This page contains recent documents which do not directly relate to a specific scheme or organisation, but which often provide the best sources of background information.
Conference - International Symposium on Underground Freight Transportation by Capsule Pipelines and other Tube/Tunnel Systems
ISUFT organises events related to the development of underground freight and capsule pipeline transportation systems.
Related pages:
- ISUFT 2005, October 2005 - Shangai, China.
- ISUFT 3, September 2002, hosted by Ruhr-University Bochum. [cached text]
- ISUFT 2, September 2000. [cached text]
Innovative Transportation Technologies
Jerry Schneider's site, which includes a number of relevant items, both freight and passenger related. The site is a good place to look for announcements of new schemes and projects.
Public Roads - Tube Freight Transportation
The main findings of the US Department of Transportation's Dr Larry Vance and Milton K. Mills. A good background introduction. Further details are contained within 'Tube Transportation', Feb 1994, John A Volpe National Transportation Systems Centre, RSPA/VNTSC-SS-HW495-01. [cached text]
Emerging Construction Technologies - Pneumatic Capsule Pipeline
Summary of developments in PCP mid-2002, including vertical PCP information. [cached text]
Canadian Society for Civil Engineering - Building a Future
Capsule pipelines discussed at the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering's annual conference June 2000.
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New Scientist - Pipe Dream
New Scientist magazine has attempted to answer the question, what became of the 'enthusiasm' for capsule pipelines in the 1960s. 13 May 2000. [cached text]
Computerworld - Shipping goes down the Tubes
Computerworld's summary of developments in capsule pipelines at the start of 2001.,10801,58976,00.html [cached text] [alternative url]
Sudbury Mining Solutions Journal - Pneumatic propulsion proposed for transporting bulk material
Lionel Rudd (Laurentian University) on the application of PCPs to mining.
Lloyd's List - Pipeline Transportation plan to free up roads
The Dutch government encouragement for underground freight pipelines. October 23 2000.
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HSE - Safe Use of Pneumatic Air Tube Transport Systems for Pathology Specimens
Best practice guidance from the UK's Health and Safety Executive.
International Freight Pipeline Society
A society interested in all types of freight pipeline. Relatively little useful content, except perhaps for the membership list.