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15-05-2006, 12:39
what do you search? I could help you.

Plague covered almost all of Europe, I can find you that several regions that were exceptions of this epidemy...

15-05-2006, 13:21
In the moment i am looking inside the pc about the plague, but this event comes only in the 1348..ok, ok i think i cannot find a real provinces ...plague begins in genoa..about some provinces with a event the famine,,,do you know good places??

15-05-2006, 13:48
famine is good for all provinces.
It was regular part of medieval life. When there was bad harvest 2-4 years in row, a famine emerged

15-05-2006, 13:52
i think ,the best is i am placing the events plague in the age 1350 often and in the century 1000 and 1200 very less. The event Famine place i in every century equal. So, is the best i go home for work on my pc now. thx elvain.

15-05-2006, 14:07
Plague starts in Sicily and southern Italy (1347) and then spreads into Europe very rapidly in 1348-1350

territorries that are excluded from the epidemy are (in language of KoH provinces): Brandenburg, Bohemia, Silesia, Mazovia, Krakow, and Sandomierz (in Holy Rome, damn I don't remember how is it called originaly - the province east of Mazovia) + maybe also Galicia

there were also small Islands thet remained plagueless:
territory around those cities: Milan, Nürnberg, Liege/Luttych and Brugge. So you can exclude provinces also these provinces:
Bavaria(in HRE don't know the original bad name), Flanders, Lorraine (in HR it's Luxembourg) and maybe also Aquitaine as small region in northwest Pyrenees remained healthy

1347: everything east and south of: Thrace, Crimea, Azov and Libya(El-Alamein) + Cyprus, Sicily, Provence and Sardiny
1348: Crete, rest of Africa (west of Libya)entire Spain, France (Except Champagne)Italy, and regions south of saved(yet) provinces of: Flanders, Champagne, Alsace, Helvetia, Tyrolia, Bavaria, Austria, Buda(Felvidék), Transylvania, Moldavia, Jedisan. Plague hits also Cornwall and Kent
1349: ecerything south of: Saxony, Mecklenburg, Brandenburg ... Galicia, Kiev + plague hits Jutland, western norway and all of Britain and Ireland
1350: plague is in Scandinavia, coast of Poland, Prussia, and south Russia (the line of Kiev)
1351: rest of Russia, Baltic states and Finland

so put plague rarely in 1200 and largely into 1350. Famine, as you said should be spreaded in all eras equaly in high middle ages famine was not so normal as in early and late (1000, 1350)

17-05-2006, 07:50
Very good, Laudan! It sounds really great! Can't wait to fix my comp at home and try it out...

Btw, Happy Birthday! :cheers: :bday:

P.S. Can entirely new quests be made, i.e. you write the text, the conditions of the event, the consequences and such? Let's say that I want to create a new quest for a peasant rebellion in Moesia, so that I can recreate the story of the peasant-king Ivailo (or something like Joan of Arc). So, all from a sudden appears a message, which asks you f.e. either to hire "..." as a knight or to face the rebellion, or something like that. Can this happen?

20-05-2006, 13:31

I happly install this mod...enter it...and....bum...the game is in GERMAN :angry: :angry: :bash:

27-05-2006, 12:50
Pet, you have right. In the moment i translate all these mods into english. The german version with the events is finished (over 200 events) and i am working for an english version. :scratch:

For the events you become from me a readMe file, in which you can see where i place all the events. This readMe file is a big help for the modders to place new events.
The new Version with randomly events (english Version) is now out!

I hope insteadly that the version have no bugs! If you find a bug write it down.

For all players, who dont like the events:

First: open Texts and throw away the Quest file

Second: open defs and throw away the Quest file

After this you have the english version without events.

In the EventsHelp file stand where are the events placed. Better you look not inside.:cheers: :go:

By the way 3 min in the game are 1 year. Please not think that the events come fast!!

27-05-2006, 19:52
Well done Laudan! I'll have a look at the effects and the modding capabilities once I find the time! :go: :cheers:

02-06-2006, 01:42
In the moment i stay in a library to looks for books of the old ages.But the time, when comes the event there is random.

Map (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/dc/Bubonic_plague_map.PNG/300px-Bubonic_plague_map.PNG)

Map (http://www.coloradocollege.edu/Dept/HY/Ashley/hy105/Map_-_Spread_of_the_Black_Death.JPG)

Map (http://www.thetech.org/genetics/images/ask/plague_spread_europe.jpg)
Very good, Laudan! It sounds really great!

I second that!

07-06-2006, 12:13
I am updated the mod. Now the taxes and town tributes of the player are very low and the AI become more taxes.

19-06-2006, 13:13
great, but where can I found the download link?

Maybe I am silly, but when I click at link you provide for download, I can see the rapidshare main page, but I can't find how to download your mod :sad:

19-06-2006, 22:05
Scroll down, click "Free" located after "Select your download:". Then wait half a minute or so (countdown) and select a server (with the least users), type the security code and click "download from Mirror ###" :go:
It's not the most userfriendly download-site, you're right Elvain.

19-06-2006, 22:15
thx, Doux :go:

20-06-2006, 23:44
is playing with this mod a challenge? Is it much harder than without it?
also how many things do i install? Is there just one download or a couple? I want it with all the features you've done and hard as possible.
I'm installing now, I am very excited, I think this may solve our problems.

22-06-2006, 22:51
This mod is simply amazing, its soo much harder. I played as Bohemia and three times in a row I was completely conquored, even though I tried my hardest. I'll have to be careful about declaring war and dealing with rebellions next time.

Is there a way to get rid of the garrison ability for the player?

26-06-2006, 19:07
I actually just installed the special version you posted in the other thread, but you posted two links, how do install them both? Anyways it seems to be working. Are there any other differences in the special as opposed to this one? Also please view the thread i recently made about your mod, I'm having a few technical issues and some gameplay questions.
maybe i should just reinstall the mod you posted on this thread and do that change you suggested to take out the garrison.

I have a question though, do you find it to be more fun with or without the garrison ability? Which way do you prefer? are there any balancing issues when playing without a garrison?

16-07-2006, 06:33
so many things to do!
I cant find a correct way!
my eyes is in tired.
my dear brother. why don't you creat a EXE.
after that. you got perfect.

16-07-2006, 11:56

Click the downloadlink

Scroll down, click "Free" located after "Select your download:". Then wait half a minute or so (countdown) and select a server (with the least users), type the security code and click "download from Mirror ###"

First delete any MOD from the Knights of Honor folder.
Extract the files in the archive to your Knights of Honor folder. If the defs, maps, images and texts are there the installation should be complete.

INFO: After you play your kingdom you must change first your taxes to no taxes!!!
After you changing the taxes to no taxis you can change the taxes if you will.
If you use the cheat bsswitch , so you must start your game with the last savingpoint, because the cheat bsswitch make the new taxespoint unable.

16-07-2006, 12:37
Thank you my lord laudan.
Forgive my foolish.what is delete any mod? where is it? and how to delete?
It seems the resoures is not available.
your MOD is a folder or a file? how big it is?
thank you with my heart. and my family admire you!