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07-02-2007, 11:22
Am i blind or there isn`t a download link?:confused:
Laudan can i apply only the events on 1.5 KOH and if so is there a download link just for the events files?
ps:are the vents in english???

07-02-2007, 15:15
Didn't KP raise over time up to KP=0, even without investments? Or is this changed in Mod or with patch?

btw, what happens, if one falls in bancrupt?
it rises but very slowly. With the actual (patch 1.05) state, large Ai kingdoms have too heavy KP money penalty that there is no way they can rise it and do anything (the KP penalty is so high that the kingdom would have to release most of it's knights to get to green numbers (what the Ai rarely does) and then wait untill the treasury enables increase of the KP (but the AI will neverwait. Once it has enough mnoney, it will always buy new knights and then get again down to red numbers.

This is neverending circle and I call it that AI bancrupts

09-02-2007, 07:45
ANSWER me please!!!

Am i blind or there isn`t a download link?
Laudan can i apply only the events on 1.5 KOH and if so is there a download link just for the events files?
ps:are the vents in english???

09-02-2007, 08:22
ANSWER me please!!!

Am i blind or there isn`t a download link?
Laudan can i apply only the events on 1.5 KOH and if so is there a download link just for the events files?
ps:are the vents in english???

Hallo patriot1,

In the moment give it no download link. The events are in english.
The events work not with the mapchange from Elvain, but later you can use it with the mapchange from Elvain. For the mapchange i must change some files in the events.
The download link comes later, at time i work on the new version.

09-02-2007, 09:30
Hallo patriot1,

In the moment give it no download link. The events are in english.
The events work not with the mapchange from Elvain, but later you can use it with the mapchange from Elvain. For the mapchange i must change some files in the events.
The download link comes later, at time i work on the new version.

ok thank you hope to see them soon in my game!:cool: