! need I mention Vietnam!! where 250,000 troops lost to an army, the british had beaten 2 weeks earlier with a standin garrison of 15,000!

17-01-2005, 01:51
The great Brits are some of the best warriors ever to walk the Earth. They were only completely conquored by William of Normandy as we all know. Hilter would have never beaten the Brits and had taken the British mainland. However, in my opinion if the US never had entered the war the lonely Brits would have only had taken back North Afica and maybe some of Europe. They would have never been able to have a successful land on Normandy. They only could have won the war by buying some of the US's nuclear techonlogy and would have won by bombing the Nazis back into the stone age.

So if US hadn't entered the war, Germany would be a radioactive wasteland and the rest of Europe would be talking English and Russian.

So the moral of the story, never pick a fight with a Brit b/c you can't win. :cheers:

Back to the topic. That is a wonderful idea Richard. Maybe that could be in the next patch or add-on if there is one.

17-01-2005, 01:56
ok, one thing there!! the A-bomb was developed and designed and practically invented at blechly park (prolly spelt wrong) then GIVEN to the yanks because they could build the uranium enrichmant plant with worry of it bein bombed by the nazi and completely contaminate half of the south east!!! and secondly, if u knew ur history, which being american, am sure u dont, the NORMANS!! are in fact english!! they were viking and english (cornish to be precise) who left england... england controlled what is now france all the way down to the french/spanish border, so :P.. neway, enough!! back to the game!!
who thinks the developers should have made it so that once ur votin Supreme ruler of europe, u can actually play as Supreme ruler!!??

17-01-2005, 02:33
If this game is so bad, why did you bother getting the game, and even more astoundingly, why are you still lurking its forum?
buddy i have been on this forum way longer then u and i think with a total of 12 posts u can tell me off I THINK NOT

17-01-2005, 11:49
Calm It down sir knights, Everybody has a right to there say, as long as there's no mud slinging.

Soome good Idea's here, lets hope another patch will be made and thease Incorperated.

With the Mecen camps all over the world map, you can pick all sorts of units for your Armies.
I was Playing England and could get Turkish troops from merc camps.

I would like to see a bit more realistic game play, but can live with the way It is. :cheers: