This page contains a list of links to images. More details about these images are contained within other parts of the site. Due to server limitations and the fact that most of these images have been photocopied from originals at some time in the past, images tend to be of small and/or poor resolution.
Large Diameter - Operational Pictures
- Airapid system in operation at Muroran Steel Works. A section of elevated pipeline can be seen (left), and capsules (right).
- Beach's demonstration system, erected at the American Institute, Fourteenth Street, New York, 1867.
- Beach Pneumatic Transit, car at station.
- BHRA, capsule being loaded.
- Crystal Palace pneumatic railway demonstration.
- London Pneumatic Despatch Company's prototype system at Battersea Fields, 1861.
- London Pneumatic Despatch, showing the departure of the director's tour from the Holborn terminal.
- Magplane, Car with 300 kg of phosphate rock.
- Magplane, Magnet assembly rotated 180 degrees for inspection purposes.
- Magplane, End of the accelerator section and the hill climb at the Lakeland site.
- Magplane, Close-up of LSM winding showing end turns and back iron.
- Magplane, Load-Unload stations and transfer conveyor.
- Stoney Creek, Ontario. PCP capsule. June 1988.
- Sumitomo Capsule Liner, Turntable Type Batcher.
- Sumitomo Capsule Liner system in operation in Tochigi. Shown are a pair of capsules loaded with limestone.
- Transprogress, former Soviet Union.
- Tubexpress first prototype system, constructed in Georgia, USA. Dr. Carstens is seen on the right of the picture.
Large Diameter - Lab' Pictures
- Capsule Pipeline Research Centre test system at the University of Missouri, with Henry Liu.
- Pipe§net device prototype.
Large Diameter - Concept Pictures
- Bay Area Gravity-Vacuum Transit - Tube Transit, Inc.
- Bliktel/Molon Vols, 'Pneumatic Tubes'.
- Bliktel/Molon Vols, 'Container'.
- CargoCap, capsule in pipeline.
- CargoCap, loading/unloading.
- CargoCap, Scale model under construction.
- ET3 concept model.
- FTS, Passenger in travel, cross sectional view.
- Gilbert's pneumatically powered elevated system, New York.
- Subtrans underwater tube freight transportation systems.
- Tubexpress, showing operation under highway.
- Tubexpress, showing loading/unloading.
Large Diameter - Diagrams
- Capsule pipeline as a transport system.
- Flexitaxi, single-line station.
- London Pneumatic Despatch Company Prospectus Map.
- Magplane, Elevation view of pipe and capsule.
- Sumitomo Capsule Liner, showing main features of system.
- Sumitomo vertical PCP, used to extract soil capsules from a 35m deep shaft.
- Transprogress diagram, showing pneumatic mover and capsules.
Small Diameter
- Lamson pneumatic transfer system in operation, showing two types of despatching terminal.
- Lamson terminal from Browns of Workington, Cumbria now in the Cumberland Toy Museum in Cockermouth.
- London, Central Telegraph Office pneumatic tube table during the 1930s.
- London street tubes, automatic switch room (1930s).
- Parisian Pneumatic Post cylinders, new and old, showing the electrically conducting bands introduced after 1931.
- Parisian Pneumatic Post Network Map.
- Prague - View of the whole control system (montage of three separate photographs).
- Prague - Control heads of the main lines, with the buttons for programming the switches on the lines.
- Prague - Close up view of the capsule counter and lights displaying the status of the line.
- Prague - Inputs for sending capsules. The right one has an automatic cover lock to protect inputing the capsule if the line is in the incoming direction (it is the small cylinder on the left upper corner of the right input).