View Full Version : MOD HARD "Invasion"
NB. Before you use this mod, INSTALL THE 1.03 PATCH. It is used as base for all other modifications and some of you may be satisfied with it so you don't need to use unofficial mods of Knight of Honor.
This is not for those who have the american version, where patch 1.03 is already installed!
MOD HARD" Invasion " English version
NOTE: The files were last updated on 25. 08. 2006
THIS MOD make KOH playable.
***NEW***Now the mod is finished and you see in the first time big rebelsarmy in your kingdom! Now you must build strong cities for defend and you must choose the right ability of your own marschalls. Its a long way to become abilities and you must now often look behind in your kingdom. Rebelsarmy must you defead fast or your proplems growing up. The another kingdom send to you five armys and all have nine squads, if the kingdoms have enough gold. Its not enough, you see now marschalls (with the engineering ability first step)comes with catapults and not more ballistas for destroying your walls!
Marschallskill ability------------------ siege machine
engineering first star----------------- catapults and battering ram
engineering second star-------------- trebuchets
engineering third star----------------- ballistas
And now the AI recruit laddermens and battering ram from the town with a siege workshop ! The rebels and loyalist used laddermens and battering ram due. Laddermens attacks units in the field. You will see the AI with laddermens and later ( if the knights have the ability ) the catapults, rams, trebuchets and ballistas.
The exotics come from following buildings:
spice--------------market; ivory------------harbour; gems-------------admirality; silk----------merchant guild;
ebony------------library; sugar-----------bakery; amber-----------coast guard
But this is not all, the AI make now more alliances and NAP ( NotAttackPakt ) with the AI in the beginning of the game, this mean, if the AI have more then 2 alliances your troubles grow up!!! The rebells or sympathisants comes in 360/480/600/720 mens, but you see 360 mens often. Per kingdom have only one uprising.( Can have sometimes two uprising ( only loyalist ) in the same provinces). After one plunder, the rebels/sympathisants becomes one star and one elitesquad.
The AI will never have a peace with you in the war, except the AI have too much lost armys! The wartimes are now longer, hope not for a short war. Now, the AI play very well!!
Clerics and spy do his work and every kingdom have a powerful army. The AI changes his squads into strong squads. The player have now low income, but the AI have a little more income as the player. Your kingdom will see over 150 events. Also after 20 provinces in your own kingdom your kingdom have never to much gold.
Have a fun with these MOD! Many things i change ! The AI build all buildings. TEST IT!!! and you see big kingdoms and strong armies. Till up 30 armies can come in your kingdom! Becareful! TEST THIS MOD for one hour and you will like it. ---All squads have 30 mens ( farmers and romans 40, guards 20 ). Bows-and crossbowattackvalues higher. New armourdefs: chain = 20; scale = 30; plate = 40. --- The moralbase is now 13 instead of 10, but if you dont like the new moralbase , so open defs/Misc and take out the moral IN2 file. Notice: The moralbase of 13 is good for the AI, if they will attack a castle. ---The AI used all kingdom advantages. --- Trench i take out from the game. The AI have more buildingsplaces. --- Farmers and builders have now the bonuses of 3 , not more 1. --- The game start very quiet, but then explode the game! If you attack a kingdom look of his alliances or you die quickley. My TIP: Play the game without the pause-function. Deactivated the pause -function. Fight the battle self. The AI can only use nine squads, so is the best way that the player use nine squads due. In the moment the player can use 13 squads with the siegemachinery.
Here comes the downloadlink:
Important:You must start a new game and cannot used your old saves because the mod have many new feature.
You must start this MOD in the level hard!!
First delete any MOD from the Knights of Honor folder.
Extract the files in the archive to your Knights of Honor folder. If the defs, maps, images and texts are there the installation should be complete.
Important: After you play your kingdom you must change first your taxes to no taxes!!!After you changing the taxes to no taxis you can change the taxes if you will. You must make this everytime, if you start a new kingdom.
If you use the cheat bsswitch , so you must start your game with the last savingpoint, because the cheat bsswitch make the new taxespoint unable.
MOD HARD Limited look post #3
Boosterpack NordicBattlefields for MOD HARD Invasion look post #4
If you want that the AI become more gold
open defs/Misc/econst in the mod:
; tax rates (per 100 population)
Tax0 = 0
Tax1 = 100
Tax2 = 0
Tax3 = 0
Tax4 = 10
WarTaxesPerVillager = 30
WarTaxesRecoveryTime = 300000
Tax1 used the AI
Tax4 used the Player.
Change the tax1 after you wish.
MOD HARD Limited conditions 04.01.2007
In italic written shows the changes.
Before you uses my Mod, your play must have the Patchversion 1,03. The American version has already the version 1.03. For the Patch see post #1
The changes in detail:
The degree of difficulty:
[hard] ;
economy_tick = 2500
economy_tick = 12000
military_tick = 1000
min_invade_army_squads = 9
min_defend_army_squads = 9
max_invade_armies = 30
invade_levels = 1, 8, 3, 16, 5, 30
conquer_last_realm = 80
Note: The Economi part runs now in the best way! The AI builds all buildings! Military buildings are built all, whereby the building is to be always found cauldrons over 10x. The building bulwark will possess nearly each city to the end. Even the building the merchant guild is built, yet this building is genuinly rare. Maximally 30 armies can break in into your country. With their own province 8 armies come!! Sometimes I think it am more (probably fancy!). Tries out it nevertheless times and explains to all surrounding countries the war! The degree of difficulty functions!! The water ditch was removed. Altogether three free building sites were created.
The king family cannot select occupations. Knights must be enlisted.
Maintenance costs trebled for the cleric and spy. For the first marshal one does not pay maintenance. (Thereby prevented that the AI in the fight the marshal dissolves if no more gold is there)
The AI clerics convert repeatedly the provinces and the AI spies are very active.
Trader, builder and farmer are now more useful. Straight small countries will appreciate this advantage. That is, the trader, builder and farmer have now a Boni of 3 instead of 1. It is worthwhile itself to really use five stars a trader in a city with commodities as city owners.
In the play it will give over 150 events for the player. (An error was corrected and new values and text fixed for an event)
The events:
F = Famine x 90
P = Plague x 34
Re = Revolt x 10
R = Religion x 10
Rw = Religionswar x 5
K = Kingfamily x 10
M = minoritypay x 20
Holy = Crown of Christi x 1
C = Crusade x 8
Kath = Katharer x 2
islamdown x 3
orthodoxdown x 3
catholicdown x 3
The position of power brings in no more gold! The position of power serves for it the resistance in that own country to break. For this like always gold and piousness must be invested. With a high position of power you can place safely the taxes on the highest stage. The taxes are also times used by this change.
The taxes are for 10 inhabitant units 1 gold. With a taxes the rebellion risk +5 rises. The AI uses only the normal taxes. The AI has a higher taxes.
The city tributes were reduced. Some cities cannot pay tributes. Only economic buildings make possible this.
The marshal needs to need the combat units for a level now somewhat longer and for the acquisition of an experience star also somewhat longer.
The following changes in the abilities:
engineering 1.level can lead catapults and battering ram
engineering 2.level can lead Trebuchets
engineering 3.level can lead ballists
Tactician: The values were lowered.
Battering ram and laddermen ARE USED BY the AI! The initial costs of the siegemachinery devices one lowered, because the AI replaced always approves of units by more expensive units. Thus, since only 9 unit places are to the AI at the disposal, expensive units (Ballistas, catapults and Trebuchets) were never replaced, which leads to an attenuation of the AI.
The laddermen and battering rams can the AI for the first time from a city with a siege workshop recruit.
Rebels and Loyalist use laddermen and battering ram. In the mercenary camp laddermen and battering ram are available. The laddermen will participate actively now in the open battleground in the fight. Laddermen have a increased moral. All siege weapons are along-computed in the battle led by the computer.
Rebels or sympathizers arise in the strength of 720/600/480/and 360 men, whereby the 360 men is the rule. Per kingdom only one army will rise. (In rare cases two loyalist army). All farmer units are replaced by better units. Fight thus as fast as possible. After a plundering the army receives an experience star (3% combat strength) and an elite unit.
The AI can use all royal achievements!
The exotic goods are supplied by the following buildings:
Silk-----------------Merchant guild
Sugar---------------Baker's shop
amber------------Coast guard
Excommunication halves the acquisition of piety, books and reduces the income and the armies has -3 to the moral.
All kingdoms will set up five armies with 9 units. At the beginning of the play only the largest kingdoms for this able will be! Is sufficient gold available the kingdoms up to five armies will set up. Each kingdom represents a danger for the own kingdom. The player may not underestimate small kingdoms.
To the military units.
All range combat attack values were increased! All units consist of 30 men (farmer and Roman Infantrie 40; City guards 20). The arms protection was evaluated after the following: chain=20, scale=30, Plate=40. Range that crossbows increases.
I recommend you the battle themselves strike, because then will it nearly always, if a second hostile army in range be, with two army do have. Many of these second armies are in the not visible range.
The following provinces will use new battlegrounds:
In the high north:
Archangelsk, Karelien, Nyland, Finland, Norrland, Götaland, Trondelag
In the alpine region:
Bavaria, Hessen, Switzerland, Austria, Brandenburg, Tirol, Salzburg, Istrien
The battlegrounds:
Field 30 = winters, Holzfällercamp
Field 31 = winters, frozen over river
Field 32 = summers, standard
Field 33 = summers, large lake
Field 34 = winters, standard
Field 35 = summers, taiga
Field 36 = winters, harbour
Field 37 = summers, harbour
Field 38 = winters
Field 39 = summers, Waterfall
Field 40 = winters
Field 41 = summers, bridge
Field 42 = winters, extinct volcano
Field 43 = winters, fastening away
Field 44 = summers, taiga
Field 45 = winters, plateau
To the play: At the beginning everything will be calm and it will become only few conflicts to be there. Do not let you however be deceptive by this peace! Everything can change! Peace conclusions with the AI are more difficult and the wars last longer. The AI will constantly exchange its combat units to better combat units. This happens also in times of peace. Your kingdom will not swim also after over 20 own provinces in gold.
Those personalities Mod Klassik is used, who wants can again those personalities MOD INVASION and InvadeIII use. See for this more in to post the #5.
Old Saves cannot be used. You must download “MOD HARD Limited” of the following left:
The Download is large over 12 MB.
Installation instruction:
1. If in the KoH file another MOD is present already, these delete.
2. The defs file from the zip file into the KoH file copy.
3. The map file from the zip file into the KoH file copy.
4. The text file from the zip file into the KoH file copy.
5. The image file from the zip file into the Koh file copy.
Importantly: After you play your kingdom you must change first your taxes to no taxes!!!After you changing the taxes to no taxis you can change the taxes if you will. You must make this everytime, if you start a new kingdom.
If you use the cheat bsswitch , so you must start your game with the last savingpoint, because the cheat bsswitch make the new taxespoint unable.
The new battlegrounds are activated in the new play, after you save your game and then load the save game. After this the program use the new battlegrounds. You must make this everytime, if you start a new kingdom.
The play should be played in the stage heavy! You can play the play in addition, in the other stages. The player should play only with maximally nine units (also laddermen, battering rams, ballists, catapults and Trebuchets count as units) per marshal, since the AI can use only nine units.
Today you can downloading for the MOD HARD Invasion the boosterpack NordicBattlefields. You will see 16 new battlefields.
Nine winter battlefields ( one of them is a harbor ) and seven summer battlefields ( one of them is a harbor ).
In followings provinces you will see the new battlefields:
The northern:
Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Nyland, Finland, Norrland, Gotland, Trondelag
The alpins :
Bavaria, Franconia, Helvetia, Austria, Brandenburg, Tyrolia, Salzburg, Istria
The battlefields:
Field 30 = Winter
Field 31 = Winter, freezing river
Field 32 = Summer, norm
Field 33 = Summer, Lake
Field 34 = Winter, norm
Field 35 = Summer, Taiga
Field 36 = Winter, harbor
Field 37 = Summer, harbor
Field 38 = Winter
Field 39 = Summer, Waterfall
Field 40 = Winter
Field 41 = Summer, bridge
Field 42 = Winter, dead vulcano
Field 43 = Winter, guarded
Field 44 = Summer, Taiga
Field 45 = Winter, Plateau
First: Open the KoH folder and take out the maps from the MOD HARD Invasion.
Second: Now you place the maps from the download in this Koh folder.
Important: You must save your game and then load the save game. After this the program use the new battlefields. You must make this everytime, if you start a new kingdom.
Der Downloadlink:
Der Download ist 10,4MB gross.
Here can you see four personalities:
Open in the Mod defs/Misc/personalities:
name = ai;neutral
Pacifism = 30
Diplomacy = 50
Expansionism = 60
Espionage = 50
Humanism = 50
Honor = 50
Greed = 60
Arrogance = 60
name = ai;evil
Pacifism = 20
Diplomacy = 50
Expansionism = 80
Espionage = 80
Humanism = 20
Honor = 20
Greed = 80
Arrogance = 80
name = ai;good
Pacifism = 80
Diplomacy = 80
Expansionism = 50
Espionage = 50
Humanism = 80
Honor = 80
Greed = 20
Arrogance = 20
FearMaxRatio = 200
ArrogMaxRatio = 77
Notice: The game start very quiet, but then explode the game! If you attack a kingdom look of his alliances or you die quickley. At the beginning of the game the AI make a lot of alliances.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
MOD Finalversion
Open in the Mod defs/Misc/personalities:
name = ai;neutral
Pacifism = 30
Diplomacy = 50
Expansionism = 70
Espionage = 50
Humanism = 50
Honor = 50
Greed = 60
Arrogance = 60
name = ai;evil
Pacifism = 20
Diplomacy = 50
Expansionism = 80
Espionage = 75
Humanism = 20
Honor = 20
Greed = 80
Arrogance = 80
name = ai;good
Pacifism = 80
Diplomacy = 80
Expansionism = 50
Espionage = 50
Humanism = 80
Honor = 80
Greed = 20
Arrogance = 20
FearMaxRatio = 200
ArrogMaxRatio = 200
Notice: wars over wars
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Open in the Mod defs/Misc/personalities:
name = ai;neutral
Pacifism = 50
Diplomacy = 50
Expansionism = 50
Espionage = 50
Humanism = 50
Honor = 50
Greed = 50
Arrogance = 50
name = ai;evil
Pacifism = 25
Diplomacy = 50
Expansionism = 75
Espionage = 75
Humanism = 25
Honor = 25
Greed = 75
Arrogance = 75
name = ai;good
Pacifism = 75
Diplomacy = 75
Expansionism = 50
Espionage = 50
Humanism = 75
Honor = 75
Greed = 25
Arrogance = 25
FearMaxRatio = 200
ArrogMaxRatio = 200
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mod Klassik
Open in the Mod defs/Misc/personalities:
name = ai;neutral
Pacifism = 100
Diplomacy = 50
Expansionism = 50
Espionage = 50
Humanism = 50
Honor = 50
Greed = 50
Arrogance = 50
name = ai;evil
Pacifism = 25
Diplomacy = 50
Expansionism = 75
Espionage = 75
Humanism = 25
Honor = 25
Greed = 75
Arrogance = 75
name = ai;good
Pacifism = 100
Diplomacy = 75
Expansionism = 50
Espionage = 50
Humanism = 75
Honor = 75
Greed = 25
Arrogance = 25
FearMaxRatio = 200
ArrogMaxRatio = 200
Notice: At the beginning of the game they have only a handful wars. You will see big kingdoms and the AI play very well. The player will become proplems. My favrite personalities.
The personalities are the engine of Koh!
Who will, can change the personalities .
open defs/Misc/econst :
KPIMinRealms = 1
KPIMaxRealms = 30
KPIMinTime = 300
KPIMaxTime = 1800
KPProdMod = 0
In the original KOH is the KPProdMod value 10.In the MOD HARD" Invasion " is the value 0.
0 make that you become for the kingdompower no gold.
Change the value of -10.What happens.For the kingdompower" + "you must pay gold for games,partys and another things for the folk!
For the kingdompower "-" you become gold from the nobels in your countries,because they have fear about the folk burning and plundering your lands.
The big kingdoms with many provinces have now not too much gold more.Test it and you will see.But the other side of the medal is,that the AI have not too much gold more for building armies.The AI need too much gold.Its a option.
In the next update comes the events famine, plague and so on. I find a way that the programm used the events. In the moment i must write some new editiors for the KOH programm. In six weeks i present the new update.
In the next update comes the events famine, plague and so on. I find a way that the programm used the events. In the moment i must write some new editiors for the KOH programm. In six weeks i present the new update.
do you mean iot seriously? that's simply great :hello:
In the next update comes the events famine, plague and so on. I find a way that the programm used the events. In the moment i must write some new editiors for the KOH programm. In six weeks i present the new update.
Good job Lauden:go: That sounds very good!!!
13-05-2006, 07:08
In the next update comes the events famine, plague and so on. I find a way that the programm used the events. In the moment i must write some new editiors for the KOH programm. In six weeks i present the new update.
Yeah, cool! We were just talking about that with Elvain in the Paradox forum.
Have you found a way to activate all events or only the famines? Cuz, while I was browsing through the game files, I thought that all the quests look cool, especially f.e. "search for a Holy Relic".
Hallo all together,
in the moment i have too much work with the events. Every province becomes ten events. For example : palestina can have ten times the event plague. If you give 160 province every ten events so i must write 1600 event with diffrents variable. Now i need ideas....In which provinces was in the dark age the plague..or in which provinces come the famine often..hey help me and write down your suggestion. I cant broken the hard codes, but i find a way too make the game a little more interesting.. Now i need many events story for some provinces...write down your event story and write down which variables do you thing to change for the kingdom who have the provinces..only the variables piety, kingdompower,gold and books i can change with the events..write down your the way, the events are only effected the own kingdom..perhaps i think this is in the moment the best..the KI have a hard life so far.
13-05-2006, 16:08
You got the pleague/famine/etc-events to work? I'd like to know how you did that. I looked a while at those but never thought they'd work.
I am equally interested - this sounds really amazing Laudan!
HMm, thinking of it - did you do something like making a quest file like this one?:
event_id = event_famine
affect = player
reward = player
periods = early
calc_for_provinces = Palestina
Hi all, i cant make this project events alone, because the work is too much and i can used not the hardcoded programm. first i make the german version, after i must translated the german version into the english version. Now my suggested for the english modders: do you want make the english version?
Ok,now here comes the instruction:
open Text/Quest
filename of the editor: event_religion ; The word in bolt can you change ,if you want and you can make new events!
1 = %5Kent% leidet unter dem Glauben
1 = Ein Repräsentant der Kirche ist in der Provinz %5Kent% angekommen. Er ist erbost über das was in Eurem %5<KINGHOOD> <KINGDOM>% vorgeht. Er rät zur Umkehr !
1 = Wir werden das Beste tun.
1 = Unser <KINGHOOD> <KINGDOM> verliert <ADDPIETY1> an Frömmigkeit.
1 = Ich bin das Oberhaupt und Ich entscheide hier !
1 = Ihr gewinnt <ADDPOWER2> an Machtposition. Eure Frömmigkeit sinkt um <ADDPIETY2>.
open defs/Quest:
filename of the editor: unite_[B]10 ;the bolt can you change, i used numbers !
event_id = event_religion
affect = player
reward = player
periods = late, high, early
calc_for_kingdoms = Abassids, Aleppo, Algeires, Anglia, Antioch, Aragon, Armenia, Athens, Austria, Bagdad, Bdin, Berbers, Bohemia, Bosnia, Brandenburg, Brittany, Bulgaria, Burgundy, Byzantia, Castilia, Cordoba, Cork, Croatia, Cumans, Cyprus, Damask, Danemark, Dobrudzha, England, Epir, Fatimids, France, Gelre, Genoa, Georgia, Germany, Golden Horde, Granada, Hannover, Highlands, Hungary, Ilkhanids, Ireland, Italy, Jerusalem, Karaman, Kazan, Khazars, Kiev, Latins, Leinster, Leon, Lithuania, Lombardy, Lotharingia, Lothian, Mameluks, Moldavia, Morocco, Munster, Muscovy, Naples, Navarra, Nicaea, Normandy, Norway, Novgorod, Ottomans, Pamplona, Papacy, Pechenegs, Poland, Pomerania, Portugal, Provance, Ryazan, Saloniki, Savoy, Scotland, seljuks, Serbia, Sicily, Spain, Suzdal, Sweden, Switzerland, Teuton Order, The Palatinat, Palatinat, Trebizond, Tunisia, Turnovo, Tuscany, Ukraine, Ulster, Venetia, Venice, Wales, Wallachia, Wessex, York, Zenata, Zeta, Zirid
has_realms = Kent
Kingdoms_not_exist = Armenia ;This is the Triggerpoint
add_piety = -500
add_power = 1
add_piety = -1000
Only followings kingdoms can used for the triggerpoint:
Armenia, Brittany, Bohemia, Germany, Danemark, France, Georgia, Croatia, Lithuania, Muscovy, Norway, Novgorod, Poland, Sweden, Hungary,Wales
because all these kingdoms are in all AD 1000, 1200 and 1350 Century.
For more triggerpoints combine the triggerpoints.
Very good!
filename of the editor: unite_10 ;the bolt can you change, i used numbers !HM, KoH probably reads the file as well if you name it religion_10 or whatever, but that's something to be tested.
But what is exactly the effect? E.g. you make the plague event - does the plague then happen in some province or in the entire kingdom, and where is stated what will happen?
Some quest a like " search for a holy relict" comes sure in my next update. The next update will have so about 130 events and so 30 diffrent events. It works so far good in the KOH game. Only a big test after finished work show me, if my work good or not so good.. but i have a good feeling.
so what hapens when the quest takes place?
ok..the event come only in diffrent provinces of your own kingdom. The game stops and you read a messages where are the plague and what you want do now, you have every time two or more possible to decide .
before a quest started you become a messages about the quest, what you must do to resolve the quest. After finished the quest a new messages comes and you becomes your reward, but sometimes you decided which reward you want have. Many quest really happens in the century.
Pleague(plague?) comes only in provinces where this events really happens. Not every provinces become a event plague or famine. In the moment i stay in a library to looks for books of the old ages.But the time, when comes the event there is random.
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